Kim Gibney's Comments

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At 13:22 on February 18, 2008, Carol Holmes said…
Hey Kim.... I never answered your question from forever ago, but yes, I too am in Simply Steno...and I love !!!!

I have heard of Mark's theory, but haven't checked it out. I've heard a lot of good things about it though!!
At 18:28 on February 12, 2008, Robin L. said…
Hi! I'm very familiar with Satsuma. We lived in Denham Springs. In fact, we still own our house there, against our will, lol. Is your brother a developer?
I'm working on the Realtime/Realwrite theory thru Penn Foster, which is basically working completely on your own. They just supply the materials. I've heard great things about Klingsbury. I may get his book after I finish my theory for some shorter writing help. I just need to get this theory done period!

It sounds like you're going to be in great shape in May. Have you already taken the written portion?

At 9:15 on February 6, 2008, Robin L. said…
Hi! Is your family going crazy with all that traffic in Baton Rouge now? It's insane there. We were glad to get away...not that I don't love the southern part of the state, but still!
I can't wait to get started with Simply Steno. I'm hoping to start in March/April. Where were you wpm-wise when you started, if you don't mind my asking? I'd love some first hand student knowledge of how you like the program!

At 4:48 on February 1, 2008, S. Arielle said…
LOL LOL No, they don't drool...I know a lot of people think that, but no. They do shed but the hairs are short. One dog you wouldn't notice as much but since we have 4, it's noticeable, but they are only on the main floor. The bad part is we have mahogony wood floors all throughout the main floor except the kitchen so you notice it. So we have to vacuum every day.On light floors you wouldn't notice it.
They are very easy to train. They are the most lovable dogs around.
At 16:50 on January 27, 2008, Rhoda Collins said…
You can email and talk with them. They don't pay much, but the 'experience' has really helped me now that I am doing CR work. My dictionary is bigger; I understand mumbling people better and accents better; working with Case easier than students right out of school. I was gettting 80 cents per audio minute. Peanuts, but I am happy I did it. rho
At 10:18 on January 24, 2008, tphaeulz said…
Thanks so much!
At 13:38 on January 22, 2008, Michele Kohar said…
Congratulations on passing your tests. Keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll do well in May
At 17:11 on January 21, 2008, S. Arielle said…
Congrats on passing your tests.....ahhhh the pressure!!! It's a good feeling though when you pass those tests. I love court reporting. I think you have to love it. it's not an easy field, but it's very rewarding.

I'm breeding my female in 6 months, so if your husband is interested I'll let you in about 8-9 months puppies will be available. They are awesome.

Whitehall is right here. it's so nice to know there's reporters close by.....maybe we can hang out for coffee and chitchat
At 16:57 on January 19, 2008, Gretchen said…
Funny you were just in New Olreans. I went to Philadelphia and Delaware after Xmas and am going back in a couple weeks. It's cold enough here though so I hope it warms up some when I get there.
At 9:14 on January 19, 2008, Rich Germosen said…
Hi, Kim.

Glad you like the website.

I'm in North Brunswick. Where did you used to live in Jersey?
At 10:22 on January 14, 2008, Carol Holmes said…
Hey Kim, nice to meet you!!! Looks like you are close to being done in school! Congratulations!!! I've been in and out of school for about 10 years. Took some loooooooooooooong breaks in there, but I'm back and hoping to wrap it up soon! :)

How long has it taken you to get to where you are in speed?

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