Kyung's Blog – April 2009 Archive (4)

Mountains and Mountains of Exhibits

Do you ever get scared that you're going to be buried alive under a pile of exhibits? Sometimes I have to take a day just to get all my exhibits in order and get them out to the agency. It's craziness.

Don't you just love it when you have towering stacks of exhbits? Do you ever worry that they will topple over and all your exhibits from your different jobs will get mingle together?

Have you ever had to tear your office apart because you misplaced an exhibit and you know… Continue

Added by Kyung on April 17, 2009 at 17:48 — 2 Comments

Choo!! Choo!! Pity train pulling out. Feel free to jump on!!

I owe a boatload of taxes this year. And if that isn't enough. I've also got to scrounge up enough to pay my quarterlies too. Darn!!

They're due Wed. Postmarked!!

Added by Kyung on April 13, 2009 at 10:00 — 10 Comments

Doctor Depos - first year out

First a few things that are obvious but can be overlooked.

Doctor depos can be amazingly, mind-bogglingly difficult or really, really easy. It's the luck of the draw. If you get an easy one, figure the page rate is going to balance with the days the doctor has an accent so thick he might as well be speaking Klingon and no amount of money is going to compensate you.

That being said EVERYONE can take a doctor's depo. EVERYONE. Of course, the caveat is if the questioning… Continue

Added by Kyung on April 5, 2009 at 6:00 — 2 Comments

Tomorrow my baby is five

Tomorrow my baby is five. She is not a baby anymore. She's a little girl. We're having a birthday party for her, and I know she's looking forward to it.

I, on the other hand, am a little bittersweet. My baby is growing up. She still says that she wants to live with me forever. I'll remind her when she tries to go away for college. Better yet, I'll videotape her saying it.

But really, if you've seen my pics of my daughter. She's lost her baby chubs. She's a little girl,… Continue

Added by Kyung on April 4, 2009 at 21:00 — 2 Comments

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