Brenda Rogers


United States

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  • Tami


    I saw Michelle's post on your page, so I posted her, and she has the same problem I do. I was kind of relieved, but I'm not so sure I'm strong enough to make it through my 90 days.

    Thanks for all your help. You're always the best!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Brenda, Tami passed you up. She's now a socialite!!!
    Tami - CSR Socialite 3042 points
    Brenda Rogers CSR Star 2982 points
    It's all that stressing over the LS what done it!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    You turned into a socialite while I was out dealing with my HP!!! All those briefs pushed you over the edge. Must catch you up! How do you like my bon-bon girl? Wish I had some now. I ate up the last of my chocolate stressing over the LS the other day!
  • Tami

    Thanks, Brenda.

    I did cancel it, but I might be re-ordering it again. Clay has it. Got it in May or June. When he closes his lid, it completely erases his RT file. Is that normal??

    So that was another reason . . .

    AND they couldn't install bluetooth, which I hear maybe you can work around, but I want to get a firm answer on that one.

    Thinking I shouldn't have cancelled today. :(

    OMG, I'm just reading Jenny's post. I have never liked that "socialite" word. Lisa will get this -- it sounds too "Orange County." :)

    Okay, Lisa, you can call me "the dirt people." :)

    Jenny's right. It is that stressing over the LS and a new laptop and . . .
  • Tami

    Now if they counted those points by the word, no wonder I'm winning. :)

    Can't blame it on typing too fast. We all do that!
  • Tami

    Great suggestion -- when I close the lid, do nothing. I'll make sure he looks for that. Probably has something to do with sleep mode because I think that's what he said it does.

    Doesn't working on your writing every day make it so much fun??

    I FINALLY got my STR-NL to start thinking short. It's been a long road to get her to consider it. I've tried to be more subtle than not, but she pretty much would just give me a "talk to the hand, because the ears aren't listening" response. :)

    She bought Mark's new book and is going crazy.

    She is a top-notch reporter. Has been a CRR since I have been. We passed the same test a decade ago. So . . . she thought it ain't broke, why fix it.

    That's hard to argue with. It's like those reporters just have to decide on their own that there really is a better way.

    She said her writing is crap right now, which I warned her about, but she also followed it up with a "not for long."

    The best part is she's got that heightened excitement back of really perfecting her writing and saving the stress on her body and mind.

    Anyway, you know how it goes.

    Just starting to get into Mark's new book myself.

    The new thing I'm working on is using the * in phrases for "did."

    so . . .

    what did you say WHA*US
    and who did you tell SKPWHO*UT
    and when did you think SKPWH*UNK

    (You know how big this list is.)

    There's your carrot for the day! :)

    Really thinking about re-ordering the ThinkPad. Wishing I would have asked about just putting it on ice for a day.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Brenda, Did you see Rhoda's bride picture? So pretty! I'm going to the thrift store with Mom in a while. Sometimes I have to raise my voice to her to prevent her from buying total junk. Sometimes she picks up something really awful. It takes me a minute to figure out she's just pushing my buttons! I can be quite slow at times!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Brenda, I got my loaner this afternoon and it connected right away to my wireless deal - thank goodness! Now I am starting to load all my programs in. I hope it gives me a good LS tran. It's Vista with 3 gigs. Did you have a fun day??? I met my friend Carol for lunch after my Fry's experience. She sure can talk!
  • Tami


    I re-ordered the T-61. Maybe it was a good thing that I cancelled and re-ordered. This time they had BT available, and I also got one more RAM of memory. Comes with four, but since I'm going to use the XP downgrade, XP only will use up to three and a half.

    Hoping to get it in time to take it with me to Vegas. Also hoping the new fix-it update is out -- or at least they can fix my last problem without me spending more time (and frustration) on it.

    I'm glad you posted me on the T-61. Forgot to ask the guy about Clay's issue with shutting the lid and things disappearing, but I'm sure when I get mine I'll figure it out.

    Hope you've been doing great. The weather here has been absolutely beautiful. The clouds have been unbelievable.

    My six-YAOERLD tells me he knows where God lives, as he's looking at the most beautiful cloud I've ever seen.

    Too bad we can't just bottle them up and keep them six. :)
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Just read your post about the musical you saw! Debbie and I almost went to that when we were in Vegas, but as she had seen it already - and loved it - we went to Cirque instead. But one day ...
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    I see you have added emote.. just a heads up.
    It is full of bugs.. it needs more time for better integration.
    also, the emote is at the button,.. you can drag it to the top if you like.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Well, not the bugs you would worry about (bugs as it doesnt work right)
    I have removed it for now.. it needs more work.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I felt like a change! I'm sure not getting much done over here. I'm really watching the leaves in my neighborhood fall today - achoo!
  • Tina Givens


    Just playing around, eavesdropping on everyone's conversations.
    Love the music you've added. What is it??
  • Tami


    Clay's taking the CSR on Friday. Can you believe it??

    We're accepting all good vibes, prayers, etc., you want to send our way. :)
  • D. Stan


    Can you believe it? Where have I been all my life? I just happened upon a post in the CRF wherein this forum was mentioned. This site looks great, and I look forward reading all of the interesting information provided.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Brenda, Thanks so much for my yummy birthday cupcake! That's as close to cake as I'm going to get today. I do have a few cookies hidden around here, though, and they're all mine!
  • Stacy Tegner

    Hi Brenda ~ I thought I'd reply here about the LS and not in Brief Club! I do like the LS. It's kind of a long story. I actually bought it back around March, played w/ it at home, took it to a few jobs ~ I had some odd drops but thought it was me getting used to the new machine. Then on like my fifth or sixth job with it, I was feeling really comfortable and knew I was writing great. The witness gave some long, kind of gross description about her sinuses using a bunch of adjectives. I looked up to see how many would translate and I watched the end of the A. the next Q. and the first part of the next A. never show up!! So needless to say, I stopped using it on jobs. I checked other jobs and then played with it at home at it was dropping every time. I guess I was one of the lucky handful that had this weird dropping issue. Johnny and John Sims were very helpful ~ I just had to wait for this new upgrade to fix the problem. Now it is fixed and I'm excited to be back on it. I've only taken a few jobs with it and my tran rate is HORRIBLE! I'm learning it all over again. I have a group of friends that bought it too and they say it does get better and better ~ does it?? My body is definitely not as sore and I love having it on my lap. I just can't wait to work out all the kinks (sensitivity, comobo rules, etc.!) Funny thing is when I went back to my old Flash machine after the first round, I never had better tran rates ~ I was so, so clean. So that gives me hope.
    Do you like yours??
    Have a great day.
    Happy Halloween.
  • Maeve

    Hi there,

    Kids, coffee, shoes ... who are you? Me?????

    Ok, hi again, I'm Maeve, I'm from Ireland, from Wicklow (south of Dublin the capital).

    I'm an Eclipse scopist just checkin out what's goin on in CSR Nation and I see you online. Your "about me" section caught my eye. I love my coffee and boots more than shoes and I really miss my poor kitty cat. We gotta catch up ha ha!!
  • Stacy Tegner

    Thanks, Brenda ~ I would love the AB suggestion Macros. My email is
    A group of us are having an Eclipse user group meeting next weekend ~ do you mind if I pass them on?
  • Stacy Tegner

    Oh, thank so much for the encouraging words!! When I went back on my Flash, I didn't go above 1.5% untran (before LS I was hovering around 2%, 3 for docs. Now I'm back on the LS and my rate is AWFUL ~ I'm consistently around 5 to 6% ~ now, I realize I'm getting used to the machine's feel ~ but I can't figure out the combo rules for many things and it's driving me nuts. Like today, I would feel myself write STAUL for "install" and would really make sure I hit just the ST and then it would come up an untranslate SDAUL (E guessed dual) Arghh! I fiddled w/ my -K at one break and then of course they didn't talk about installing the darn cabinets anymore!! I am also constantly writing new words and kind of changing my writing ~ like today's "needed" and "working" so those were all untrans b/c I hadn't entered them yet. So I'm just plodding along trying not to be so anal about my tran rate but it's very hard to see it so bad ~ even when I know I'm putting in new words. Also my punctuation is weird on the LS ~ I never seem to hit all the buttoms at the same time and vary on which ones I do hit. But, all in all, I do really like it and from what I hear, and you just confirmed, it's worth it!
  • Maeve

    Ah a cold & wet October - it's cold & wet here most months but yes, it is still beautiful. What brought you to Ireland?

    I can't count my boots now as my husband is here he he! But I've quite a few.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I just had my third cup! Drove home in pouring rain! I felt I needed a nice cozy page for a week at least - to recover from Halloween and test anxiety - my anxiety over other reporters' tests. Gee, should that be reporters' or reporter's??? It never ends! The fireplace is April's - pic taken last Thanksgiving.
  • Tami

    I want to steal this song, too. I love it!

    How do I do that??
  • Tami

    It's not letting me steal it. :(

    Guess I got to visit your pages to hear it!
  • Jessica K. Belcher

    Why am I just now getting your message? Sorry 'bout that.

    Thanks for accepting!
  • Kyung

    OMG. I just snagged the Michael Buble songe. Thanks so much for putting it up. I have the CD, but I"m too lazy to rip the song to my laptop and then upload it.

    Too cool!!!
  • Michelle

    Hi Brenda, I love the profile page :)

    What do you think of the Lightspeed - I haven't found many people using it yet - is it worth trading a Mira for???
  • Michelle

    Wow Brenda, I'm guessing that you love your Lightspeed :)
    Thanks for the info, I'll head over to Depoman and check it out.
    Thanks again
  • Tami

    Thanks, Brenda!! Smoochies back atcha!!!

    I've tried to steal this song three times, and it doesn't work. I really LOVE it!!
  • Tami

    I don't hear the song on my page. :(

    Sounds GREAT on yours, though!
  • Tami

    Yes, silly me! I finally got it, thanks to you!!
  • Tami

    It's silly me again.

    Why when I come to your page I hear the song immediately and on mine I have to push buttons??
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I just had to watch you guys again! Cracks me up!!! I came over here to see if you had totally Thanksgivinged your page up yet. I'm getting a slow start this morning - avoiding my rush job. I'm going to add a bit of Thanksgiving to my page in a while. I forwarded your show to April. Can't wait to hear back from her later today regarding your dance moves!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Hi, there! I think you beat me to my adding a background. It's a little big, but I'm done with my depo delay. Must get to it! I may fix my page up a bit later today. I'm waiting for FedEx to pick up the rush exhibits.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Brenda, Just got back from my massage 20 minutes ago. She worked on me for two hours and 45 minutes! So sorry to hear about your LS mishap!!! I'm thinking positively that they will fix it free of charge, and that you will get it back before your next depo! I'm crossing my fingers!!!
  • Kyung

    I have to say that Elf thing is hilarious and cool. You're an awesome dancer, btw.
  • Kyung

    Your wheedling worked. I made an Elf dance with my daughter, my niece, and my husband. My husband thinks I'm nuts.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Happy Thanksgiving, Brenda!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I did a really dumb thing. I guess I didn't check the date with my glasses on of the chicken I was going to cook yesterday so when I got it out of the fridge, I had to throw it out!!! So we did absolutely nothing - no stuffing - which I could have cooked anyway. Alan wasn't in the mood either. I ended up working on Quicken for most of the day and I finished reading a book I started the day before. As T-days go, it was quite pathetic!!! Did your meal turn out great - even with six people only? Have any pics???
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    They are the sweetest! A big part of me wishes they were next to me right now, but then the other part knows they wouldn't always be in such a sweet sleepy pose! Kittens have so much energy. Even Mom's Mama Kitty loves to play and run around, and she's getting up there! I bet your parents have a lot of fun with them.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Okay, now you and Tina are making me feel the Xmas spirit. I'll be posting a new pic on my site - you're getting me all competitive!
  • Tina Givens

    Thanks, Brenda!

    How come that stupid birthday countdown thing is not big and bold on your page like mine?
  • Tami

    Yes, I know I need to get over to the brief group, BUT -- court's calling -- I think it's good to keep them on the main page so we can convert all the longhand reporters. :)

    Have a great week!
  • Jill S. Driscoll

    Herrow, Kitty!

    You *wave*d on March 18, so I'm just getting around to waving back!

  • Stacy Tegner

    Brenda ~ BTW, I am LOVING the W-BZ, etc. for auto brief ~ in fact, I think I'm addicted to it and my tran rate is dropping b/c of it :0!! I constantly am trying to get suggestions and then I realize, oh, yeah, someone's talking, I guess I better do my job, and so I slop down whatever I can to catch up ~ hmm, might be defeating the purpose, huh?? But, seriously, I really like them ~ they save me more than the screw me up ;)
  • Stacy Tegner

    I agree!! The nerve of them ~ esp. when they keep saying a phrase over and over and OVER, don't they know they should pause for us to come up with a brief and play with it ~ jeez!!! LOL!!
  • Tami

    Brenda, you page is always so beautiful.

    So I love The Amazing Race, and on the finale on Sunday they end up in Portland. After our great trip to Seattle in August, I've been kicking around Portland. We've never been. Kind of want to go to at least one new place ever year -- hopefully two.

    So they do this zipline across this huge river from a bridge down to an island.

    Do you know anything about that???

    My boys and I are so there!!
  • Tami

    Oh, and I'm teetering on buying Eclipse right now. I purchased Clay's last week, and Procat is giving me fits about a key situation. I've been on an older version, not updating because if it ain't broke, don't fix it, and the new features weren't worth loading.

    They did get one I wanted, so I get ready to load and then the old key will not work on the new laptop, and they want the old one sent in, and I want to keep it on my laptop so I can access the last eight years, which I still on it -- HA!

    Yes, I'm crazy.

    So I'm thinking why learn the new Procat software when I should buy Eclipse and learn that. Yes, I know it will be a lot more to learn, but the timing just seems right -- especially with Clay on it and we can help each other out.

    So gotta tell Jenny, too, because she'll be excited.
  • Tami

    Did you see the zipline??

    Two for one on E??? We just purchased Clay's on Friday, and nobody said anything about that. That would be sweet!