Michelle Broussard


Elk Grove

Comment Wall:

  • jill seifert

    Hey Michelle. Sup. Like your new hair. It's darling :)
  • Danielle

    hi michelle! nice to meet you. i feel like a dork saying that. how is school going for you?
  • Danielle

    oh man! i totally know what you mean though! when are you going to transfer back? i'm done with my 200s, i just have to finish up my interning before i can sit in on qualifiers. how about you?
  • Danielle

    i would HATE that. that's awesome that you're sticking with it though! i actually remember krista telling me about you before you transferred. i've been in school for almost two years now. 100s was my HARDEST to get through for some reason. how is 80s going?
  • Danielle

    yeah, i don't think anyone is really in the mood right now, which totally sucks. everything's just been weird lately! i'm actually really glad that i have interning to focus on right now, and don't have to be in school as much. i'm sure the change in pace will really help! does Bryan have much of an upper-speed program?
  • Danielle

    you will be! good luck to you too!
  • Monica

    Hey gurlie! you are not going back to Bryan college are you?
  • Monica

    Have you started back at Bryan yet?
  • Danielle

    hey! how's school going?
  • JiLL

    Hey Danielle--- So is MS ur home state? i noticed MS and just wondered. Imma a southern gal, i am originally from AR....
    G0 HawGS!