U.S. Court Reporting is a home-run company in Southern California that I believe is running a fraudulent business. The owner is a non-CSR and will contact a reporter one time to take a job, then never pay, never answer the phone, never return voice mail messages. It is my belief that she (the owner) has no intention of ever paying reporters who work for her, but just to pocket the money.

So far I'm aware of six reporters in and around Northern California who have had this experience with her. If there are others out there, I'd like to know. Maybe we can file a claim with the DA in her county?

Carole Browne

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What is your email address, Carole? Mine is anita@anitapaul.com
Can you tell me more about this Elizabeth Mitchell and where exactly she is based out of?
Elizabeth Mitchell runs U.S. Court Reporting out of Tustin, California (Orange County).
I am yet another "victim" of Elizabeth Mitchell, US Court Reporting. Her website is www.uscourtreporting.com. It looks legit. She told me she started the business in 2005. She is NOT a CSR. She told me she basically "marketed" herself to attorneys and insurance companies. She runs her business out of 13800 Parkcenter Lane, APARTMENT No. 733, Tustin, CA 92782. Want to know how I know this? Well, the depo I took for her was 3/5/07. I live in Northern California. In late July, I had to take my daughter to San Diego for college placement exams and I decided to drop in on our friend, Liz, since she still had not fricken paid me and seemed to be ignoring my many calls and e-mails. She had given me the address above to send the certs, except she told me it was SUITE 733, so my certs came back to me. (Another story for later.) So I found her "office." (Very nice apartment complex, by the way.) I knocked on her door...no answer. I then knocked on her neighbor's door and asked if Liz Mitchell lived next door and he told me she did. So I then left my business card on her door stating, "I happened to be in the neighborhood and thought I'd just stop by and pick up my check personally. Sorry I missed you!" Still, no response.

I am compiling a list of reporters who have also been duped by this woman. So far, I have eight who have also not been paid and two who somehow got paid. (Said they got nasty, but I think the rest of us have, too.) Must be the luck of the draw! We'll figure out the next step after we get as many names as possible. You have any more info?
Debra. It just so happens I live very close to this person. Let me know of all the people who have not been paid by this idiot. This woman is a tiny fish compared to what I usually go after..........
Rachel, I am someone she owes money to. Please call me if you can at (925) 934-8884. I'd love to have an ali that lives close by her. She is scum!
Hi Carole. I am Marisa Barley, Barley & Associates, in Walnut Creek, CA., another victim of Liz and US Court Reporting. We took a job for her in November. I would love to join in on the complaint. Give me a call if you have time (925) 934-8884.
Hi, Carole. Irene Abbey here. I'm another victim. I haven't been paid for a job I took last June. Numerous e-mails and phone calls have been unreturned, as late as yesterday. I've just sent a formal demand letter in anticipation of filing Small Claims, but I'm afraid I won't be able to serve her. I can't find any fictitious business name filing in Orange County for a business called U. S. Court Reporting, but I'd sure like to be part of any complaint that's made with the DA or anybody else. This is just plain wrong, that someone is out there defrauding a lot of hard-working reporters. My number is 805-647-8776. I'm in Ventura. I've thought of talking to the attorney for whom I worked that day and trying to get payment somehow working backwards from the US Court Reporting client to Liz. Thanks to whomever is going to help us get our money from this crook!
So, I thought I had a clever idea......a couple weeks ago and again this morning, I sent Liz an email telling her I am in Orange County and looking to put my name on more freelance lists and to please call me if she needs any help. She didn't seem to fall for the bait! Darn!! I thought it would be perfect if she contacted me, I took a job for her, and when I got to the job, after taking it, I would fill the client in on what is going on, and if they still owed her money, to not pay her, and also, after I was finished with the job, I would only give it to her on a COD basis and not only have it be my charge, but also what all of you reporters are owed. So then at that point, my guess would be that she still wouldn't pay it, so then I could go directly to the client and inform him that if he wants the transcript, he's going to have to pay me; that I would produce it and all, and hopefully he would turn over any payments he has not paid her, to me to pay you guys.
Nice thought, eh, but obviouly she has caught on or is not even in business anymore, although her emails do go through. Whenever I hear stories where one of my own are taken advantage of, I get totally vindictive and want to help out any way I can, even when I wasn't the one taken advantage of..... I hope she gets what she deserves and you all get paid!
I received an e-mail this morning from Marisa (above), since I'm part of a group that gets invited to a So Cal CSR outing, warning reporters about our friend Liz. It mentioned some of the info that's been passed along on this site. I don't expect to ever get paid for my work, but at least I think the word is getting out warning others not to work for her. Liked your idea of the COD for the whole amount owed to all of us, though. Sorry it didn't work.
Yup, seeing the email on the evite list is what reminded me I was going to respond about what I tried on here =)
Wow, that is amazing. And yes, probably a good idea. I'll just stay clear! Thanks!


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