Marla Sharp's Comments

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At 6:07 on April 2, 2009, Kyung said…
1099 thread is the website.
At 15:09 on March 29, 2009, Kyung said…
How about Laguna Beach to catch a sunset.The Rooftop

Then there's The Cliff.

If you're looking a little more mainland, there's lots of fine wine shops where we could do some winetasting.

Or we might have some whine & cheeze in view of the economy at the following places
Symposium Wine Bar
The Winery Maybe a Friday happy hour or very late Saturday happy hour kind of thing.

Anyhoo, just some suggestions.
At 6:46 on March 29, 2009, Kyung said…

When's the next social? I think people are getting antsy.

OC? Riverside? SD? SF (road trip!!) Just kidding.
At 19:35 on March 22, 2009, Mariana Kabadaian said…
Hi, Marla! We met at the Standard downtown a couple of months ago. I was there with my friend Nadia Mitina. Thank you for your kind words!! I am really excited!
At 10:32 on March 20, 2009, Mirosalva said…
Hi Marla,

Thank you for your help. It worked! I've been troubleshooting all of my Eclipse problems on my own. In this economic crisis, I'm not able to have luxury of Eclipse Tech Support. I'm am so glad I joined Eclipse Group. Have a great weekend!
At 20:00 on February 28, 2009, Kyung said…
Check out my latest video on the main page.
At 5:58 on February 18, 2009, Kyung said…
It's coming up!! Good luck. Don't be nervous!! You'll do great.
At 13:06 on February 10, 2009, Christine Kirley said…
Thanks, Marla. I sent them what they wanted, but without the personal info. They are okay with that until I cover a job for them. That will give me a little more time. Identify theft is a big concern of mine, having had some issues this past year. I'll try Kyung. Thanks for that.
At 9:58 on February 9, 2009, Leslie L. White said…
Marla, this is a cool thing to do! One thing I haven't figured out is how to find out what jobs are available to TAKE as a court reporter? I see how where you go to cover a job as an agency but how about the reporter who needs work. (4 day job just cancelled this week...boooo!)
I enjoyed meeting you at the 10th outing! look forward to more.
At 13:55 on January 26, 2009, Mike Gaines said…

Thanks so much for the invite.

Hope to make it. Have a depo that day (Sat!) in Santa Barbara!

At 6:59 on January 26, 2009, Kyung said…
Buenos dias, Senora. Como Esta?

Can you add foreign words/geography to the Words group.

At 11:04 on January 24, 2009, Kyung said…
Looks good. I noticed that a lot of people from my area have suddenly joined lately. Maybe they'll come.
At 7:38 on January 24, 2009, Kyung said…

Don't forget to put your social on the events list on the front page.
At 12:05 on January 23, 2009, Kyung said…
I think the turnout is going to be really good for your social. Yay!!
At 7:11 on January 21, 2009, Kyung said…
Are you going to the DRA convention? Maybe we can have social meeting at the Fairmont.
At 23:10 on January 19, 2009, Gale Lucas said…
Hi Marla!

Good to have you as a CSRnation friend. As always, I admire all your energy. One day I would love to make it to one of the parties. They sound like a lot of fun.

Stay in touch!

At 22:26 on January 19, 2009, Mike Gaines said…

Hi. It wasn't me who referred you to that person. (What a great name. I wouldn't have forgotten it!) Thanks for adding me to your list. If next event isn't on a Tues, Weds or Thurs eve., I'd really like to come. Have a lot of committments through most of Feb.

And yes, Gale Lucas is a real doll, figuratively and literally!

At 15:16 on January 19, 2009, Mike Gaines said…

Thanks for the Friend invite. Always looking for new people to work with. I'm primarily (90%) working for other agencies, video firms, etc., and have a hand-full of attorney clients.

Would love for you to consider me next time you need a videographer. And to pay you a commision or finder's fee of course! Thanks. Mike
At 14:29 on January 18, 2009, Kyung said…
Glad it worked out. Yay!! So are you going to update to the latest and greatest?
At 6:43 on January 17, 2009, Kyung said…
So did it work? Is it just like the "old" days?

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