I must say, sometimes I think attorneys are psychic. Have you noticed how when one attorney starts canceling depos, then all the other depositions on calendar start canceling. It's like one attorney spooked them all, and they're all headed for the cancellation cliff.
It's amazing how that works. And I notice it's not just for one agency. It's like all the attorneys get together and decide, okay, Wednesday, we're all not going to work and if we have depos scheduled, we're just going…
Added by Kyung on March 3, 2009 at 15:34 —
So do you ever go to those depos w/all your luggage in hand and then have to climb up narrow flights of stairs?
You would think the attorney would have a handicap-accessible office? After all, they're attorneys for goodness sake. Aren't they supposed to be making sure the law is not abused.
Feel free to share your pet peeves.
Added by Kyung on February 24, 2009 at 9:11 —
I have a cold and it's driving me batty. It's just low level. Nothing easily visible, painting a target on my back w/she's sick!!
No, No. Just an energy-zapping, sore throat kind of thing. No coughing unless in depo. Of course, then there's the persistent tickle that never goes away no matter how many cough lozenges you take.
I've had it about a week now. Just kind of a check congestion. Taking cold Tylenol at night, but really tired.
Hope everyone out there is…
Added by Kyung on February 19, 2009 at 18:06 —
Here's more things I wish I knew my first year out.
It's a little slow; right? Or not. But you're looking to expand your base of people for whom you're working. You're getting calls from out-of-state agencies. You're getting e-mails from CSRnation from nationwide firms. But you don't know them. Do you really want to give them your Social Security number?
Probably not. That's why you should apply for an EIN (Employee identification number) or TIN (taxpayer identification…
Added by Kyung on February 11, 2009 at 8:30 —
I keep hearing about how slow it is and how bad it's getting out there.
Well, I think back in the 80's the court reporting field went through something similar. I'd love to hear from the reporters who were working back in the 80's and who are still working now. How does this recession compare to back then?
I think one of the problems back then was the contracting, which continues to be a problem these days with these huge firms trying to be all things.
If this…
Added by Kyung on February 4, 2009 at 20:16 —
No, seriously. I'm not going blind, nor am I going deaf. Just sometimes you feel like you're doing more lip reading than listening. The other day I actually had the attorney say to his deponent before the depo started to speak up and speak clearly and not to cover their mouth with their hands, a lot of court reporters are lip reading. The deponents say, I kid you not, I don't move my lips that much when I speak. Oh, yeah. It was a joyous depo. Not!!
Also, have you ever gotten…
Added by Kyung on February 2, 2009 at 20:15 —
1 Comment
Wow!! My head is spinning. This month is almost over. I can't believe it.
The good news, I haven't been writing 2008 on all my checks. Of course, that's probably just bec. I haven't been writing any checks. I'm just letting them pile up until the bill collectors arrive at my door. Just kidding. And don't worry you scopists and proofers out there. I'm still paying you on time. But it did seem extra fast to me.
The bad news. I hear in California they're not going to be…
Added by Kyung on January 30, 2009 at 5:53 —
So I've been doing the single parent gig this week. Man, it's a lot of work.
Kudos to all you moms and dads who do it on your own all the time.
So far, I've been working local and at decent hours w/attorneys who understand that a 12-hour depo does not a good reporter make. I've had local jobs, so even if we finished up late, I've been able to run over and pick up my daughter. I haven't had to call on the grandparents once.
However, that may change today since I…
Added by Kyung on January 21, 2009 at 7:38 —
I know. I know. It's the 21st century and I should be looking up everything online. But there are certain words that I just can't remember, like X ray, X-ray, and x-ray so I always go to my trusty dictionary and look it up. Actually, I've marked the spot.
I suppose I could look it up online. And I'm sure the answer would be right. But once in a while, what's on the Internet sometimes isn't right. (I know. Fancy that.)
I also like having a dictionary that I can just go and…
Added by Kyung on January 13, 2009 at 15:23 —
Well, you know, you have those days when the attorney is a motor mouth. When things are just flying. (Yes, I did tell him to slow down. Another one of those attorneys who can't help themselves.) On those days, I go home feeling quite beat down. It's a hard job. You just hate going back over the job bec. you know you'll have to fix so many untranslates.
Well, one way to look at it is you're dictionary building. This is your chance to add another hundred words to your dictionary. This…
Added by Kyung on January 11, 2009 at 15:44 —
1 Comment
So I'm taking this depo. And the term "make it rain" comes up.
Do you know what it means?
Added by Kyung on January 9, 2009 at 15:08 —
Wall Street Journal
Just a little article w/a quote from our own Marge Teilhaber (TILE hobber).
Added by Kyung on January 9, 2009 at 6:30 —
after instant rebate
after mail-in rebate
after minimum purchase
sales tax not included.
How is that free? Why am I paying sales tax for an item that I supposedly am getting for free? No money is changing hands here, why do I have to pay sales tax? Am I paying sale tax on the discounted price? What's going on?
Added by Kyung on January 6, 2009 at 9:47 —
So today wa a fun day in federal court. We had regular motions in one courtroom. In the next courtroom, we had readback for the F-13 trial.
So court starts at 8 a.m. We start a little late. We do a couple of motions. Judge asks if parties are here for motions set at 8:30. No. Recess.
8:30 start. Of course, for some reason, 3/4th of the attorneys decide to show up at 8:31 a.m. So as the judge is calling all the cases, the attorneys are coming and I have no freakin' idea who…
Added by Kyung on January 5, 2009 at 20:30 —
So it's more interesting for me to read the newspaper these days bec. oftentimes I see a newspaper story about a case that is being tried in a courtroom that I am working in. These are by no means "high profile", but it's always interesting to get some of the back story of a case.
As you know, a lot of reporters only get to hear small portions of cases. So it's exciting to learn some of the circumstances surrounding a case that you're working on. And it's also interesting bec. I…
Added by Kyung on January 4, 2009 at 21:54 —
Probably not the best filing system. But, hey, at least you have receipts.
Here's a secret. The tax person doesn't really want to see your receipts. Mostly they want to know that you have them. But really, they don't want to see you coming through their door w/ a plastic bag of random receipts.
Basically, they'll sit you down and ask questions. So you should spend some time preparing before your interview w/the tax person.
Documents the tax person will want bec.…
Added by Kyung on January 4, 2009 at 21:08 —
There's lots of discussions on here about backing up your data. And I know you're always wondering what's a good website. There's also a thread about Carbonite.
Well, here's your chance to start your new year off right and back up everything so you won't lose anything. And they're having a sale.
Usually it's $49.95/year. Two-year subscription is $89.95. Three years is $134.95,
But right now you can sign up and get 15% off. That's a deal. So $42.45 for one year,…
Added by Kyung on January 4, 2009 at 10:07 —
Exhibits everywhere but where they're supposed to be.
I dedicate this blog to those exhibits that the attorney takes off with at the end of the deposition so you have to chase them down the hall. I have done this. I'm looking through my exhibits, and they're racing out of the room. I usually chase after them and catch up with them by the elevators. Another reason not to wear stilettos to the depo. Although I hear they do great things for your legs.
Here's to the exhibits…
Added by Kyung on December 29, 2008 at 15:30 —
Come on, people!!
Is it me, or shouldn't this have been taken care of when they made it illegal to drive and talk on the cell phone at the same time w/out your hands-free bluetooth or headset?
It boggles my mind that people are out there on the freeway eating, drinking, talking on the phone, and texting all at the same time? Who are these multi-armed freaks of nature?
Granted, I have eaten in my car. I have had a drink or two while driving (all non-alcoholic).…
Added by Kyung on December 28, 2008 at 20:47 —
Disneyland website
I really like Disneyland. But it is expensive. So if you feel like going for your birthday, here's one way you can get in for free.
Added by Kyung on December 28, 2008 at 20:33 —
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