COVID Vaccine reactions - please share!!

Hello, all

Please share if you had the vaccine and had a reaction or did not.  Just let us all work together to know what's happening with this "mysterious" shot.

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  • Glen Warner

    I have no plans of taking any shots for this BS "disease."

    Does anyone remember how President Trump mentioned hydroxychloroquine when all this started? That was quickly followed by a few YouTube videos of medical doctors talking about it, and soon those accounts and videos were removed from YouTube ... and the FDA (I think it was) announced that this medicine that has been used successfully since 1955 will kill you if taken, and stopped allowing it to be sold or prescribed..

    Then there was a blog entry on the site of Jim Humble, the guy who discovered what he called "MMS" (for "Miracle Mineral Supplement," which is actually chlorine dioxide) where he was writing about e-mails he had received from researchers in Europe that had seen positive results with MMS against Covid.

    After a week or so, he put up another blog entry about positive results here in the US ... and before I could read it, the FDA swooped in, made him remove both of those blog posts, and stop selling MMS.

    That was quickly followed by a crackdown by the FDA on anyone selling MMS -- including imprisonment of one family.

    I bought some MMS back in 2011, after hearing a lengthy interview with Jim Humble, and I thought it would be good to try to see if it would help with my allergies.

    I sent my twenty bucks to a vendor (out of business now, unfortunately), and I tried "Protocol 1000," which had me use 24 drops from each bottle dripped into a shot glass, to allow the two chemicals to get together.

    After about five minutes of that "togetherness," I added enough ginger ale from a 20 ounce bottle to fill the shot glass half way, let it sit for a minute, then poured all that back into the 20 ounce bottle ... and after a while, I poured 2.5 ounces into a glass and drank it, once an hour (Pro Tip: This stuff tastes awful, so have a cracker or a potato chip handy to munch on after you drink your hourly dose!).

    I repeated that whenever I had a reappearance of my symptoms.

    After a while, I noticed three things:

    First, my allergy incidents dwindled down to zero.

    Second, colds departed within a day -- *IF* they appeared at all.

    Third, my asthma attacks -- which I had suffered with since 1984 -- completely vanished.

    Here is a ~one hour interview with one of the folks making and selling MMS -- just before his arrest:

    So ... I'm not going to get that shot.

    Sorry for the book!

  • Audrey Klettke

    My husband and I got the Maderna first dose on March 22nd at 3:00 in the afternoon. I felt okay for a few hours and then didn’t feel well and was very, very tired. Lasted about 24 hours, then I was fine. My husband felt no side effects. Everyone is different. My parents in their 80s got their shots and had no problem.
    As for what Ellen Sandles said, I deactivated my Facebook account as well a few months ago for the same reasons. Our Freedom of Speech is dwindling and I’m very disgusted with the Big Tech and Media deciding what we can and cannot hear.
    And Glen Warner, thanks for your info. Very interesting to say the least.

    Good luck everyone, and stay safe and healthy.
  • Marty E. McArver

    Took Moderna vaccine about a month ago (both shots).  Felt tired after the first, but good night's sleep took care of that.  Had a bit more side effects after second shot, which is what I've heard to expect.  Again, tired.  Bones ached that night, so didn't sleep well.  Next morning I had about 30 minutes of mild nausea.  Arm was sore for a couple of days.  I was excited to get the vaccine, and feel much safer.  I only have one kidney -- so I felt the risk of getting the virus far outweighed the risk of the vaccine.  It's all uncharted waters, but there's pretty good evidence of hospitalizations and death with the virus -- haven't heard any proof of anyone dying because of the vaccine -- and certainly not in the numbers that are dying from the virus.  We all make our own choices -- my advice is to base your choice on science, not speculation, rumors, and what you read on Facebook. Good luck to all.

  • Glen Warner

    You're welcome, Audry!

    I should have mentioned that simply Googling MMS will bring up all sorts of negative articles ("IT'S BLEACH!!!"), but it certainly can't hurt to try a few other search engines.

  • Colleen Peterman

    I got my second shot of Moderna yesterday. Today I worked with no problem. Exactly 24 hours after my shot, I started feeling a little tired. It is now five hours after the onset of the tiredness, and I am perking back up. The only other symptom I had was a bit of a sore arm after both shots, but it was no big deal. I feel so grateful to the scientists that developed these vaccines, and I hope this brings an end to the suffering and death of so many people. 

  • Betty A. Salois

    I don’t plan on getting the vaccine though I suspect those of us holding out will be forced to get it at some point. The tech agenda seems pretty clear. I’ve done plenty of research on the vaccine and that’s why I’m not getting it. There are far too many unknowns and lots of bogus “science” floating around like cloth masks protecting you from the virus. How ludicrous is that. Couple that with the censorship of anyone that mentions the word vaccine or Covid on social media and my alarm starts going off. I respect everyone to make their own choices and to do their own research. That’s really what it comes down to as with anything else in life.
  • Glen Warner

    Betty Salois, I got put in "Facebook timeout" for a few days for merely mentioning MMS to someone that had allergies.

  • Christine Hayes

    People who want the vaccine should get it and those who do not should not be forced. Doctors and nurses are making a choice and that speaks volumes. The government has put a lot of fear in people to go get vaccinated. If COVID is such a threat to all why pick and choose who gets it when? I have my doubts and will wait and see. And BTW what happened to the flu? There is a choice to get the flu shot. The flu may be detrimental to the most vulnerable also. Take care of basic hygiene andvuse your common sense. Stay home if you are sick. That has always been a problem with inconsiderate germ spreaders. Workplaces should have more control to send sick people home. That's my two cents.
  • Christopher L Carpenter

  • Jayne Foreman

    After independent research do not intend EVER to take any covid vax.   Luckily our gov in FL said no vax passports in FL.  Bless Gov DiSantis.   ex VP of Pfizer, head scientist, said covid vax is designed for mass depopulation.   See Geert Vanden Bossche's open letter to WHO.   He is immunologist that is pro vax, designs vax, worked for Gates, but says this could wipe out population, will suppress innate immune system of vaxed and they will become super bug spreaders.   The vax does not stop you catching the bug or spreading it, just helps with symptoms, making the vaxed bodies factories for creating super mutant variant bugs.   Of course deaths of vaxed will be blamed on unvaxed.  Did anyone notice that the Gates' Pfizer vax patent No. is 060606 and it contains Luciferase?   Nothing to be concerned about?!   They all contain aborted fetus.   Please research all ingredients, each one.   I'm 62 and never had a flu vaccine.   Had the flu one time in my life, early 20's.   My friends who regularly get flu shots are always sickly.    My daughter has many serious health problems since Merck Gardasil vax.   Also Merck bailed out of the covid vax saying peeps better off getting covid and building up antibodies.    Lots of conflicting into out there and praying for all of humanity at this point.   I do believe there are evil entities that have a depopulation agenda, The Great Reset, NWO.   If anyone wants to call e a conspiracy theorist, I would answer that I need some new ones because all of my others have already come true.   God bless and protect you all.  Jayne  

  • Rhona Reddix

    Last week my sis in laws mother got the second shot on Monday. On Tuesday she started coughing up blood. Her nose hemorraghed so much she went to emergency. My sis flew out to be with her. I'll try to update.

    My daughter in laws mother's neighbor who just retired got the shot. She had a stroke not too long after and is now disabled.
  • Patty Culliton

    My 85 year old mother got Moderna months ago. Zero reaction.

    My 60 year old sister, her 23 year old son, and five friends of mine in ranging from 45-51 in LA, Chicago, Cleveland and Boston have all had one dose of Pfizer, no reaction except slight achinrss in the arm, if that.

    Hubby & I have and J&J, nothing more than our injection arms felt for a fee hours like we had lifted weights the day before. We both have significant health issues (auto-immune disorder and diabetes).

    One friend in Calif had both doses of Pfizer and had a 102 fever for a few hours.

    I don’t think it is really fair to say the vaccines were thrown together in 6 months. Coronavirus vaccines have been in development for close to TWENTY YEARS, and have been delivered safely and effectively going back to when Asia went thru their SARA epidemic and the same vaccines were last used during the Ebola outbreak in Africa during the Obama presidency, so at least 5 years ago. The only thing that is “new” about the current vaccines is they modify the genetic code to match the current virus strain.

    Be well.
  • Deborah Holden

    Hi, everyone.  Just as a starter, the reason we have the covid vaccine so quickly is because of SARS.  They based this vaccine on that vaccine because it's also a coronavirus.  Next, I have received my first dose of the vaccine, and I had absolutely no adverse reactions.  My arm even barely hurt.  It hurt more when I got the pneumonia vaccine.  LOL.  Please do not be afraid of getting the vaccine.  For those of us who are in danger of dying from covid, I beseech you all to get the vaccine.  We need to keep others safe, and this is how we do it.  I took a depo the other day where a nine year old lost both of her grandparents to covid.  And I can't even fathom losing a loved one to covid, and the heartbreak that must entail when we could have done so much so much sooner than we did as a society for one another.  Wearing a mask is not for me, it's for those around me.  And being a believer in Jesus, I just feel the need to show love for others and to do for them what the Lord would think best.  

  • Patty Culliton

    (I typed mine in bed on my iPhone screen and as a proofreader am bent out of shape that I can’t find a way to edit my reply! Lol)
  • Lorna Brodie

    Here are the results I have heard from friends.   One friend tells me her roommate got the Pfizer vaccine and he has been sick as a dog ever since he got it.   His girlfriend, an RN, got the vaccine and had a heart attack and blood clot (don't know which came first) and has been in a coma ever since.   The day after my friend told me this, my husband came home from work and told me he had heard in the news that people in Europe were developing blood clots after the vaccine.    My youngest daughter told me a few days ago about a married couple (we all know them) that she talked to the husband and he said they got the vaccine because one or both of them had battled cancer and felt they were high risk and should get it.   He said after the second shot, he was sicker than he has ever been in his life.   Next case:   My son calls me today and tells me of a local man who went and had the vaccine, went to the grocery store with his wife right after, but he stayed in the car.   15 minutes later she came out and found him dead.   

  • randi garcia

    I’ve been researching this vaccine since they started talking about it. The problems are it’s not a true vaccine. It’s an operating system, I.e., gene therapy (please see Moderna’s web site) Once it’s in you, it can’t be removed nor detoxed. The lipid nanoparticles that envelop it have a similar feature to our reproductive system, syncytin-1 spike protein, which explains all the women complaining of period issues, month-long periods, no periods and 76 miscarriages as per VAERS. This never-used-before technology, mRNA has never been used because for the past 10-20 years the animals all had very poor outcomes or died.
    This is NOT approved by the FDA. It’s status is EUA, emergency use authorization. Big difference.
    Many scientists and doctors educated on vaccines have been speaking out all over the world about the dangers in vaccinating an entire population during a pandemic. You don’t vaccinate healthy people.
    Social media has been removing all groups that speak negatively about this gene therapy because it’s creating even more vaccine hesitancy. That’s not at all why. The vaccine hesitancy is being created by big pharma, the media and our own government, by not addressing the severe side effects and deaths. Please see VAERS.
    They are starting to segregate the country by vaccinated and unvaccinated because of the infection rate and variants. The variants, they believe, are being manufactured by the vaccinated population.
    I have PubMed articles, videos, anything you would like to see to back all of this up. You can contact me and I’d be happy to send it to you. I could speak for hours about this but I’ll stop here. The information I have is enough to give anyone pause in taking this vaccine.
    You can also go to He’s also on Instagram but they have removed his account three times. All he does is show anecdotal data from verified sources and articles from non main steam media. The media is withholding EVERYTHING!
    PS - can’t proof this because I can’t scroll up, so sorry for typos.
  • lynn darling

    Had the first Pfizer vaccine March 19 and had zero reaction or ill side effects. No pain at injection site after first 24 hours.
  • Maria P


    This article help me understand the mechanics.  I will not take any of them.

  • randi garcia

    Tried to add to comment but would not allow me. For those wondering about the clinical trial results, there won’t be any. We are the control group. Big pharma sabotaged that and unblinded the placebo group and vaccinated the control arm.
    People are dying anywhere from on site, see the woman who died at Cal Poly and 70-year old in NY, to 48 hours. I’ve seen lingering side effects up to two months, I.e. massive heart attack. People have complained of bleeding from every orifice you can think of. I personally know of one death, a friend’s mom and my boyfriends stepdad had a stroke. Many people develop ITP, drop in platelets, like the Miami doctor who died. Please do your research off Google. Google sensors everything. There’s tons of information out there.
    Additionally, if you are hellbent on getting this jab, for whatever reason, please get an antigen titer first and get a covid test. You could be asymptomatic and if you vaccinate with covid you can die.
  • Jocie

    I have not had the vaccine and will not get it.

  • Dee

    Had both Modernas, no symptoms.  Husband had slight for half day 2nd one.  It's said if you have symptoms it's working.  Should I be concerned I didn't feel anything?  Father-in-law died of Cov.  Mother-in-law survived it but had some problems with feet and after symptoms led to using a walker, however she is getting stronger and even drove for the first time.   Have seen 100's post their arms,  needles, and cards since Feb. thrilled to be vac'd. Never saw topic with so many posts, all happy and feeling good.  I posted one thing about the vac.

  • Leslie

    My good friend got the first dose of Moderna and had numbness on the right side of her face and body.  The doctors thought Bell's Palsy.  They encouraged her to get the second dose even though they weren't sure of why she had the reaction after the first one,

    Within hours of her second dose her entire body went numb.  She was hospitalized for a week.  Doctors could give her no answers other than the vaccine is too new and we don't know enough about it.  She was told they have seen many patients with her exact symptoms within hours of the second dose.  After doing physical therapy, she's doing much better with some flare-ups of numbness.  Doctors have no idea if this will continue on or not.

  • Deborah Marks

    I had my second Pfizer shot two days ago.  I had no reactions the first shot except for a sore arm the day after.  After the second, I did have achiness all over and was feeling very tired.  No more side effects and am feeling relieved that I've received my vaccination!  Side effects signify immunization is developing.

  • Lori Cobb

    I got the Johnson&Johnson one shot yesterday morning.  My arm was sore for about 10-15 minutes and then I was fine  Later in the evening I developed a slight headache, but not sure if it is a side effect of the shot or my normal Louisiana-when-the-weather-changes headache!  I'm ONE AND DONE!

  • Claudia Paquet

    I will not be getting this gene therapy injection.  I cannot even call it a vaccine because it is not a vaccine.  I urge everyone on this site to do their research.  There is so much information out there.

  • Loretta A. Armstrong

    This vaccine began being tested 10 years ago when SARS and MERS mRNA (modified Ribonucleic Acid) vaccines were being developed to fight those viruses which largely disappeared before the vaccines were needed.  These scare tactics are uninformed and dangerous.  I suppose that is why they were removed.  
    My husband and I had the Pfizer vaccine shots on 1/20 and 2/10/21.  I had some aching about 12 hours after the shot each time.  It was worse the first time and lasted longer, about 16 hours the first time, about 8 hours the second time.  My husband only had a slight sore throat each time that lasted only a few hours.
    Everyone who is eligible should get this vaccine (any of the three) as soon as you are eligible.  We will not get out of this pandemic until folks step up to the plate and do what's right -- which is getting a vaccine!  Research reliable websites and educate yourself, of course, but if you do, you will definitely get vaccinated!
    Loretta A. Armstrong, CCR, RDR, CRR, CRC
  • Sam Moller

    It's important to share accurate statements.

    One thing in the initial post is the fear around the speed of the vaccine delivery. I was worried about that as well. It turns out that the vaccine is based on twelve years of SARS research by a team in Germany. We are EXTREMELY LUCKY that earlier forms of corona viruses were studied closely so that we had this research on which to quickly develop the current vaccines.

    The other thing that's important to remember is that although a few people will have some scary allergic or swelling responses to the vaccines the vast majority (200 million people so far) have normal response and are then protected from a virus that is far deadlier than any vaccine. The total number of people who have died from the covid19 vaccine is ZERO... again, out of two hundred million doses.

    Be careful about where you get your information. There are literal Russian bots who have the sole purpose of spreading lies so that Americans live in fear. It's not always easy to know when you're talking to a bot.

    I'm fortunate in that many of my close friends are scientists and physicians so I can always go to the source. They are eager to have themselves and their children vaccinated.

    I urge you to get your information from proper sources. You are a smart group and you know a lot of things but if you think you know more than people who spent decades training to become virologists than I think you need to be more humble.

  • Deb Vance

    The person who said that no one has died from this jab is completely wrong, and if I misunderstood the comment, then I will take that back, but what was written was "The total number of people who have died from the covid19 vaccine is ZERO" sorry, you are misinformed. It's not a vaccine and it's mRna therapy, it's not approved. Covid has a 99.98 percent cure rate if you get and most people who died, the average age is 78 to 80 and most had comorbidities.  Here is a fact, do your own homework, the death rate from 2019 and 2020, relatively the same.  How is that a deadly disease.  One more thing, it seems in 2020 death rates for heart disease and cancer, to biggest killers, when down in proportion of the covid deaths rates.  You figure it out.  This was a bad flu, not a killer flu. If you're not health you can die from the common cold, period. Read Steve Deace's book "Faucian Bargain" Eleven days before he went to congress and saying that 5 to 7 percent of the population could die from this, he was saying the opposite, just a bad flu variant. Fauci is a fraud and this plandemic is a fraud. covid is real, it's the flu. Look at Florida and California.  Not much different numbers and one is free and one is locked down. When you pay hospitals every time you say you had a covid death, don't you think they are incentivized to call them covid deaths? Yep.  Fraud, deceit, Big pharma making money on the jab and other drugs many of which harm us.  Remember Vioxx? If not, look it up.  That drug killed many.

  • Adrienne Meda

    This vaccine has been implemented by George Soros, Bill Gates, Fauci and many other bad actors.  They believe in depopulation.  MNRA5 contains fetal tissue from aborted fetuses (white males) and will eventually kill you.  I will NOT take this vax, ever.  You can google Billgatesblockingthesun and drfaucifundscontrovertialwuhanlab and it will tell you everything you need to know.

  • Claudia Paquet

    A really good source of trustworthy information is Robert Kennedy, Jr and his Children's Health Defense, The Defender.  Just putting it out there as a help for those who are really interested in the science!

  • Malegxy Melendez

    I cannot believe what I am seeing here.  Got an email inviting me here saying this isn't a political post, but let's be real (I know its hard for many of you), this is VERY political.  The links posted here are from sources I've never heard of.  How is that reliable?  How do we know those aren't Russian bots posting that nonsense?  Yeah, I get it, MSM was caught lying very early on.  As were hospitals and governors.  That doesn't mean everyone else is telling the truth.  We've had enough of the conspiracy theories in the last five years.  You wonder why this country has a mental health problem?  I highly regard CRs and think them very intelligent, but history has shown us that even wise people can fall for false beliefs.  smh

  • Jayne Foreman

    To Malegxy Melendez, looking at some of the sources, they are very experienced/famous immunologists, virologists in these fields that many are referencing.   I would say the ex VP of Pfizer and Geert Vanden Bossche, for example, Robert Kennedy, Jr., et cet, are not conspiracy theory sources.   And one might say I need some new conspiracy theories because all of the others are coming true.   There are thousands of doctors and specialists being silenced by MSM.   Who owns MSM?   You have to ask these questions.   These evil forces that are inflicting this upon us have been very open in documenting their plans.   Their plan is depopulation.   It is documented, very accessible if you do the research.

  • Jayne Foreman

    We're all being silenced and thank you for giving us a forum to communicate.   This is how we become enlightened and win the battle of survival.   They are trying to silence, isolate, kill us.   People need to rise up.   To heck with political correctness, this is a fight for our survival.  

  • Lisa Makowski

    I will not be getting the vaccine, but my bestfriend has lost three family members in three weeks. Her father was an identical twin and he was 85, he reacted badly to first Moderna, but somewhat rallied.  When he received his second shot he lived two days and then passed.  His twin is experienceing the same thing and not expected to live through the weekend.  Their 87 year old brother had the exact same reactions and passed.  She has reported this to the website that tracks all adverse reactions to all vaccines.  

    This is firsthand experience since I speak with her everyday.

  • Janice McMoran

    Perhaps those calling this nothing but a conspiracy theory and to actually trust the MSM need to expand their horizons a bit.  Just sayin...  I won't be getting the vaccine, either.

  • Janice McMoran

    That's just horrible, Lisa Makowski!  So sad and needless.   My parents both had both Pfizer shots without incident at the urging of my doctor brother, who has also had both Pfizer vaccines.   His wife, though, also an M.D., is standing strong against it like I am.

  • Jayne Foreman

    Also, didn't mention, not wanting to cause alarm, but am seeing people suddenly die, my husband's colleagues at work, starting to see orphaned animal posts that have lost their owners, and also in UK where my family are, seeing many deaths there and in Europe, young people too, right after massive vax rollout.   Also MIT and other sites are projecting a 2/3 decrease in population in USA in 2025.   How are they able to do that?  Is that a conspiracy theory involving MIT?   Of interesting note though, people in the vaccine field from MIT were hanging out with Epstein.  Why?   Worth researching considering what we know.  

  • Colleen McGovern

    Per the CDC:

    "Over 145 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through March 29, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 2,509 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. Reports of death to VAERS following vaccination do not necessarily mean the vaccine caused the death."

    If you have an adverse reaction or know of a death, you can report it to VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

  • Melanie Grace Myers

    I thought this site was for things related to court reporting like job postings. This type of group seems more suited to Facebook. I'm disappointed that the admin used her database of emails to promote her antivaxx views. Very unprofessional.

  • Claudia Paquet

    I am thankful that we have a forum where our voices/opinions/beliefs will not be squelched.  We need to uphold free speech in this country.  Facebook/Instagram/Twitter are censoring ALL back and forth opinions about many issues.  Melanie, you should be thankful that someone thinks this important enough to take a stand and create a platform where our speech can be matter what our speech is.

  • Jayne Foreman

    The big problems will come later for the vaxed.   Research Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), also known as pathogenic priming or a cytokine storm. They expect this to happen when the vaxed person comes into contact with a virus or pathogen, especially the next cold/flu season.    This happened in past trials causing major health problems and death for many, humans and animals.

  • Melanie Grace Myers

    Claudia, free speech just means the government can't punish you for your speech. Private companies like Facebook and Twitter can decide what they will and will not allow. The admin of this group can do as she likes of course.  It's her site.  This group will just become a cesspool of misinformation by antivaxxers. An echo chamber of anti-science rhetoric.

  • Claudia Paquet

    Excellent article in The Defender.  Valid points made.  A must read for those who really want to hear the truth.

  • Lorna Brodie

    Following up on my previous post.   The woman I mentioned who has been in a coma ever since getting the vaccine passed away yesterday.

  • Deb Vance

    The First Amendment protects speech that you don't like, that is what the First Amendment is all about.  Facebook and Google are just helping big government as they are getting privileges and can't be sued due to a law that should be repealed. They are acting like a second arm of the government and do their bidding. That is wrong and should be fixed. They don't allow political groups that don't fit the agenda but allow BLM and Antifa to say anything they want.  That is NOT free speech that is censorship, regardless of whether or not you think because they are a private company they can. Nope, sorry, not unless they treat everyone the same, and they don't.

  • Ellen Sandles

    To Lorna Brodie:   Age of the RN who went into a coma and passed away?  Any known underlying health conditions? Status of her physical health?  

  • Ellen Sandles

    Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon have become Censorship Arms of the Government.  I appreciate seeing different points of views and articles here on this topic because you can't get it elsewhere.  You don't have to read these comments and experiences if you don't agree.  

  • randi garcia

    Here are a few informative videos. This is a perfect depiction of the CDC and their lies. They lied then and they’re lying now.
    And the third link is what nanoparticles do to the reproductive system. Second is Dr. Larry Palevesky
  • Christine Hayes

    It is a game of chance so it seems. Russian Roulette for some. Kudos for those, for now, who have been vaxed w/o prevalent side effects. I wouldnt vax my children w it, nor would I vax myself. What the Government and Government-funded media feeds Americans nonstop isnt always necessarily what is in your best interest - it is the Government's agenda and it is all about money and power. And dont get me going on the subjct of indoctrination! It sickens me Americans have become so gullible!
  • Jeanette Rutz

    Just passing this along.