Pattie Walker's Comments

Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 9:54 on December 28, 2009, Pam Martin said…
Hi Patti, Thank for the Birthday wish. It is nice to have friends out there who remember it because being in the middle of the Holidays it sometimes gets kind of lost. Hope things are going well with you!

At 14:11 on December 9, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…
Hehehe! Don't you just love Dr. Seuss? I'm so glad you liked it, Pattie! :)

Hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you! God bless!

At 10:42 on December 8, 2009, Pattie Walker said…
Thanks, Christine, for the birthday greetings from Dr. Seuss. It brightened my whole day. It is very much apprecited.


Pattie Walker
At 9:24 on December 8, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…

At 20:51 on December 8, 2008, Pam Martin said…
Happy Birthday Pattie! Hope it was a good one.

At 15:12 on December 8, 2008, Tami said…
Our kids sound alike!

I still love mine, too. :)
At 14:58 on December 8, 2008, Jessica K. Belcher said…
You're welcome! Have a stellar day. That's pretty harsh what they say, but I'm sure they mean it with all the love possible! :)
At 14:26 on December 8, 2008, Tami said…
Happy Birthday!
At 9:36 on December 8, 2008, Jessica K. Belcher said…
Happy B-Day!
At 21:53 on October 8, 2008, Daniele Self said…

If you are up, we need an Eclipse scopist ASAP, tonight! Email if you can help!!!!

At 17:08 on October 6, 2008, Sonia Renee Foreman Smith said…
I am very interested, in a crunch time. Need speed and accuracy. I am an official reporter, L.A. Superior court. Please call me, if I don't reach you first. Plenty of work. Sincerely, Sonia Renee Smith, CSR 11512 (714) 585-8603
At 22:31 on December 23, 2007, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
please join the Scopist group to your right.
just click "Scopist" and "Join Scpists group"

We are into our 2nd week, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.

Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
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if you have any questions please let me know.

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