Anthony D. Frisolone


Staten Island, New York

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Federal Official Court Reporter
What state do you live in?
New York
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Returning to CSRNation.

Comment Wall:

  • Anthony D. Frisolone

    This is so cool! A MySpace or Facebook for the reporting profession. Great job.
  • Dale

    Hello Anthony!
    Welcome! You are a valuable and welcome addition to CSR, again, welcome!
    Dale Lardie
  • Janissa Jimenez

    Hello Mr. Frisolone, you probably don't remember me since it's been a while since the last time I e-mailed you. Hope everything is well at your end of the world. By the way, thanks for the invite,lol.
  • Regina Tell

    Hi, Anthony! Things are going well in NJ. I'm so happy to hear you'll be coming to AC in October. Bring lots of friends...we need a big turnout!!!! Just make a note of it that it's going to be the 19th this year, NOT over Columbus Day Weekend.
  • Daniel Olarnick

    Dearn Anthony: Yes, it is a new publicity shot taken of me at the World Series of Poker, last year. I finished 168th out of 1882 -- not bad, but not great either -- earned a bit of a name for myself, as I knocked out a number of rated players, but took a "bad beat" as I went for a move up in the rankings.

    Good luck to you and yours. Hope to see you soon (at my retirement party December 2008).
  • Daniel Olarnick

    Nice pictures, btw, of the kids and the "players."
  • Tori Pittman

    Anthony -
    Thanks for the invite - I had tried a while back to come to play here, but it never "took" that time around!

    All is well here... After this weekend, I'm not free a single one until the 14th of JUNE!! Guess I'll be sleeping in this weekend.

    BTW - LOVE the slide show. With a name like Frisolone, I wouldn't have guessed you'd wear a tartan. My celt heritage, however, appreciates the fact you're in a traditional group! And, of course, it's amazing to see the kids growing up.
  • Maribel Tineo

    Thank you. This is great. I like it.
    Thanks for the invite. I'm taking some time to have a nice profile. LOL.
  • Alycia Matchen

    Thank you for inviting me to this forum. It looks like a great way to connect with others and to learn more about the court reporting field from those who are in it.
  • Deborah

    Thanks for inviting me, Anthony. Your pictures are great!