I have taken the RPR exam three times. The first time, I failed all parts because of nerves, but even without being nervous I do not feel I was adequately prepared for the WKT. Now, I have passed my literary at 180, my jury at 200 and I am waiting to pass my Q&A at 225, but I still do not feel I am prepared for the WKT. What would you all recommend for the WKT? I have the study guides for the RPR, but everything you are studying for is not in the test so I do not really truly know exactly what to study for. Some of the things I learned in school, but there was quite a bit I didn't learn. What should I do to improve my knowledge and skills for passing the RPR on the fourth try in May? Please if anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it!

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Good for you on the JC and Lit.  I found the WKT basically just to be common sense.  Are you a working reporter?  When I took it, there were some computer questions on it.  For example, what would you find a pixel in?  Answer:  A picture or graphic.  What doe USB stand for?  Answer:  Universal Serial Bus.  I believe they are multiple choice, so if you think about the answer(s) with the question, you should be okay.  There was one that threw some of my friends off.  Who makes the decision on whether the witness affirms or swears to tell the truth.  It's always the witness.  That was one of the reasons I asked if you were a working reporter as most of the questions relate to things that you find in the field.  Good luck!

Tricia, thank you for you response. I am not a working reporter so this is very helpful to know. 

I know they used to use topics that were covered in articles in JCR magazines.  They probably still do.  You might want to go through issues of the JCR if you have them.

Janet, thank you for your comments. I actually read the JCR magazines all the time and I practice typing to them so now, I know to study them a little more and look for things that I may find on the test. Thank you for your help. 

I started a reply yesterday, bu the cat was at the keyboard.  There is more to passing a written test than knowing what's on it.  I have Florida teacher certification in English 6-12 and Elementary Education, and started with the Praxis.  I hit the required 176 for Praxis Reading on the first try.

Follow this strategy with the written: (1) Read the question (that question only).  Read it a second time, if necessary.  Be sure you understand exactly what it is asking.  Go to your four answers.  Mark off what is obviously not the correct answer (that should be two).  That leaves you two answers left. 

The two that are left, look for flaws in the answers (always, never), someing too definite, something too general.  Does the answer have reasoning.  What is the BEST answer.  Two could be good answers, but one in a best answer. 

Also, did you but the RPR study guide?  It's worth having.

Lol, Mary Jo, it's okay. Thank you so much for your input, this helps a great deal. I actually bought the RPR & RMR practice questions for the exam book, the little booklet with more practice questions and I have been reading the JCR magazines. I will definitely start doing what you said because that sounds more helpful as far as reading the question to understand it first, then mark off the obvious wrong answers and take the last two to decide what best fits. Again, thank you!

Think of your test skills as a board game and you are winning points.  Practice with other sample tests, like for medical, litigation.  Reading comprehension tests are a good practice tool too.  When I tutored at Huntington, they had their own tutoring books.  They hit on reading and math. 

The theory is to learn the comprehension skills, not the test answers.

I took and passed the RPR WKT back in 1995 while I was still a student in CA and don't remember much about it.  I have been out of the field for 13 years now and am getting back into it in TX.  I let my RPR lapse because I hadn't passed all the legs back in the '90s, so I had to retake the WKT. I just took it in Nov. 2012, and it was WAY harder than I remember it being!  I passed it with a 92% though.  I studied Court Reporting At Home's study guide for the WKT and took all their practice exams.  I felt it helped tremendously. I don't think any one source is going to prepare you completely for the test, but I felt confident and as prepared as I probably would ever be.  I also remember the hardest parts (for me) were the spelling and vocab. I expected more medical and legal terminology questions, but there were only a few of them.  I do remember one question was about a soffit.  I happened to know that one from a depo I had when I was reporting in the '90s.  I really thought many of the questions were geared toward working reporters and situations that might come up while on the job. I don't know if CRAH sells the WKT study guide and practice exams, but it wouldn't hurt to inquire.  http://www.courtreportingathome.com/  I hope this helps even a little!


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