Court Reporter-Videographer Dynamic

Reporters:  Have you ever refused or requested not to work with a particular videographer? If you would care to tell why, that would be great. Thanks.

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    George Larkins

    The best way to avoid a shoddy videographer is twofold. First, I recommend using a technician that has gone through a certification process of either NCRA, CLVS or the AGCV program. Secondly, if your firm is sending out non-certified technicians then suggest they look into who they are having represent them in the field. The technician who has obtained certification has been schooled in both the proficient use of the equipment as well as deposition room etiquette. You may find an extensive list of certified technicians at the respective websites. Unfortunately, some firms choose to send low paid and high turnover technicians for short sighted profit.

    Now, that you have done your due diligence you have some recourse. If the certified technician is behaving inappropriately gently take them aside and advise them of your concern. If they continue and ignore your request then please contact the certifying agency and report the behavior. 

    I am a CLVS and have been recording video depositions for 36 years.

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      Brian Durborow

      I own a legal video business in NJ. I read through all of the comments and on behalf of the GOOD videographers out there...I apologize.  Maybe I am in the minority, but I think the reporter is the most important person in the room (other than the witness).  That is why I do everything in my power to make things easier for them.  I offer a headset so they can listen to my direct audio feed, I bring a laptop stand just in case there is no room on the table and I give them a .wav audio file immediately because I was told that that format syncs perfectly with their software.  I will try to get a caption from the attorney, make a copy and leave it on the reporter's seat as well as a card with my name.  Also, if we go off of the video record for any reason, I will ALWAYS ask the reporter if he/she is ready before I do anything. 

      A good videographer should AT LEAST prep enough media (tapes, dvds, sd cards) before the dep starts. At no time should there be any unwrapping of tapes. When I used tapes, every time I received a new shipment, I would sit in my office and unpack EVERY SINGLE TAPE from its box and unwrap it.  This saved me one little step on every dep I went on.  Reading your posts really upset me and if ANY of my videographers did anything like that..OUT THEY GO!  I actually call my client, a week or so after the dep, to see if they were satisfied with the videographer, how he/she was dressed, if the set up was neat and unobtrusive, and if they acted professional the entire day.  I also require my guys to get the reporters card because I also contact them to see about their experience.  To me, that's just good business.

      Well...I have said enough.  I just hope that you all realize that there ARE quality, caring videographers out there.  

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        Kersten Song

        Yup!  I've had bizarre situations with several videographers and I've told a firm I work with to NOT assign me with them.  One of them inserted herself into the legal proceeding by chatting with the WITNESS before the depo even started about personal matters.  Then she did it again!  She spoke with them in Spanish (because she's fluent in Spanish).  It's incredible.  Another one responded to  settlement discussions  and rescheduling with the opposing attorney when the opposing attorney was addressing the PARTIES, not the VIDEOGRAPHER!     It's sort of surreal what I witnessed.    Also the NCRA is seriously pushing for CLVS licensure for them.  I agree because many of the videographers I've worked with don't even have a notary public cert or any licensure.  They don't even know basic depo procedure.  I mean, we're in the middle of a LEGAL PROCEEDING.  Why are they making chitchat and discussing personal issues with strangers in litigation???  wow! just wow!