K L King


Tampa, Florida

United States

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  • Sheryl Fort

    Haven't made it to FL yet. The goal is to get there before the end of the year. We vacationed in the Outer Banks back in the beginning of June and we had a great time. There's just something about the beach and seeing the ocean that has such a calming effect! Enjoy your weekend. Sheryl
  • Michael D. Chaney

    My Dear Friend:
    I haven't heard from you in so long; I thought you forgot about me. Now, I'm somewhat confused or forgetful. I don't know how I found out, probably from someone else and/or their site; but do please visit my sight. I have posted up there something in honor of you. lt's been up for such a long time, I thought you knew. I did it in honor of you because I'd heard you were having problems or worries or something like that...it was so long ago. Now, I've investigated and find out that either I didn't write you, the most important one or.....I don't know. But do visit my site and see what I've written in your honor for all my friends to see. I thought I'd sent it to all my student friends. If not, then I guess that global friend sending button doesn't work. I'm under the impression that all my student friends got this, but especially you. Please write back soon to tell me what you think or if it helped at all. I see others have written you and I thought I'd solved your problem. Your friend, indeed; Michael
  • Sue @ The Brief Zone

    Hi KL, check out The Brief Zone !
    Great Drilling Practice For Any Steno Theory...