Christine Bedard

Comment Wall:

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
    please join the Court reporters group to your left.
    just click "Court Reporters" and "Request an invite"

    this is our 1st week, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.
    thanks for joining.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
    also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
    you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
    if you have any questions please let me know.
  • Christine Bedard

    You too!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hello Christine, I like the colors you chose for your page.

    If you dont mind having me as a friend accept my request by clicking to the little guy on the top right.
  • Rosalie DeLeonardis

    Hello, Chris, yes, I remember you. I actually saw your profile on Classmates and was going to contact you. Are you still in the Bay Area? My work is very slow up in El Dorado County and also Sacramento County. When I first moved here in 2005 I was very busy, but once 2006 rolled around, it slowed down tremendously, but I also only work with firms who pay within two weeks to 30 days for transcripts. I won't work with any firm in this area that does not pay right away. I've heard a lot of horrible things about firms up here that actually won't pay you even though they received payment, but unfortunately I can't remember the firm names. What firm do you work for? Okay, this is long enough, I could go on and on. Write me back if you have the time.
  • Angela Alvarado

    I will add you to my email list. I usually send out a mass email to the reporters with a request for their schedules or to offer specific jobs. Please feel free to give us a call whenever you're in need of work. If I am not available you can also ask for Darrell. He also works in calendar. Thanks!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Gorgeous pics, Christine! Keep 'em coming! Jenny
  • Angela Alvarado

    It does, thanks! Also if you don't mind emailing me your rates and capabilities. That will also help. You can send them to my email here at Ben Hyatt. The email address is :-)

    HEY GIRLFRIEND!!!!! I don't have a digital camera or anyway to get a picture up ( I know, I'm lame) that's why there no picture. I'm doing well and BUSY here between the kid and work.
    Cindy B.
  • Dina Flotte


    I finally get to see you. After all the emails, feel like I already know you..

  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Thanks for the reply. Yours was all brown like your sides. I've been way too busy lately. It sounds like you're getting in some fun away from the computer - keep it up!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Christine, I can so relate! Great pics of the snow - at least you had a vacation! Do you do any realtime macros from your writer? I forget. I'm home most of the day today, trying to finish up two interpreter jobs. It is so beautiful today - I know it is as well where you live. Get some vitamin D today - Jenny
  • Amy Davidson-Enberg

    Hi, Chrstine,

    Just thought I'd pop in and say hello. I'm a CSR in Texas, on Eclipse and a trainer. If you ever have any questions, drop me a line.
  • April Floyd

    Hi Christine,

    I just joined this site a couple of weeks ago. What a kick to see all the reporters!

    I love your pictures. They really make me smile! I also love big dogs. I had an Akita/German Shepherd mix who was the sweetest big boy. He passed away six years ago, and I still miss him terribly. Your dogs are adorable.

    Well, just wanted to say hi. Hope you're working just as much as and not more than you want to these days! Take care.

  • JiLL

    Hey Christine--
    Your pixs are awesume!! Looks like u guys like to have FUN...wooo hooooo
    Just wanted to say hello---its nice to meet others on hurre. Have a good day!
  • JiLL

    Court Reporting Institute of Dallas---been enrolled since April '07. Very time-consuming but worth it. I hope to come to Cali one day----is it all the tv makes it out to be?? lol
  • JiLL

    oh indeed---everything looks fabulous! beach--restaurants--shoppin--palm trees....all of it! lol i will keep that in mind if i ever come is sooo nice to meet u. i passed my first speed test today so im really hyped. i know i have a ways to go but i think i may actaully havaa chance now!
  • JiLL

    Aruba??? wow...lucky you!! i needa vacation myself! Just my first speed test--60wpm....i know it doesnt seem like much BUT its alot esp when ur where im sittin'. I know u know tho.
  • Christine Bedard

    Yeah, Aruba. My GF works for National Geographic & travels a TON w/ them & has a TON of free hotel/airfare, etc. So every other year we go on an AWESOME trip somewhere, stay at the best places. Last time we went to Cancun - right when Hurrican Katrina was coming up through the gulf. It was a TRIP! Spent 1/2 the vaca watching the devaastation on CNN! So sad! Were you anywhere around there?
  • JiLL

    Good Mornin' my FrieNd!
  • Christine Bedard

    Me & a smiling "friend" at the Aruba Ostrich Park
  • Shelly Scott

    Really glad you had a nice time - and we were blessed with pretty decent weather. Sometimes we get "June gloom" of half day of beach fog. Too bad you didn't contact me before coming - I have loads of beach stuff, bikes, coupons, etc.
    if I ever get my bedroom decorated (only room left in the house) then I want to do a house swap some summer for a week. I'm thinking France, Italy...LOL
  • Shelly Scott

    You were on Balboa Island? Did you take the ferry across to the peninsula and the Balboa Fun Zone? I was doing that on a beach cruiser on Sunday with my friend! Shoulder's are a bit pink now, with that fun tank top tan, but great leg exercise!
  • Shelly Scott

    give me a call next time you're planning on being in the area - it would be fun to meet!
  • Shelly Scott

    Try to make it during the Newport Harbor boat parade - some go all out, then motor around the harbor - loads of fun!

    Court reporters never get to meet other reporters often enough!
  • Shelly Scott

    I don't know if they've set the dates for this year yet, but you can do a web search for it in October I think. Usually a week or two before Christmas
  • Christine Bedard

    Great. Thx for the info!
  • JiLL

    HeLL0 ChriStiNE-- HoW waS youR triP? AruBa is!
  • Sue @ The Brief Zone

    Hi Christine, check out The Brief Zone !
    Great Steno Drills For Any Steno Theory...
  • JiLL

    WoW! LooKs likE u GoT ya A friEnd There Behind ya.
  • JiLL

    Hey There--- How arE you? HavenT been On here Inna While. Im Beginning a Voice Writing class in MArch so lookin forward to it. Do u usE the steNo or MAsk?
  • JiLL

    Its a Steno Mask--u talk directly into it, also has a silencer on it. You must use the steno machine......ha
  • Lisa Bautista

    Hey girl!

    We're here. We're there. We're everywhere ;) So, my Raiders' Mom Vickie is still looking for scoping/proofreading work. I figured I may as well join CSRnation, too, and sell my equipment. Dude, I should have done that years ago! Lord knows I can also use some extra money proofreading.


  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Christine, I worked most of yesterday, and when I finally went to the post office with a big job that was already late getting out, I found out the post office had closed at noon! Oh, well. Nobody called looking for that depo, but that's not the way I like to do business! So I started reading Quicken for Dummies as well yesterday so I can do some Quicken work today. Just giving you an indication how I spend my holiday time! I did do some singing at Christmas Eve and Christmas day, and plan to sing again this Sunday. I'm helping out a friend whose sopranos have all got bad colds. Are you having a fun, fun, fun time with family and friends? Any pics taken at Christmas you can post here??? Get some good gifts? I hope so!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Christine, What a great pic of the two of you!!! I didn't want to leave you with the impression that I've taken lots of work this month. It's been really slow the past three months for me. I took only 5 jobs in Dec., but two of them were large. My job this week was 27 pages only. Let's hope we both get more work this year! I'll be checking back here later today, hoping to see more pics!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    The kitties are Mom's, who lives in Fremont. I just got back today from visiting. I just say to myself - you have to put up with some cat fur to get to play with the cat! It's pretty messy! I have one job this week - tomorrow. April tells me I have one next week. I'm getting ready to market myself for some realtime jobs. Just bought the Acer Aspire One and spent days loading it up. There's a problem with the LightSpeed writer with it so that took hours of my time when I could have been petting the cats! I hope things pick up for you soon!!! Hey, get over to the Total Eclipse group and post a comment or a question. We need more activity. Do you use the Google Searche macro???
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I just looked at all your great pics! Love the one of you and the lady with the missing pup! An old friend from high school just found my husband on facebook. His friend made him join, but I'm resisting. I have enough trouble with the six forums I'm on already!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    You exercised??? I'm so impressed! Now I have to. Maybe tomorrow ...
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Well, I thought about exercising today, but that's it. I was up at 6:00. It's amazing what I got done, really - just no exercising! I promise to do something tomorrow. I get my massage at 9:00! I have a loaner Gemini Revolution Grand writer, and I haven't had time today to adjust it. That's a huge priority right now. But even some walking would do me nothing but good. I really admire you for starting back up again!!!
  • Premier Reporting

    Hi Christine
    Yes, there is - you need something called a serial to USB adapter and the realtime cables from Stenograph, which I happen to have and am looking to sell.
    Let me know if you're interested. You can email me directly at or call me - 845-687-0707
    Thanks for the compliments on my dogs - looks like you have a few cute Rotties!
    Dogs ROCK!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Christine, How are things? I didn't have a single job last week! Hope you've been busier with some good jobs! Rereading my posts here, I realize I keep vowing to do more exercise, but then don't - ACK!!! Have you been good about it? I did end up purchasing the Grand, but work has been so slow, I haven't taken a depo with it yet! Maybe this week. Did you figure out your RT issues? I've got Stenocast X7 now, and just hooked it up to my Acer to test it out last week. I need to do some more practice - as between now and then, I've completely forgotten what I did to make it work! Guess I shouldn't admit that on a public forum!!! Take it easy!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Poor Christine! You've been working too hard! The silver lining, of course, is that once the sticker shock has faded, you will realize that you have all NEW equipment - and that's so great!!! You're doing your own scoping on that trial? I hope you're using some editing macros. If not, give me a call and I'll talk you through a few.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Christine, Did you fix your connection problem yesterday? I wasn't able to email you, but I'm here today - Thursday. Call me if you think I can help. Oh, I deleted my post on your page with my number on it. Email me if you didn't write it down.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Did someone walk you through the whole com port business to try to connect yesterday? I don't really understand what you have and what the problem is. I'm just sitting here if you want to call.
  • JiLL

    DOEs CaLiforNia HirE VoicEwriTerS? JusT cuRioUS to KnoW....
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Christine, I swear I'm going to make some money teaching one day even if it's just one-on-one lessons. I am learning so much every day. Of course that is mainly because I am not working as much as I should be reporting depos. I am hoping that next week is good for me as I have a few divorce experts on calendar. How have things been with you? What's the latest with your computer? Good news, I hope!