Patricia Y. Schuler


San Diego, California

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Court Reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Stephen Mandal
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

Comment Wall:

  • Nicolete

  • Gail Inghram Verbano

    ood morning. Are you in Beliz?? Cool.

    My rates are standard: $1/pg regular turnaround (within a week.) $1.50 for overnight work. Are you on Eclipse and do you send audio files?

    I'm backed up at the moment, but give me a heads-up on when you think you might be busy.

    I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. Am I emailing your or leaving a comment for everyone to see? Can't quite navigate this new site yet.
  • Nicolete

    I'm getting lonely, too. I guess everyone's soooo busy.
  • Tina Sherman

    I love this. I never do MySpace anymore. Now I just have to figure it out...hmmm???
  • stephanie jones

    thank you, hopefully it won't be too far down the road for me!!
  • stephanie jones

    hey, that's funny that you're in murrieta too! i just got out of theory so i am only in 60-80's. what school did you go to? how do you like being a csr? do you have any kids? do you have any tips for me? i would appreciate any advice you have to give! oh yeah, i'm in west murrieta for the time. i live near murrieta valley high school off washington.
  • Patricia Y. Schuler

    I went to CRI in San Diego. I love being a CSR. Greatest job ever. I don't have any kids, though. The best advice is to transcribe everything. Transcribe until your fingers bleed. That will actually help you get out of school more than trying to do speedbuilding. I'm off of Murrieta Hot Springs and Margarita Road.
  • Rhiannon Smith

    Hi Patricia! I am totatlly free so far this week and always looking for work!
  • Rhiannon Smith
  • michelle weber

    Hello Patricia.

    I'm a reporter in Bakersfield, CA and would like to move to SD but need to make sure there is enough work where I can work full time and support my two boys. Do you find there is enough work? I will travel through SD county and also to southern OC. Any info you have I would greatly appreciate!!!

  • Barbara Penn

    Hi Patricia,

    Thanks for saying hi! Where are you working now? I'm keeping pretty busy in court.
  • Andrea M. Ignacio

    Patricia, I really wish I could. I actually have a summons to appear for jury duty the 19th, but keep me in mind for the future. Love the pics. Have you tried Susan Magee?? She's also on here and and excellent reporter. Also Janis Jennings is another one. Good luck, and have a happy and blessed holidays ;o)