COVID Vaccine reactions - please share!!

Hello, all

Please share if you had the vaccine and had a reaction or did not.  Just let us all work together to know what's happening with this "mysterious" shot.

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  • Debbie Parr

    Thanks for starting this group!  For some reason the mainstream media does not want any contrary info being shared.  Makes you wonder...

    I have known several people that got "COVID."  Not one of them died. 

    My friend's father got his first vaccine and died two days later.  He had been healthy.

    It's crazy that you can get a free donut a day for a year (Krispy Kream) which is so bad for you IF you get vaccinated, which is good for you?  How does that make any sense?  I hope people are waking up!! 

  • Ellen Sandles

    Exactly, Debbie.  Why are contrary thoughts and opinions not part of the discussion these days, and instead we have media and social media just pushing one narrative?  If you've watched Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche  -- who is NOT against the vaccines but warning against a mass vaccination campaign while the pandemic is ongoing -- it makes you think he might be right when you see this video this morning on Yahoo from a different doctor warning that "we're in a race against the Variants:"

  • Janice McMoran

    Everyone just take your Zinc, Vitamin C (1,000 mg per day), and Vitamin D3.  There's another one that others are taking that I can't remember the name of right now, but I've been taking these others religiously (watching the Zinc intake, though) and have stayed healthy throughout all of this.  I have not been isolated and see my parents almost daily, and I've hugged my son and granddaughter.  I live in bad, bad Texas, too, where people don't always follow the "rules."  LOL

  • Quyen

    This is such an important discussion to have and for all to make informed decisions. We should be very afraid that everyone and every site that even mentions anything negative about this gets censored/cancelled. I don't understand why some people are so upset by just this topic that they refuse to even read/see anything about it.

    If someone gave you a bottle of liquid and told you they don't know what's in it. It might be water, perfectly safe, but it could be something dangerous that could kill you soon or years on down the line. You could drink it if you want. Would you drink it?

    Thank you, Kelli Combs, for being brave enough to give this platform to allow those of us who wish to share and want to know about others' experiences. 

  • Peggy Feyche

    I have read many of the opinions on the site.   I was not going to take the vaccine either until I read the opinion of Jonas Salk's son who did research on how the polio vaccine was viewed when his dad created it.  Many were against it too.  I am not a virologist so I have to have some faith.                                                             I received my second dose early today and so far so good.  Nothing other than a slightly sore arm. Believe me, I am not someone that goes to the doctor for every little ache and pain.  I'm an avid vitamin taker and believer in food is medicine.  I've never taken the flu shot and will continue not taking it.  Vitamin D has done more for me in my life than you will ever know.  So I don't take a vaccine lightly.       Another reason I decided to get the vaccine is because I've too many friends who have gotten the virus and the word has been the same, do whatever you can to not get the virus because it is not something you want to go through. Good enough for me.                                                                                                           After getting the second dose today and sitting there to see if I had any immediate reaction, there was a song I was listening to that I've always loved by Abba.  I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope with anything.  If you see the wonder of a fairy tale, you can take the future, even if you fail.  I believe in angels, something good in everything I see.  I believe in angels, When I know the time is right for me I'll cross the stream, I have a dream. A beautiful song.  The reason I tell you this is, if I have to live in a world of completely not trusting, not believing, and/or thinking everything is a conspiracy and government is out to get us, then I don't belong in this world. I still have so much faith in my fellow man.  Call me naive, it's ok, but I'm of the belief of Anne Frank belief, "I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart."                                                                                                                                       To end on a humorous note, I tell everyone I've been chipped, and soon will be getting my ear tipped too.  Trying to cover all my bases.

  • James Plair

    Interesting thoughts, Peggy.  Thanks for displaying a positive attitude.

  • Ellen Sandles

    No one wants to get Covid.  I've known people with it too.  We just want to make sure we're not going to have more problems down the road when more data comes in.  I've now seen two doctors -- one a Harvard epidemiologist -- who believe in the vaccine but don't believe we should be vaccinating people who have already recovered from Covid.  The Harvard doctor actually said "it's dangerous."  My concern is us over-vaccinating the world and creating a Super Virus with endless Variants that can resist everything...oh, and they find this out late after more data comes in.

  • Deb Vance

    I just watched Tucker Carlson and he interview a doctor who said the reason for the bad side effects is because they are vaccinating people who have previously been infected and that is the problem, according to him.  I wish I had his name but I don't but is is on his Friday, April 2 show and I am sure you can find it. Now I still will not get it but would be willing to take a test to see if I have the antibodies for sure. Right now there are a lot of people who have been infected and have immunity and should NOT get the vaccine, well, it's not a vaccine, so I will say the jab.  Please do your own homework.  I am still a newly anti-vaxxer. But I am sure they know this but they do not want to tell you this. I Dr. Oskui (not sure of spelling) had said that between 30 to 50 percent of the population have t-cell immunity. They just wanted to scare people to death and they did a good job of it.  Mask make no difference, neither do lockdowns and have done way more harm than good. 

  • randi garcia

    This is his interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr.


  • Deb Vance

    No matter want, I am NOT getting it and it shouldn't be forced on anyone, that is the problem I have if they try to take away my rights to go places. That is why I am getting out of MA and moving to FL.

  • Ellen Sandles

    I have friends in north Florida.  They said the real estate market is very hot down there because people are moving there from other states that don't value freedom.

  • Jayne Foreman

    That is true, Ellen Sandles, many moving to FL from NY.   Houses selling as soon as they hit the market and bidding wars due to lack of inventory.   That's here in Jacksonville area.  People selling well over market value.    

  • Jayne Foreman

    Now in UK (my family there) health minister saying we have to stop lockdowns and treat covid like flu (after latest lockdown protests), but they're still ramping out the vax and Boris wants vax passports!!!  Many EU countries have halted the AstraZeneca vax (most common one in EU and UK) and Italy stopped it altogether, and Italian gov has taken out a manslaughter lawsuit against AztraZeneca due to many serious side effects and deaths, but UK still pushing it out there.   And let's not forget for most of the population there is a 99.97% recovery rate.   This is a scamdemic/plandemic!!!

  • Jayne Foreman

    I'll repeat from my previous comment, MANY EU COUNTRIES HAVE HALTED THE VAX AND ITALY STOPPED IT ALTOGETHER & SUING VAX CO AZTRAZENECA DUE TO MANY DEATHS AND SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS!   The government of a country taking out manslaughter lawsuit against vax company.   Did you see that widely publicized in MSM?!!!   Probably not.   You have to search for it, but it's really happening, no conspiracy!!!   It's the same type of vax as Pfizer and Merck.  

  • randi garcia

    Jayne the laws on immunity and indemnification for vax companies are different in the EU. You can’t sue vaccine maker here for death or injury.  We have NCVIA since 1986. It’s disgusting. You have to go to vaccine court.  Ronald Reagan made this into law. 

  • Quyen

  • Glen Warner

    A few days ago, my father was ragging on me for not "being responsible" and getting the shot. He even accused me of having no common sense!

    I waited a few days before answering, and wrote him a lengthy message, included a few pictures -- including the one showing the three rulers of three different countries who didn't want to play any Covid games had died, by gunshot.

    What a coincidence.

    My sister then chimed in and talked about her and her friend's experience with the shot (Moderna).

    My sister had no serious issues (thankfully), but her friend is having all kinds of issues. Now I am looking around for some kind of alternative treatment for folks experiencing side effects from the vaccine ... and this thread appeared in the search results.

    Well, look at that ...! Looks like you can share pictures here. Here's the one I shared with my dad:

  • randi garcia

    Glen - they’re successfully treating covid shot injuries with ivermectin. VAERS increased by 2,000 deaths last week.  Maybe you should show him that. And all the people testing positive that are fully vaccinated.  Check out Catt Sadler.  She’s super sick right now.

  • Glen Warner

    Thanks, Randi! I will pass that along.

    The only potential problem I can think of is some doctors just aren't allowed to prescribe Ivermectine.

    I saw a video of one big-time doctor in the UK whose mother had contracted Covid. He had trained the doctor in charge of her treatment (and probably all of the doctors on staff; this guy was a Big Deal, apparently), and asked if she could prescribe Ivermectine for his mom.

    She said she could order it, but the pharmacy wouldn't give it to her to administer to her patient.

    "Maybe *YOU* could prescribe it, and I'll just have the nurses give it to her," she said.

    The good news: Their plan worked, and his mom soon left the hospital.

    The bad news:  The hospital fired that doctor.

    Hopefully he will find her a better job somewhere else!

  • Glen Warner

    Well, crap!

    My sister told me that her friend is now having heart valve issues, for which her doctor needs to get permission from someone to get the Ivermectine she needs.

  • randi garcia

    Frontline Doctors can prescribe and there’s another online group too.  My friends and I bought ivermectin from a pharmacy overseas.  Let me know if you need it.

  • Glen Warner

    Thank you, Randi! My sister has gone "radio silent" of late (our aunt died, sadly), but I will pass that along.

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    This is what happened to one of my friends who is a reporter out of Boston.  She said I could share here.    

    Hey, so I just drove to Boston for a 3-day realtime. Taking atty chatting, small talk, catches me off guard, asks if I got the V. I said no, didn't think it was necessary. Two minutes later (we were waiting for another atty to arrive) he comes in and tells the five attys on zoom, "I'm shutting this down. SOMEONE in the room is an antivaxxer. It's the court reporter, so don't say anything. She's right here. I'm not risking my kids' lives." I SHIT YOU NOT.

  • randi garcia

    What the F!?!? These attorneys are losing their indoctrinated minds. 
    I’ll stay remote forever!

  • Glen Warner

    Wow, Kelli!

    On this end, my dad has also gone radio silent.

    Usually around this time of year, my sister and I usually drive down to Seaside, Oregon while he and his gal-pal drive up from Arizona and we spend a weekend together at a hotel there.

    Looks like that's not going to happen this year.

    Covid: The crap that keeps on giving.

  • randi garcia

    I know so many poor people that have been harmed by this toxic crap.  One friend lost her mom two days later - she now has covid and only lost her taste. B/f’s dad had a stroke. B/f’s mother’s liver enzymes are through the roof.  Friend got shot in Jan and Feb diagnosed with lung cancer last week.  Never smoker. Her daughter is a doctor and had a miscarriage.  VAERS is at 11,000 deaths and the gaslighting continues.  Stories, pages, groups being removed from social media. Now Raggedy Ann has teams of government employees going door to door. I mean, what next? I will give up my 29-year career as a court reporter before I ever get near that toxic gene therapy. 

  • Jayne Foreman

    Just overheard judge in our criminal court talking to bailiffs before we began jury selection saying that he agrees with forced vaccination.  Many criminal attorneys still wearing face masks.   It's hard to come in every day.   These folks are always telling jurors to use their common sense, take it into the jury room with them, but they aren't practicing what they preach.   This is mind boggling.   And we're in Florida!!!  

  • Jocie

  • Deb Vance

    Kelli, never tell anyone your V status, just say it's private information protected by HIPPA. I would charge them all for doing that.  This is New England with all the crazy leftists.

  • Lisa Makowski

    Just recovered from the Rona, hubs and I both gogt pretty sick.  I'm not offering medical advice but I'm willing to tell folks what I think I did wrong and then you can process it how you choose.  I will never vaccinate.  And if I get sick again, I'll be better prepared.  We were sick for about 21 days, but everyone I know I've told what did wrong has done much better than we did.  Again, not a doctor.  Not giving advice just sharing my POV and what I'll do different if there's a next time.

  • Glen Warner

    Glad you're still with us, Lisa!

  • Glenda Kaufman

    Lisa, thanks for commenting here on your experience with Covid. If you don't mind sharing, what would you do different next time -- if there is a next time for you? I would love to be more prepared myself.

  • Glen Warner

    Dr. Naomi Wolf is on Telegram, and she's posting a lot of interesting stuff:

  • Jocie

    Thank you for the link to Naomi Wolf, Glen Warner.   

  • Lisa Makowski

    Glenda Kaufman, I would test very early and get in touch with Americas Frontline doctors and start taking the meds right away.  By the time I was tested, it was too late and everyone I know who has used HCQ and Ivermectin has gotten better in just a few days.  

    Sorry I was off topic, Kelli.  I wanted to plug, no vaccine even after being sick.

  • Deb Vance

    If anyone gets covid, you can make hydroxychloroquine very easy, you can find that in a lot of places.  Front Line doctors, yes, you can do telemedicine.  Just FYI, at least here in MA and I am sure other states, they won't give you any therapeutics until you're "admitted" to the hospital.  That's why people think there is no treatment for it, just another covid lie and scare tactics. And I am saying this based on speaking to multiple health care workers, one of which is a respiratory therapist at a hospital. 

  • Jocie

  • Jocie

  • Jocie

  • Jocie

  • Glenda Kaufman

    Very interesting, Jocie. Thank you!

  • Glen Warner

    Wow! Look what I just found:

    It's a ~16 minute animated video on vaccines. Ideally, anyone thinking about getting one of those "vaccines" would only have to go through the first five minutes to be convinced not to.

  • Jocie

    From the mouth of a long-time nurse, who I met today in person at a hospital for work purpose: I was there merely to set up my laptop computer so she could give testimony via Zoom. (I am not reporting right now due to recovering from CT surgery.) She was telling me and others present that her job is to test for COVID. She commented that people who were vaccinated were the ones testing positive for COVID, not the unvaccinated. The nurse was not wearing a mask, and the attorney with whom she was meeting did not have a mask. When another person arrived wearing their mask (we were in a hospital setting with mandatory wear), he said he was vaccinated and would it be okay for him to also demask, to which the nurse said it did not even matter if he was unvaccinated; take the mask off. So, here we were, no one masked, a nurse not even worried if someone present was not vaccinated and who rolled her eyes at the topic of a mask and actually fluffed it away with her hands, if you can picture that scene.

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

  • Glen Warner

    Same one I posted earlier, Kelli!

    Good to have the Twitter discussion, though!

  • Janice McMoran

    Excellent article and so true!  So many could have been saved.  You can't have a vaccine if there is a treatment regiment or preventative protocol.

  • Janice McMoran

    This doctor is well-published and one of the higher-ups at Baylor.  Wonder why they just mandated that all of their employees be vaccinated.

  • Dee

    Replying to Jocie's comment.  Just had a couple announce they've been ill for 2 weeks with COVID, fully vac'd, very pro vac. had posted pics few months back.  Saying they've never been this ill. He has had some med issues.  She the picture of heath. Know for 30 years, has worked out, spinning, tennis, now golf and pickleball, slender and fit.  Can hardly move.  They were on a plane 3 weeks ago to Park City, Utah, maskless.   The other couple & their son, in their early 40's, not vac'd, she is an anti vax activist and kept her son home-schooled.  Has been against vac.  Coincidentally also flew out to Utah.  The info is getting around our community but neither have posted publicly about it.  Jocie, I also read an article many of the ppl who have COVID and say they were vac'd are not telling the truth. Because of lying to families and worried about issues with their profession or position will not admit.  Each day more cases are being reported and perhaps that nurse would change her position and be more responsible.  One other terrible story is a case in Miami-Dade where it has infected not only the staff, attys, but a pregnant juror, at least one.  

  • Glen Warner

    Looks like one of the doctors that were talking about HCQ when Covid reared its pointy head is about to get $100 million from CNN:

  • randi garcia

    If you want to see what’s really going on in hospitals go look at her post/thread on Instagram, hundreds of healthcare workers speaking truth.