

Irvine, California

United States

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What is your occupation?
Certified Shorthand Reporter and Certified LiveNote Reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
I don't remember.

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  • Paulina B.

    I love sushi and coffee. This is the longest I've ever gone without coffee. I don't even drink decaf. It's torture!
  • Dana Serrano

    Thanks... believe it or not I had just cut about 4 inches off before that pic.
  • Dana Serrano

  • Jennifer

    Hi Kyung

    How's it going? Heck no I'm not busy. Haven't worked all week but I'm working on a 250+ video job. Still with PRS?
  • Audrey Ricks

    No, I haven't tried that yet. I am still trying to get the fixes on having to configure the bluetooth signal each time I log on. Then I plan to play with the audio stuff.

    I have been vacationing in Scotland and England -- haven't taken a depo since end of August! (eeek!) I am back on calendar starting tomorrow, slowly getting back into "realisty," so I'm hoping to get a couple of tech support calls in today and knock those tasks off my desk before getting back to the grind.

    Have you sync'd Mira audio with your ECLs?
  • Jennifer

    Duh, me. LOL. Got it now.
  • Jennifer

    I'm glad I joined. I've got a job for tomorrow!!!
  • Audrey Ricks

    For some reason the bluetooth should "pair" with the computer whenever I turn it on. It never seems to find/locate the computer, then I have to go through a couple of steps to configure again. That's all. I think it's just a software update, but I need to call and check on that. Nothing is really ever "plug and play," ya know?

    Living in a tourist town, I hide out while we're bombarded with tourists. Once everyone is back in school and back to work, I usually plan my trips during those times. I heard it was slow while I was gone. I picked up 4 days this week -- providing tomorrow's job stays on calendar. I need to replenish my U.S. Dollars after nearly doubling it against the Great Britain Pound. Ouch!
  • Stephanie Leslie

    I'm doing much better... thanks! I've been trying to eat more and more. That's been the hardest part, believe it or not! Thanks for checking up on me. Yeah, watch out for the bug, 'cuz I NEVER get the flu... yikes!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hello Kyung,
    You now can add a blog post, discussion post, pictures.. etc from any page.
    Simply click on the "quick add" on the top right under your:-

    Sign Out

    * Inbox (0 new)
    * My Friends – Invite (0 request) (0 requests)
    * My Settings"

    under that you will find it there... try it and let me know what you think.
    The cool thing about it is you no longer have to be in your page.

  • Jena Macato

    Hi Kyung,
    Thanks for asking. It went well. It was actually just a marriage dissolution held in front of a judge in family court. It was just two attorneys, the husband and wife, and the judge. They were finalizing the divorce. No arguing, very civilized. I guess I had panic set in, since it was my very first job.
  • Karen

    South Coast College in Orange, CA
  • Terrie

    Hi Kyung. You left me a voice mail last week about a live note job on Thursday. I had an expedite and totally forgot to call you back. Sorry about that.
  • Kathleen

    Hey!! Things are good. I started working last week and took three jobs and have one lines up for this afternoon. I love it so far. Everyon has been really nice and I haven't gotten blown out of the water ; ) Im sticking to just work comp, pi, disso's and stuff like that to start. How are things going with you?
  • Audrey Ricks

    Sorry, Kyung! I've been burried in work as well as hosting family/guests at "Casa de Ricks" here in beautiful Pt. Loma! (ha ha) That's what I get for making the guestroom too nice. Burnin' the midnight oil, trying to fit it all in. I know I need to update my page. I have another full week and upcoming weekend, then I'm hoping to have some "normal time," if there is such a thing, to read forums, post some new photos, etc. It's nutty!

    How's it working out with the Feds?
  • Audrey Ricks

    What do you mean send you some work? Aren't you in court now? I'm happy to pass your name along -- haven't had any requests for the OC. Is it not every day you're in court? I'm confused (as usual).
  • Paulina B.

    Hey! I'm doing good. I'm already in my second trimester. Can you believe that? Time is flying even faster now! Things are still a little slow out here in Vegas, but I don't have any plans to travel back to CA anytime soon. Don't really feel like traveling much. What's going on with you?
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Yes, i have noticed that.. and other bugs.
    for example, it says am 32 when I am actually 31 even though i have entered the correct DOB.
    I been wanting to look into this but this last month has been very hard in many different ways.
    i will get to it hopefully soon.
    thanks for the hads up!
  • Paulina B.

    Yeah, before getting pregnant I would drive out to CA whenever it was slow out here in NV. The slow times in CA were better than the slow times in NV. If it continues to stay slow, I may just have to come out just for a little bit. Good that you're in court. How's that going? Do you like it? I've always thought about going into court, but wasn't willing to give up the flexibility that depo work offers. Although when it's slow, is usually when I think about going to court. :)
  • Judy

    Then why'd you bash Eclipse?
  • jenny s. booker

    Hey Kyung,

    What's going on? Haven't seen you in a long time! Are you working for Paulson Costa Mesa?
  • Audrey Ricks

    Oh, I see! You're pro-tem there, not 5 days a week, permanent. Got it.
    I will definitely continue to pass on your name. I have a small list of reporter contact info that I'll send to agencies who need coverage at the times I'm unable to help out. There's a handful of us who take the freelance work, so I usually refer out the names when the opportunities come up.

    Hope you are well.
    I'll catch up with you soon!

  • Cathi

    Hi. Did you used to hang out with Connie back in night school? I think I remember you.
  • Marla Sharp

    Yeah, I was bummed you couldn't make it to the San Diego outing too. There were only five of us, but we still had fun. Sometimes the smaller outings are more fun because you can really get to know everyone who's there.

    Suggestions on a holiday outing in December? Also, I'm thinking of doing a spa weekend in Palm Springs in January. Think you might be interested in coming to that one? If so, when works for you?
  • Christine

    Hi there...How are you? I thought for sure you'd come to San Diego. We missed you. I guess I'll see you at the next one. Hope all is well with you!
  • Audrey Ricks

    Hello again! And we thought those darn conference room chairs were uncomfortable!?!??!! That thing required an appointment with the chiropractor after a swing in it! It's sure beautiful up there on that rooftop, but we endured pretty cold winds and a fire pit that was out of control. Lots 'o fun! We'll see you at the next one, I'm sure!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hello Kyung,
    Congratz on reaching CSR Elite :P

    First to get the yellowish gem!
  • Marla Sharp

    Thaks for the Excel function. I ended up finding a way around it. I just created the formula I knew I could do and hid the column Sneaky. Thanks for your input, though. You should put on an Excel training class. I love Excel, but those forumlas can confuse me.
  • Dana Serrano

    Happy Halloween!!!

    My friend already had her Halloween party on Sat. I was a pirate wench. Today will be about what my nephews want to do. They're getting older and want to do some trick or treating on their own. But it's been storming and lots of thunder and lightening. So we'll just have to wait to see what happens, I guess. What's your daughter dressing up as??
  • Marla Sharp

    Ooh, can you set up auto indexing??? I just emailed someone for an estimate to have them set it up, and they wanted over $300. Wish I could afford that. I HATE doing the index.
  • Dana Serrano

    Cool. Have fun!!! It's probably nice and sunny there. Here's it's been storming. Get lots of candy!!!
  • Cynthia L. Varela

    not too bad. just trying to figure out how to let people know i'm willing to work
  • Jennifer

    I'm supposed to but it's a little intimidating.
  • Jennifer

    I've done realtime depos before. When I was offered them, I didn't have the cable, but now I'm never offered them. I did a training session in the summer; so I feel ok about it. I need to practice hooking up before I get to court though.
  • Jennifer

    Thanks. That's good to know. I still have to go through the training. So it'll be a while before I'm actually in. Your blog kind of scared me though.
  • Jennifer

    It will be both, the uploading and sitting out. I just had the interview last Wednesday; so they're trying to coordinate the trainer's schedule.
  • Dana Serrano

    She's so cute!!! She really was colorful. I understand about the candy. I don't buy it otherwise I will eat it all too.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    I tried changing mine today and I couldn't.. then noticed I had something that broke it.
    Since no one complained i had no idea.. how long has it been like that?? a while i am sure.
  • Anthony D. Frisolone

    Hey, Kyung, thanks for the friend add. I thought you already added me. Through your writing, I feel like we've been friends for awhile. I look forward to your next missive/treatise/manifesto.

    Also, keep plunging ahead into this profession and explore all the corners, dark alleys, and open spaces it has to offer. Just remember that I got your back!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    I have been working from 6pm till 6am for the last 3 weeks and let me tell you... its not easy at all.
    I force my self to wake up at around 12pm so I can see a bit of sun.
    2 more months to go.. i hope.
  • Paulina B.

    Hey, Kyung. I'm doing great. I can't believe I'm already in my 5th month. Time is flying! I hear it's been slow out in the depo world. I've actually started thinking about making the switch to captioning. I'm thinking for taped shows, nothing live. Now that I'm going to have a baby, I want to do something at home instead of having to travel to depos. I don't know if I could be a total stay-at-home mom. I need to work a little bit.
  • Paulina B.

    Oops. Hit the button too soon....

    What's new with you?
  • Anthony D. Frisolone

    Hey, Kyung. You're right about the Mira and the Fusion. It's a question of whether you want paper or paperless. I have the G2 which is an older Mira na dif you get the A3 it's the latest model with everything you need.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hello Kyung,
    Its bad for everyone... maybe ill bring the donation button back next month.
    thanks for the kind words and i am sure it will get better by next march.. i just know it will.
  • Brenda Rogers

    I snagged that song from Tari's page! It's making the rounds, all right.
  • Christy Fagan, CRR, RMR, CSR

    Oh, no. I'm loving reading all the comments. It helps a lot, trust me. I see I'm not the only chicken.
  • Judy

    Nah, Lisa O'Sullivan should do that.
  • Anthony D. Frisolone

    An evidentiary hearin is a hearing on a criminal defendant's motion to prohibit the prosecutor's use of evidence alleged to have been obtained in violation of the defendant's rights. Also, the term suppression hearing is synonymous with evidentiary hearing. They're like minitrials without a jury, the judge makes the decision. Hopefully, the judge will reserve decision which forces the parties to order the transcript from you. Better yet, go to the parties before the case starts and say to them, You're ordering the transcript, right? Try to get them to split the cost and the AUSA on the case faxes you a Transcript Order Form and the defense counsel signs the CJA-24 form after the judge grants it or make sure the public defender sends you the proper order form.
  • Anthony D. Frisolone

    Generally, in an evidentiary hearing, there aren't opening or closing statements. It's rare that that happens. Just make sure you note the witness's name and the examination. For example:

    Smith - Direct/Mr. Attorney.

    Best of luck.
  • Jennifer

    Thanks for the help. That helps a lot.