Breck Record commented on my blog post about RT scoping and has given permission for me to copy and paste it here. Breck has been using Hamachi to facilitate live scoping. Here's his comment:

I don't want to toot my horn here too much, but if you look in the JCR from last month, not the most recent one, I wrote an article about this exact subject.

I can't speak too much about Case Catalyst, but I can tell you what I've been doing on Eclipse for a couple of years now.

I live in El Paso, and my scopist is in Port Aransas. I've successfully hooked up with her over the internet using a program called Hamachi. What she and I are able to do in that scenario and with Stenolink option within Eclipse is be able for her to scope the job in realtime on her computer, and, she is able to listen to the audio from my laptop. What Eclipse does in this regard, using Stenolink, is that I set up my realtime like I always do for jobs, but under the output options, I choose Stenolink and this sends the note file across the Internet to her computer and it retrans on her end. So, two files translating at the same time. But, like I said, with Hamachi, this allows her to be able to go back to my computer for the audio.
Her file is the final file for the attorneys at the end of the day. At this point, all of her editing changes only stay on her end. All I would get, if anything, are any globals that she were to apply to her job. Those would come back to my computer and update my file.

Now, I have done this, and do this frequently, even in my office through my office network with my scopist that works in El Paso.

With Case, I believe they talk about using Folder Share or some other ways to do that. I don't want to speak on behalf of Case, but I know that there are some reporters that have done something similar to this. Not sure of the logistics. The only problem I have with the GoToMyPC is that the scopist basically overtakes the reporter's computer. Basically.

Hamachi is a free program ...but you can also purchase it with some added feature which aren't necessary...and it establishes a VPN (virtual private network) connection between computers, and, it assigns your computer a specific IP address that stays with your computer. It has its own IP address protocols that begin with the number 5.??.??.?? instead of the normal designation with 1.??.??.?? or whatever you are normally used to seeing.

This is very basic explanation, but just wanted you scopists to know that this technology has been around for some time, but just not a lot of talk about it.

Also, I'm on the NCRA Tech committee and am in charge of putting on two Realtime Troubleshooting seminars in Anaheim where we are planning on trying to get as many vendors together as possible, from the reporting software side as well as the viewing software side and have hands-on seminars to teach reporters how to troubleshoot and feel comfortable with being able to confidently walk into a room with attorneys and hook up their laptops successfully.

Hope that helps,
(tipping hat)

Thanks again for sharing that info, Breck!

Linda :)

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Just joined this group, Linda - and thanks for the Eclipse info.


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