stephanie jones


murrieta, california

United States

Comment Wall:

  • jayne

    Welcome to the site. It is nice meeting another student. Hope you enjoy the site. Holler if you need help or just someone to talk too!

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Welcome to CSRnation!
  • jayne

    It is a terrific site and the people are extremely friendly and helpful. Picking brains is a recommendation from me.

  • jayne

    You have started the fun part though, everyday is going to be a new challenge. Don't let yourself get discouraged and if you have a bad day remember there are others who have been through the same thing and they are willing to help pick you up and dust you off for the next day.
  • Patricia Y. Schuler

    Good luck with school. I know how hard it can be. Let me know when you're in qualifiers!