I couldn't function without the supply tote, really! I've used it for as long as I've been taking my computer along with me. Everything at your fingertips, not having to reach into a bag for something you forgot to pull out, or something not used often, no supplies cluttering up the table. It's soooooooo worth it!
One of my clients was just fascinated as I pulled out one thing after another as one atty then the next would ask him, "Do you have . . ." and I said, "I do." He said, "Wow, you have everything. It's like a toolbelt!" He cracks me up.
I agree! On my blog and the pic of my Gemini Revolution, I 'added' the tote off my table as I don't need the table with my tablet now, LOL! :) I 'missed' that tote something terrible the first job out w/my Rev! I attached some velcro and voila! :)