I've been wanting to get a discussion started on the small-word phrases, so it is easily accessible here -- i.e., not buried on page 30, etc., in the Comment Wall -- and in referencing the Magnum Steno book.
I sent Christine and Megan a list of small-word phrases culled from just the first few minutes of my job the other day. Small-word phrases are a GOLD MINE that 99% of court reporters do not prospect:
I have a A*EUF
for you TPOU
if you TPU
on the OT
and if SKPEUF
to come TOPBLG (-J is "come" in phrases)
that the THAT
to the TOT
is this STH-
is a SA
is the S-T
as the S*T
we are WER
do they TKAOTD (-TD is "they" in phrases)
so much SOFP
to have TO*F
I want to TOEUPT
at the TE
last night HRA*PBSZ
and it's SKPEUTS
pretty much PREFP
that I THAEU
with them W-FPL (-FPL is "them" in phrases)
we have to be TWO*EFB (simply a purposeful stack)
in order TPHORD
in order to TPHORTD
they had THED
to do TOD
and they SKP-TD
they had to THOED
sort of SOFRT
who had WHOD
off the OFT
but the PWUTD
was to TO*FS
as far STPAR
they have TH*EF
they think TH*EPBG
and yet SKPWRET
with us WUS
we shouldn't W*ERBD