We have a videoconference center in San Luis Obispo, California. Add your room to this group so we can network with you.
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  • Kathleen Soloaga

    Videoconference room in downtown Napa.  Sims & Sims Reporting, Inc., 1700 Second Street, Suite 308, Napa, CA  94559, (707) 226-3022.

    Contact:  Kathleen Soloaga (owner) or Jamie Icay (office manager)

  • Taunia Northouse

    Our office has a videoconference suite on Madison, Wisconsin's Capitol Square.   Contact or call 800-255-7710 to schedule.

    Taunia Northouse, RDR, CRC, Realtime Systems Administrator, owner

  • Dawn A Pierce

    We have two conference rooms in Roanoke, Virginia.  Call 540-344-5393 or email  We cover in-person or Zoom or videoconferencing proceedings, networking with firms nationwide.