A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
please join the Court Reporters group to your right.
just click "Court Reporters" and "Join Court Reporters"
We are into our 2nd week, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.
Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
if you have any questions please let me know.
My name is Danelle Young. I am a scopist/proofreader. I have DigitalCat. I would be interested in doing some scoping or proofreading for you. Let me know if I can be of any help to you.
Hi, Elizabeth! Thanks for contacting me. I would prefer to send my rates info to you privately and I'm not sure how to do so on this forum. Would you mind much providing your personal e-mail address? You can write me at accufritz@yahoo.com.
Thanks again!
Thanks! I also enjoy having faces for you and Lorrie. You know it's funny that I've talked to and emailed reporters for years and never get to place a face with the voice. I suspect this site will definately help with that!
Hi Elizabeth,
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I will email you from another email address, pamlet@centurytel.net with rates and turnaround times. I look forward to an opportunity to work with you. Pam
Elizabeth, I was thinking your email was posted here but it isn't please email me at the pamlet@centurytel.net address and, as I said, will give you rates and turnaround times. I really would love the opportunity to work with you.
I know you too. I hope you are well. This seems like a great forum for reporters to get together...Snowed in in Tahoe with my family. Life could be worse. Take care
Hi there
Yep, we did almost take a job together. I didn't do it either because the rates were too low. Didn't you just get married? Nice to "talk" with you again.
you know I just "borrow" them from others! Hey, Huey Lewis and the News tickets go on sale for March 3 on monday. let me know if you guys want to get em... I am down. No floyd though.. school
Thanks for reminding me! It has been a month now so I need to get to passing! Thanks for everything friend! Can I be you when I grow up? Happily married and successful? LOL
Thank you for the nice comment you wrote on my blog. I do my best to follow the rules of grammar.. Good look on the RMR. If there's anything you need on the East Coast, let me know.
Hi Elizabeth, thanks for the comments about my kids -- I love your photograph as well. You know, I was often amazed at how when one baby would cry, the other wouldn't. That made it easier. And, yes, they would both sleep at the same time. As little infants, they were in the same crib and I would lay them at either end. When I would check on them, I'd find them snuggled up together in the middle. It was so awesome!! Let me know how you're doing!!
Wow, our original due dates are so close. Mine was Dec. 29th. I do feel like I'm taking it easy, pretty much. I've still been working but they haven't been all days, at least not every day, and my hubby does all the cooking anyways and we have a housekeeper, so I'm not doing too much around the house. I'm used to staying busy too, and I'm not sure what I"m going to do in that two week after Thanksgiving. I have some "nesting" I can do, but otherwise, maybe go visit some friends that I don't see often enough, and just relax, since like you said, we'll be dreaming of those relaxing days later on! So are these your first? Do you know what you're having? Did you get twins naturally or was it in vitro? That would be great if you can go home! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you =)
Oh wow, that is so awesome to be getting twins naturally, AND one of each. We met a couple at our Baby Basics class this weekend that are also having natural boy/girl twins. By looking at me, you would think I've got more than one in there, but I'm short and I'm retaining a lot of water in my belly. My husband would have LOVED for me to have boy/girl twins. We're having a little girl named Olivia Judith O'Brien, and he's already talking about maybe trying for a boy but we're going back and forth on it. First, we're older, and are blessed with knowing we're having a healthy baby(had CVS testing done). Plus, I do not like pregnancy AT ALL. I don't know if I could handle it again! If we knew we would have a boy, we may do it, but if we knew it would be another girl, we probably would not. So it's a tough call, and yup, having those one of each twins would have been perfect. But I'm not complaining =) We are sooo excited.
Are you home now? I bet that will be heaven getting to sleep in your own bed again! We get to see Olivia Friday...been a month since the last ultrasound(We're spoiled now getting to see her once a month due to me being high risk from blood pressure) Last month, she weighed right under three pounds, but I have grown a lot in the last month so I will be curious to see. Although last week at my regular OB appt, when she measured me, it showed my measurement as a 29-week-old whereas I'm 32, so she will be little. I came down with a bug yesterday and pretty much out today. Boy, it's one thing being sick, but also being eight months pregnant, YIKES!!! That's really miserable =(~ Have an uneventful delivery and I'll look forward to seeing pictures! How much time are you going to take off after?
Oh man, Santa came to the hospital. That is sooo cool. I was just thinking that this morning, that Olivia didn't get her picture taken with Santa. I just responeded to your blog, but just now saw the pics....you have a doggie too....how was that introduction?
Hello, Elizabeth! Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful children. How awesome to have a boy and girl at once! You are truly blessed.
We actually corresponded last year. My schedule was hectic and we lost touch. Sorry that you haven't found a good match in a scopist yet, but it's sure nice to hear from you again.
I've responded with rates, etc., to the Yahoo e-mail address I have on file. If you're no longer using that one, please let me know where to write.
Kelli Combs (admin)
please join the Court Reporters group to your right.
just click "Court Reporters" and "Join Court Reporters"
We are into our 2nd week, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.
Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
if you have any questions please let me know.
Dec 20, 2007
Kelli Combs (admin)
Dec 20, 2007
Danelle Young
My name is Danelle Young. I am a scopist/proofreader. I have DigitalCat. I would be interested in doing some scoping or proofreading for you. Let me know if I can be of any help to you.
Jan 3, 2008
Angela Alvarado
I saw your name and wanted to say hi!
Jan 3, 2008
Robin Fritz
Thanks again!
Jan 3, 2008
Angela Alvarado
Jan 3, 2008
Danelle Young
My e-mail is danelleyoung@cs.com or danelleyoung@verizon.net. Can you send me an e-mail and I'll send my rates to your e-mail.
Jan 3, 2008
Debi Rodgers
Debi Rodgers
DKR Scoping Unlimited
Jan 3, 2008
Pam Martin
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I will email you from another email address, pamlet@centurytel.net with rates and turnaround times. I look forward to an opportunity to work with you. Pam
Jan 3, 2008
Pam Martin
Pam Martin
Jan 3, 2008
Natalie Rodriguez
Jan 4, 2008
Natalie Rodriguez
Jan 5, 2008
Matt Spievak
I know you too. I hope you are well. This seems like a great forum for reporters to get together...Snowed in in Tahoe with my family. Life could be worse. Take care
Jan 6, 2008
Lori Stokes
Yep, we did almost take a job together. I didn't do it either because the rates were too low. Didn't you just get married? Nice to "talk" with you again.
Jan 6, 2008
Lori Stokes
I actually took most of December off, so I need to get back to work this week!! Back to reality
Jan 6, 2008
Natalie Rodriguez
Jan 6, 2008
Lindsey Perry
Lindsey Perry, CSR #12806
(916) 521-5215
Jan 10, 2008
Lindsey Perry
Jan 11, 2008
Jan 18, 2008
Natalie Rodriguez
Jan 24, 2008
Natalie Rodriguez
Feb 1, 2008
Lori Stokes
Yes, I am working there, but just one day a week. What is your friend's name??
Feb 10, 2008
Angela Alvarado
Feb 20, 2008
Angela Alvarado
Feb 25, 2008
Natalie Rodriguez
May 1, 2008
Anthony D. Frisolone
May 1, 2008
Ben Lewis
May 4, 2008
Monty Gordon
May 12, 2008
Eric Johnson
May 28, 2008
Jun 2, 2008
Annemarie Grant
Oct 14, 2008
Mary Motley O'Brien
Oct 31, 2008
Mary Motley O'Brien
Nov 3, 2008
Mary Motley O'Brien
Nov 9, 2008
Jan 4, 2009
Mary Motley O'Brien
Jan 4, 2009
Robin Fritz
We actually corresponded last year. My schedule was hectic and we lost touch. Sorry that you haven't found a good match in a scopist yet, but it's sure nice to hear from you again.
I've responded with rates, etc., to the Yahoo e-mail address I have on file. If you're no longer using that one, please let me know where to write.
Jan 8, 2009
Dusty Usher
Mar 14, 2009
Dusty Usher
Mar 17, 2009