Aleece DePuey's Comments

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At 18:04 on November 13, 2012, Quyen said…

Ha! I just saw your profile pic -- awesome!  :D

At 15:49 on November 2, 2009, Janet said…

At 14:55 on November 2, 2009, kathy - iamwrdsmth said…
wow, Aleece, how do you find time for court reporting?
You are a very busy gal!
Welcome to CSR Nation, and Happy Birthday to you!
Kathy Hettick
At 11:12 on November 2, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…

At 13:18 on July 13, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…
Hi, Aleece:

I like Tri-Community, and I'm sure you will, too. What speed are you in?

A lot of classmates, who are transfer students (including myself -- I originally came from Bryan College in Los Angeles), tell me that one of the big reasons they like Tri-Community is that they DO teach realtime have plenty of qualifiers tests (for us when we get up into the 225 speed), and give you a great realtime ready dictionary, so you're more than able to start working right out of graduation/certification.

There's one classmate that already passed his CSR, but he goes to our school because he was never taught realtime at his school. He's now at our school trying to build up his dictionary, etc. I don't remember what school he came from though.

Are you done with your academic classes? We have English, Medical, Legal, Depo Procedures, and Transcript Prep in our campus.

If you do decide to come over to Tri-Community, I totally recommend going FULL-TIME! It's so hard when students go part-time, like I did for several years (financial issues -- had to work full-time during the day). Why? Because there are only in session TWO times a week on your steno machine -- Mondays and Wednesdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays in our school are reserved for academic classes only.

Yes, the staff and most of the students are super friendly! :) It's a very nice, relaxing campus too, I think. :)

Another HUGE benefit at Tri-Community is their tuition -- almost NOTHING compared to other schools! Only $80 a term (which runs about 2-3 months), and if you have a high attendance percentage (forgot the exact number), you get a $50 discount when you register for the next term. Thus, many students only pay $30 a term! (Not including books and supplies). That's a GREAT DEAL!

Please let me know if there is any other question you have that I can help with. Hope this info helped a bit, Aleece! Let me know what you decide on doing! GOOD LUCK!


I'm a Steno Nerd!
At 5:24 on July 11, 2009, Tina Ritchie Zingo said…
I'm very satisfied with DigitalCat. Yes, it is made by Stenovations. The three things I like about the program are that there's no authorization key, you don't have to finance it, and you can adjust your edit keyboard, "turbo keys," to match any court reporting program you've had previously, so you don't have to learn new key strokes. I can't give you any comparison with other programs though, since this is the only software I've ever used, besides Cheetah's TurboCat, many years ago, and I don't think they're in existence anymore.
I'll be glad to answer any other questions you may have.
At 13:34 on July 10, 2009, Stephanie Fernandez, RMR said…
Well, that's good. I'm glad you're more satisfied with your machine now :)
At 11:49 on July 10, 2009, Stephanie Fernandez, RMR said…
Hi Aleece,
I read your post in the Mira or Stylus thread, and I wanted to let you know I also have a Stentura 8000 LX, but I had it shimmed and the touch feels so much better. Might be something to consider.
Hope you're doing well.
At 17:23 on July 9, 2009, Glen Warner said…
Hi, Allece.

Thanks for adding me as a friend!

So, how much do you think you would end up with if you were to get a dime for each time you mentioned ol' Cheap and Sleazy ...? :oP

"For a Good (steno) Time ...."
At 15:27 on July 9, 2009, Stephanie Theophilos said…
Congratulations on moving to 140s!
At 13:22 on July 9, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…
Hi, Aleece.

Thanks for the friend add!

What school do you go to? What speed are you in?

I go to Tri-Community in Covina. I'm trying to get out of my 160s before the end of this month! Hopefully, it'll happen!

Hope you have a great day! :)


I'm a Steno Nerd!
At 19:30 on June 28, 2009, Kyung said…
Yep. You don't need a CSR. I think you might need your RPR though.
At 22:22 on June 26, 2009, Stephanie Fernandez, RMR said…
Hello Aleece, the CSR was today. It was really a great experience. I won't get the results until August, but when the time comes, you can rest assured, it's the nicest test you'll ever hear.
How do you like Sage? I considered enrolling there, but couldn't afford it.
Anyway, now that the test is over with, we're off the Vegas for a week. . .
Have a good weekend :)
At 6:43 on June 5, 2009, Kyung said…
Feel free to ask me any specific questions you have or general.
At 6:42 on June 5, 2009, Kyung said…
I got into the federal system quite by accident. My friend was a federal reporter and she talked me into filling out the application. I applied and got hired on as a pro tem. I think you first have to hired on as a pro tem. Then if there are any judges who need a regular reporter, there's a "trial period" where different reporters will sit out with the judge to see if there is a match between the judge and his staff.

AS a pro tem reporter, the calendar coordinator usually sends out an e-mail saying this trial is availabe or they need coverage for a courthouse on such-and-such day. Then you contact them to tell them you're available. It's kind of working like for another agency. You get a per diem. If you have your CRR, then you get a higher per diem. They're looking for reporters who provide realtime, so I suggest you work on your realtime.

Things sometimes don't transcribe for months. You have to upload your notes to the federal website and keep everything forever. Not really, but it feels like it.
At 21:00 on September 26, 2008, Stephanie Fernandez, RMR said…
I'm a student in Riverside too, but I'm commuting to Cerritos College. I couldn't afford Sage, but I'm sure it's a great school. I started last year, and I love it. When did you start?
At 11:00 on August 18, 2008, Bill Flannigan said…
There is a great group on Yahoo called the legalvideoforum. They have all the info you could ever need to answer your questions. Check it out- I think that is the best source out there.

At 13:09 on August 3, 2008, Sue @ The Brief Zone said…
Hi Aleece, check out The Brief Zone !
Great Drilling Practice For Any Steno Theory...
At 17:56 on July 15, 2008, stephanie jones said…
hey there aleece!!! you sent me that article and now i am a member! hope all is going well for you! i have to go to a pop warner football meeting in a few minutes. see you tomorrow at school!
At 16:27 on May 12, 2008, Christine Kirley said…
Hi Aleece,
Yes, Meg thought it would be a good replacement picture. Yes, I am very proud of Megan. Reporting school is very hard work, as you know.
How is school going for you?

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