Yesterday was the day with the kids. Today is a workday, unfortunately. I'm helping Susanne with a two-day job in
Long Beach.
Does Luke go to preschool now, or is he still too young? My son Matthew just started middle school. Can you believe it? I couldn't even help him with his math. Pretty sad. Megan started 1st grade. Time sure whizzes by.
Oh, so glad to hear from you. I have been thinking about you. Yes, I have felt the crunch; i've had to take the jobs when they're available. Bummer. Boys are big now, 2 and 4. yes, time goes way to quick, and it just seems like there is never enought time to fit everything in!!! Do you know what i mean? How about your children?? Ages now??
How've you been? Looking forward to working with you again.
Just updated my page and saw a note from Marla Williams. She wants you to attend her next get-together. Hope to make it as well. Things finally picking up. (Whew!) Hope same for you.
Hey Gale! I was wondering if you were a member so I did a search. Why don't you post a pic so I can finally see what you look like? I've been telling Irene that we three need to get together for a spa day before work picks up and gets busy again. This is the perfect time to do it!
hey, gale!! how are you?? we were playin phone tag for awhile there! just calln to see how work is going and let's keep each other in mind for networking. i always hear your name pop up for most of the same agencies i work for too :)
Kristi Caruthers
Sep 11, 2008
Gale Lucas
Yesterday was the day with the kids. Today is a workday, unfortunately. I'm helping Susanne with a two-day job in
Long Beach.
Does Luke go to preschool now, or is he still too young? My son Matthew just started middle school. Can you believe it? I couldn't even help him with his math. Pretty sad. Megan started 1st grade. Time sure whizzes by.
P.S. You get up so early. That's great!
Sep 11, 2008
Kristi Caruthers
I didn't get this till now. Why is that?
Hope you're doing great!
Kristi : )
Oh, today I got in the carpool lane for the first time in a very long time. I thought of you. haha!
Sep 25, 2008
Renee Pacheco
how are you?? hope things are good :)
Oct 15, 2008
Oct 15, 2008
Oct 15, 2008
Kristi Caruthers
Dec 18, 2008
Mike Gaines
How've you been? Looking forward to working with you again.
Just updated my page and saw a note from Marla Williams. She wants you to attend her next get-together. Hope to make it as well. Things finally picking up. (Whew!) Hope same for you.
Jan 19, 2009
Mike Gaines
Did you know I'm taking you out to lunch during our break, Wednesday? Now you do!
Jan 26, 2009
Cynthia Warren
I bought a Mira this week, but thanks for replying.
Jan 31, 2009
Deborah Morin
Feb 2, 2009
Renee Pacheco
talk to you soon
Mar 16, 2009