Realtime Scoping Group

Are you interested in realtime scoping? Come on in! Welcome to all court reporters, scopists, and anyone else who is interested in this topic.
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  • Cindy Clark

    I had the opportunity recently to work on a realtime job.  In this instance there was one scopist and two proofreaders (I happened to be one of the proofers this time).  We used DropBox.  It was an awesome experience!  I've decided that this is what I really enjoy doing!  The technology behind it was so simple and easy to use. 

  • Jessie Edwards


    I've been a Case CAT scopist for six-plus years, experienced with using DropBox, trials, hearings, and depositions looking for some more work during this slow season.  Available for dailies and expedites. 

  • Janet Thompson

    I have my first realtime scoping job on the horizon. I would appreciate any input.  What happens when the depo is over and scoping still needs to be done? How is it to scope?