Brenda Rogers


United States

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  • Dale

    Thanks for the encouragement, Brenda, its getting easier as my brain "thinks" in steno, and the fingers follow the nerve impulses.
    Have you followed Mark Kislingbury's short strokes system at all? Has Mark (380 wpm world speed record holder Houston, TX) attended any of the Bootcamps?
    Just wondering.
    Thanks again, take care
  • Dale

    Are you doing the same words/vocab on your job day after day ? I think as a new CSR that I would go nuts, after learning 50,000 english words, 4,000 medical ones, and 5,000 legal ones, and, then using the same ones from day to day.
    I think the highest application of our trade is closed captioning,,,Hezbollah, Nebuchadnezzar,,,how to you figure that out, at 225 wpm? Thats the challenge,, or, keying it out, spelling it out, as we say, to get the entire thing, because, after all, our software doesn't know Nebuchadnezzar exist(ed) at all, lol
    Anyway, its my pleasure meeting you,,, hope you have a good week!
  • Tami

    Did you call me psycho?? :)
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Beautiful page!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Where's Brenda??? I just saw you a few minutes ago. Oh, there you are - in the stylish hat! Love it!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I have still in my possession a copy of The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew! I can't believe you remember that. Scary!!! Yes, I've been encouraging Lisa to nurture that sentimental younger side for a while with the old-timey books. I'm going for Island of the Blue Dolphins myself after I finish the ones I've got going now.
  • Alma Rodick

    No problem, girl. I was excited to see you here! Anyone else from our CR yahoogroup a member? I love this place already!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Brenda, your page is fantabulous! It looks so wonderful on my huge monitor now that I'm back home! It's nice to be back to my real setup, though I do miss Scot's cooking and Mom's coffee making!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Click on your settings button, then click on the email settings, then make sure your desired email settings are checked.
    let me know if that works.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    this is so odd,
    ok, let me see..
    1- what email do you use, hotmail, gmail.. etc
    2- it might be going to your spam folder, please check to see if they are going there.
    let me know.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Brenda, I just read your comments below and - sure enough - my posts are in my spam folder. For almost a week - I think - I haven't been getting any notifications! See what you can learn by reading other people's comments?
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I am so bummed as I totally forgot about the time change until I read about it on CRF about a half an hour ago. I had intended on getting up early and going to Santa Cruz Office Max to do tons of copying. It's so beautiful out. But I'm still sitting on my bed, just finished up my cereal. Well, maybe I'll force myself to get a move on after one more cup of coffee! How's your day going?
  • Phil Stillerman

    That's true, I've been busy with a half-dozen expedites. I've been checking the various forums tho, but I don't think I posted too much -- well I did post one earlier tonight -- THOFGTS for "the thing of it is"
  • Phil Stillerman

    "What was that in Phil's briefs??"

    Hmmm -- no comment, other than -- are you in your right mind?
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Brenda, I'm so emotionally wasted. I just left a comment for Lisa then clicked your page to tell you I'm back and saw your activity listing with my name on it. Such an ego thrill to see one's name! My background is just a piece of fabric. After the actual holiday, I'll change my background to ... I don't know yet!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I was asleep by 10:00 and up at 9:00! Mom's making my breakfast right now. Bacon and eggs! Sunny but cold at the moment. I drive home later this afternoon. Always so hard to leave here! Taking a walk w/Mom after breakfast. How's your walking coming along???
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Hi, Brenda,

    I was so happy to hear you had a little walk the other day - I'm such a pest!

    Got my massage this afternoon as my depo went off. Now I have to force myself to drive to town and copy a job that came in from another reporter. 256 pages. April and I can't report him any more. He even burned out this reporter! Sometimes it's just not worth the aggravation. I love Lisa's comment below - what a crackup!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Love that bunny! I can so relate ... just got back from my superfast job. Napping in five minutes. How did your job go? I'll check back when I get up to have my coffee w/chocolate!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Man, I'm glad you got that job covered. That's such a strain on the brain! Such a cute page.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Brenda, my doctor job cancelled an hour ago! I'm working on my taxes - really and truly!
  • Deborah L. Willoughby

    HAHAHAHA!!! I love the new avatar! Where do you find all these cute things?
  • Lisa Gretarsson

    Yep, decided Cooper Pooper Head here would be a more pleasant view! Man, these computer cameras do NOT do me any favors :)
  • Tina Givens

    I think you've outdone yourself! This page is your best yet. Love the avatar and the peep show is the best! Cheered me right up. I'm living vicariously through your page. Mine is status quo. Just like my house -- once I put a piece of furniture somewhere it stays there forever.
    Hope all is well with you. I haven't had time to chat with anyone or play on the forums. Last week about did me in. I'm working tomorrow for the first time in a week, the continuation of the foreign doctor and the speech-impaired attorney. May the force be with me, LOL!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    this page is awesome!
  • Rhoda Collins

    LOVE the Easter page!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Goodie, more pictures! Brenda, I can't believe you've chosen Appalachian Spring - that's one of my absolute faves!!!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I'm listening to it right now as I'm doing my taxes! It's making me all emotional. When I went to Japan 25 years ago or so, the couple I was staying with asked me to send them some American music so I sent them a Copeland tape!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Fixing my page, eating ice cream, having Mom serve me coffee - it's the only way I'm getting through my taxes!
  • Rhoda Collins

    Did you get your bag yet? Wonder if you liked it as well as I do, lol!
  • Tami

    Nice eggs!

    Thanks for the well wishes. Have a terrific Easter!
  • April Floyd

    Hi, Brenda. I know you! Jenny has shared some of your funny emails with me. I hope you don't mind. I've really enjoyed them.

    BTY, isn't Jenny wonderful? As bossy as she can be, I have to admit that Jenny really is always right! I don't know what I would do without her. She's the best sister.

    Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hi Brenda,
    For the page title simple double click on the title itself on top, change it then click save right under it.
    as for changing the page appearance simply click "themes" right under your picture, it should look exactly the same as it did before.
    please let me know if that answers your question
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    ok, lets see...
    If i understand you correctly you want to change the "body" which are these blocks that have text, no?
    if so, you should find it here, Themes----> Body & Content Area------> then change the Body Background.
    you can change the color or upload an image.

    God, I hope I am even remotely close to what your question was.
    if not I apologize.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    by clicking on "themes" under your picture it will take you to the same place "advanced" tab.
    sorry for the big changes.

    I grew up in my grandmothers house, she had around 30+ cats, one dog, chickens, bunch of birds (the ones you see outside.. wild birds) and some other random animals.
    I am not lying when i tell you, the cats, birds and the dog use to chill together, people were baffled by the sight of all these animals sleeping and eating together.
    and by the way, only 5 cats were allowed to be in the house at one given time.. lol
  • April Floyd

    Hi Brenda,

    Maybe I'm just dense, but I don't know what you're embarassed about! I guess I did just get what you meant! Hope you had a nice holiday weekend and am easing into a good work week. Take care.

  • April Floyd

    I didn't even catch that. And I call myself a good proofreader! Hah! You are forgiven. Hope you're having a nice day.

  • Lory Minio

    I hope the rest of your day was more productive and you made some BIG BUCKS! Sadly, I was quite the slacker today. I probably ended up editing 30 pages, if that! Sad, but true. :-(
  • Tami

    Thanks for asking, Brenda. You are the best!

    Yesterday was awesome. We had MRIs scheduled for yesterday and today because they didn't think a six year old could be still that long, and he was so great that they did all the tests in one day and we don't have to go back today.

    It's an hour drive away so eats up a fat half day. So proud of that little guy of mine.

    Monday we meet with the gastroenterologist. Still pretty much undiagnosed, but everyone seems to be trying their best to figure it out. Of course we think it was a birth injury and the docs won't go there. Go figure!

    Got a call to do a Saturday RT depo today from one of my sweet CR friends. Tempting . . .

    Have a terrific weekend.

    Get Monday off paid. Caesar Chavez Day. Don't know who Caesar is, but I do love 'em!!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Hey, Brenda,

    My background is some coffee cups fabric - always makes me crave a cup! I'm going to change it soon, though. My only creative outlet! I copied over your briefs from depoman this morning. MERP, FERP, etc. They're much better than mine.
  • Tami

    I was kinda kidding about Caesar, Brenda. You know I have a tendency to not always be politically correct. I'm still afraid to mention the c-a-t word. :)
  • Tami

    Hi, Brenda.

    It was tough this week, but I'm feeling better right now. Have an acupuncturist appt today at 5:00. Hopefully that will get me back on track.

    The genetics doc called with some test results but just left message. We're playing phone tag. Hope I find out today. Thanks again for always being so sweet and caring about somebody else's busy life. I'll keep you posted.

    Have a great weekend!
  • caryn

    Oh, you're in Oregon! We've been to Sun River a few times. Husband's cousin lives in Lake Oswego,
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC


    Seeing your fishes just triggered a memory for me. Flashback time! When I was little, Mom always said she couldn't sing - she still says that, actually. However, she would sing me this one song. Do you know it?

    Down in the meadow in a little bitty pool
    Swam three little fishies and a mama fishie too
    "Swim" said the mama fishie, "Swim if you can"
    And they swam and they swam all over the dam
    Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
    Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
    Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!
    And they swam and they swam all over the dam
  • Sue Baker

    Thank you! Good to see you, too, Brenda!
  • Phil Stillerman

    How do I send a private message using this forum? I don't know if this is going private or public.

    I'm doing fine, I guess. Where do I start? Trying to plan my retirement (September, maybe); trying to plan a trip to the LA Californiai area for my son's wedding in August, trying not to get annoyed with him when he doesn't ask his younger brother to be the best man; he refuses to do any of the planning, it's all up to Catherine and her family. He won't take my advice -- I told 'em to elope, or just "do it". And, this is a Ph.D. psychologist we're talking about. I think he needs a shrink.
  • Phil Stillerman

    For a private message, click the little envelope under my picture on my page where it says "Send a Message."

    You mean I have to go to YOUR page and click on "send a message" or do I go to MY page and click .... -- color me not too smart in this website I think I understand, I will experiment. we'll see ...
  • Mary

    OOhh, girl, I got to fix my "page", don't I???
    Thanks for helping me check this out.
  • Mary

    Now I guess I'll have to put a picture of me up next, huh? Hmmmm....nah!
  • Linda C.

    OMG! That's high praise, coming from you, Brenda! Now that I've come over to your page to send this comment, though, I am blown away by your latest look. Wow! This is fab! That dress is stunning. Is it the one that you wear to those "special" depos? LOL :D
  • Linda C.

    Brenda, you must promise me that if you ever retire from court reporting, that on your last day you will wear something quite similar. Oh, and you must also talk with a deep Southern drawl, a la Scarlett O'Hara!