I know. I know. Jumping the gun. 2008 isn't even over. But . . .
So does anyone do their own 1099's for their scopist or proofer? Is it difficult to do? I want to send 1099's out this year, but I'm not sure how to go about it.
Thank you so much for the filetaxes.com info. I too have just one 1099 to file and I used filetaxes and WHAT A PLEASURE. The best $3.79 I've ever spent!
(Proofreader told me she doesn't make a tally, that she trusts the CR to report the correct figure. I told her BIG MISTAKE, that errors happen and why pay more taxes than you need to on money you never got. She said she'll be better next year. I re-added up my numbers and hope it's correct!)