Lisa Breiter's Blog (6)

my thoughts on health insurance

Sadly, the town hall meetings that congresspeople are having are being reduced to shouting matches. I fear that what happened with health care reform in 1993 will happen now again. That means that my government will have burned me twice, getting my hopes up that I will be able to afford health insurance and then dashing my hopes and not knowing where to turn. It was an issue for me in 1993 and an even bigger issue now.

In 2008 my husband got laid off and I was the breadwinner of the family… Continue

Added by Lisa Breiter on August 10, 2009 at 15:14 — 2 Comments

Don't you know, this is how I spend all my breaks on my jobs? Bathrooms and food are not required!

THE WITNESS: Then procedure is skin treatment done, skin checked, clean and examined for any redness or open areas. Dermagran ointment applied to inguinal area and buttocks every shift. Baza Cream 2 percent AF applied to right heel as a skin barrier.

THE REPORTER: If you read just a little slower, I wouldn't have to interrupt so much.

MS. ATTORNEY: And during the breaks, since these are typed, I bet you can clean it up by actually looking at the typed record.

Witness: nurse… Continue

Added by Lisa Breiter on May 27, 2009 at 8:39 — 4 Comments

Hallelujah, payment has come!

As some may have read, I've been struggling with getting paid by an agency for work I took in January and February. I finally did get my $772.00!

Here's what I did right in this situation:

1. Kept good documentation, copies of e-mails, copies of my invoices.

2. Kept after them. At first it was friendly reminders, then every time they called me for a job, I reminded them they owed me money. Then when the phone calls stopped, we started an e-mail and phone call blitz between… Continue

Added by Lisa Breiter on May 26, 2009 at 15:41 — 5 Comments

What would you do in this situation?

Here is the testimony. I don't know why I didn't ask them afterward. It was a long day and I was tired.

Q What's his address in Florida?

A It is 10 Main Street.

MR. SMITH: Why don't we deal with giving you the address privately, can we agree on that? My client's been shot at by somebody. I don't want his address in a public document.

MS. JONES: You mean you just want this off the record, his address?

MR. SMITH: Yeah. Can we strike the part about the… Continue

Added by Lisa Breiter on May 24, 2009 at 9:26 — 10 Comments

Frustration continues

I have resolved that I am going to get my payment come hell or high water.

My husband is helping me in this endeavor by calling their office 3 times today and is going there tomorrow to get the "promised" check that probably won't be there.

The e-mails I am getting from the owner seem to be the runaround like I'll Fed Ex a check and don't send your husband here, he is bothering my staff.

i just sent an e-mail saying that since they didn't pay me, I can only… Continue

Added by Lisa Breiter on May 21, 2009 at 17:17 — 6 Comments

Frustration sets in because I can't get paid

In January, when my main agency was slow, I took a few jobs for another agency. It was either not work at all or take a chance. I had worked for them many years ago and they were very slow in paying and it took a while but I finally got paid from them. I had also heard rumors that now they didn't pay at all and to be careful. Why, oh, why didn't I listen to those rumors? I decided it would only be a few jobs and I would not extend much credit. I even told the scheduler that I had heard these… Continue

Added by Lisa Breiter on May 18, 2009 at 11:07 — 12 Comments

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