Adrienne Cuellar


San Antonio

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
I work in financial services.
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
court reporting school

Comment Wall:

  • Adrienne Cuellar

    This is me and my daughter Lauren, age 2.
  • Kim Gibney

    Hello, Adrienne. I'm also a student getting ready to take the RPR in May. I have a question for you. Do you edit and print your test in Eclipse? I'm assuming you have the student version. That's what I have. I'm having a problem every time I start editing in Eclipse I get a little verticle box that comes up and it's followed by a message box that says Eclipse has to close. After I open it, everything is gone. Not just my editing--everything! So, I haven't been editing in Eclipse and I just type from my notes. Which, I guess isn't a total horrible thing.:) Just trying to get some feedback on this. I don't want to be the only "old fogie" typing from my notes at the RPR. LOL When do you plan to purchase the professional Eclipse? Or have you already?