hi angie, i'm ange too and also a court reporter in ny, but right now i'm out on disability retirement and trying to decide if i want to go back or am able to go back shall i say or just work at home as a scopist, proofreader, typist, transcriptionist, etc. because i have been this for 20 years and I think i'm ready for a change, but its hard to give it up, well hope to hear from u soon
Hello, My Dear Sister, Angie:
(I got in trouble by one sister for using "sista"; She really didn't appreciate that) How are you? Another CaseCatalyst user and you in Michigan, huh? I just switched to Case Catalyst in August. Unfortunately, I was coming off of Premier Power. Can you imagine that? I just purchased CaseCatalyst-8 and I never even received "1". What a shock, and I am far, far away from mastering it. I feel by the time that I do,I'll be ready to switch again...but maybe not. Anyhow, I'd love to keep in touch and/or touch base with all my brothers and sisters (at least) and hope you will allow me the honor. May I. Until I hear from you, I remain, Michael. When you check me out, you will read about me in my bio. Then, hopefully, I'll hear from you soon after. Until then, I remain, Michael.
By the way, I got you from Myscilyn; Hope you don't mind...and sorry for the typo in my message to you. It should read: "May I?" Forgot the question mark. Okay, that's all....peace out. Michael
Wow, you're the second new friend of mine that's going to the Anaheim convention. It must gonna be good. I've never been to one before, and since this one is so close, I shouldn't let this opportunity slip by. Thank you for accepting me as your friend. It feels so good to attain new friends, especially good ones and colleagues at that. I guess I'd better plan on attending so I can meet some of my new friends. Are you bringing your husband? My other friend is and if I remember correct, she's your friend, too, Myscilyn and I believe that's where I got you from. Anyhow, thanks for the compliments on fatherhood. How about yourself & motherhood? How are you faring? I'm sure you're great. Michigan is definitely cold. I have some people in Chicago and my brother is currently teaching in Minnesota. Talking about cold, he came to my mom's big 75th birthday bash and he was speaking of how warm it was at 40 degrees....unbelievable. Well, until next time ( I have to get to editing, too) peace out and let's continue to have fun. This is a great site and I'm enjoying it.
Hi, Angie!
Yes, I'm a CRR. I see from the post below that you will be going to the Anaheim convention. I have been asked to present a seminar on CRR Tips and Tricks ad the convention and I plan on having several mock CRR tests given so you can see how you would do.
I have tweaked my writing over the years, but I definitely learned a "computer compatible" theory, if you can call it that, 27 years ago. It's a continuous process, changing every day.
My best advice for new CRR test-takers is to get your speed up. You'd be surprised how fast 180 seems when you're nervous. So if you're way over the speed, you'll have room for the nerves.
Second, shorten your writing. If you're writing everything out, you're working WAY too hard.
Look me up at the convention!
Hello, I see you play the violin, so do I! I played for a few symphonies and orchestras while all through out my schooling through college. Love the music you're playing. How do you enjoy being an official. I'm a student who's always looking for reporters to speak with. Have you always wanted to be an official court reporter?
That is true. Students and new graduates won't know where they will end up in reporting. I'm keeping my options open. In the area where I live you can make good money either way -- official or freelance. Well, I have finals this week, so I sign off.
Hi Angie!
Hey, I'm in MICHIGAN too,,cold, frigid, etc. etc.,, I saw your description to another steno in california while checking out international depo people/stenos.
I am at 150-180 wpm, a student at Macomb CCC, and can't wait to finish this school up so I can make a solid attempt at my next career. I am ending a 35-year stint with Ford Motor Company (I am 53), and doing steno in school for just under 2 years.
Anyway, any advice you can give me would be appreciated.
By the way, do you know a steno in Wayne County by the name of Doreen Pickett?
I am working on the student version of Eclipse, would you recommend I stay with that, or go to what you use?
thanks for your advice, and God bless you Angie
Dale Lardie
Utica, Michigan
Thanks Angie!
Yes, I practiced today for an hour and a half, and have some more ideas popping in my head as I speak (briefs, etc.) . I took Gregg shorthand back in l970tol972 in High School, and used it every day of my life. So, in a way, I have never left the mindset of shorthand, just applying it now to the machine. No writer's cramp there!
Doreen and I have spoken for over a year, to date, but I have not ever met her. I know some of the same people that she knows. She has also encouraged me to keep it up, using herself as a prime example. She said if she can make it, anybody can. I believe that the mind is trainable and reprogrammable at any time our lungs and hearts are working well, we can learn anything.
Yes, Gail Stevens is still there, she is a RPR student, Merit Writer, but I haven't had her for the upper speed classes yet. I look forward to that. Did you also attend Macomb?
Thanks for your encouragement, I WILL make IT !
Dale Lardie
Hi Angie!
Hey, just wanted to say HI you, wasn't sure if you got my last response.
Gail Stevens (you asked) is still there,, did you have her for an instructor in the past?
I am slowly converting to Stenomaster.com theory, from Macomb's style. Macomb is a good place to start but I think the theory is a bit long.
What have you been up to?
Tomorrow, at church,I will take down an hour and a half of dictation, for practice, and then transcribe manually, for reading practice.
Take care, God Bless you!
Hi Angie:
Hey, no biggie, thanks for responding anyway. We are all busy.
I have to get back to the fall semester and finish up my last several speed classes. I have been practicing, tho, and getting several times a week in for an hour or more. I then take the notes to work, and on my free time, transcribe them without the software, reading them back, that is.
Say HI to Doreen for me,, I still want to hook up and meet you two.
take care God Bless you both
Hi Angie, I am looking for any encouragement as someone who has had to stop and start due to finances and now is sure how to pick up the pieces and get done! Great background song! Well, take Care.
Angie, thank you for your comment, (and I thank Jehovah God) because those words were very encouraging. I really needed to hear them. You're example is an inspiration. If you can do it, I know I'd better try harder. I have to get back on track. I am truly grateful you took out the time to write me back. Please keep in touch. Thank you, Again, Karrie L.
Well, hello again, dear old friend. I missed you so much. Don't be a stranger, okay? & welcome back. Now, I am just gonna shortly thank you for Obama winning your state. It was such a boost to him. Isn't today a great day for our history? We come a long way. I'm beginning to love all people again as I should've always. I believe we're all finally coming together. The Master must be smiling now and finally breathing that sigh of relief with hope and a sense of "well, it's about time". Anyhow, really did miss you. Take care.
If you only get "burnout blocks" every three or four months, you're probably doing pretty well.
Yeah, well I'm in scoping school and as soon as I get the software, I think I'll just get on to marketing and not worry too much more about dealing with the person running the school. I don't want to be real specific about that. That fact that it doesn't go well hasn't dampened my enthusiasm for scoping at all.
angela howard
Jan 24, 2008
Michael D. Chaney
(I got in trouble by one sister for using "sista"; She really didn't appreciate that) How are you? Another CaseCatalyst user and you in Michigan, huh? I just switched to Case Catalyst in August. Unfortunately, I was coming off of Premier Power. Can you imagine that? I just purchased CaseCatalyst-8 and I never even received "1". What a shock, and I am far, far away from mastering it. I feel by the time that I do,I'll be ready to switch again...but maybe not. Anyhow, I'd love to keep in touch and/or touch base with all my brothers and sisters (at least) and hope you will allow me the honor. May I. Until I hear from you, I remain, Michael. When you check me out, you will read about me in my bio. Then, hopefully, I'll hear from you soon after. Until then, I remain, Michael.
Feb 3, 2008
Michael D. Chaney
Feb 3, 2008
Michael D. Chaney
Feb 4, 2008
Lesia Mervin
Yes, I'm a CRR. I see from the post below that you will be going to the Anaheim convention. I have been asked to present a seminar on CRR Tips and Tricks ad the convention and I plan on having several mock CRR tests given so you can see how you would do.
I have tweaked my writing over the years, but I definitely learned a "computer compatible" theory, if you can call it that, 27 years ago. It's a continuous process, changing every day.
My best advice for new CRR test-takers is to get your speed up. You'd be surprised how fast 180 seems when you're nervous. So if you're way over the speed, you'll have room for the nerves.
Second, shorten your writing. If you're writing everything out, you're working WAY too hard.
Look me up at the convention!
Feb 4, 2008
Mar 16, 2008
Mar 18, 2008
Hey, I'm in MICHIGAN too,,cold, frigid, etc. etc.,, I saw your description to another steno in california while checking out international depo people/stenos.
I am at 150-180 wpm, a student at Macomb CCC, and can't wait to finish this school up so I can make a solid attempt at my next career. I am ending a 35-year stint with Ford Motor Company (I am 53), and doing steno in school for just under 2 years.
Anyway, any advice you can give me would be appreciated.
By the way, do you know a steno in Wayne County by the name of Doreen Pickett?
I am working on the student version of Eclipse, would you recommend I stay with that, or go to what you use?
thanks for your advice, and God bless you Angie
Dale Lardie
Utica, Michigan
Apr 6, 2008
Yes, I practiced today for an hour and a half, and have some more ideas popping in my head as I speak (briefs, etc.) . I took Gregg shorthand back in l970tol972 in High School, and used it every day of my life. So, in a way, I have never left the mindset of shorthand, just applying it now to the machine. No writer's cramp there!
Doreen and I have spoken for over a year, to date, but I have not ever met her. I know some of the same people that she knows. She has also encouraged me to keep it up, using herself as a prime example. She said if she can make it, anybody can. I believe that the mind is trainable and reprogrammable at any time our lungs and hearts are working well, we can learn anything.
Yes, Gail Stevens is still there, she is a RPR student, Merit Writer, but I haven't had her for the upper speed classes yet. I look forward to that. Did you also attend Macomb?
Thanks for your encouragement, I WILL make IT !
Dale Lardie
Apr 6, 2008
Hey, just wanted to say HI you, wasn't sure if you got my last response.
Gail Stevens (you asked) is still there,, did you have her for an instructor in the past?
I am slowly converting to Stenomaster.com theory, from Macomb's style. Macomb is a good place to start but I think the theory is a bit long.
What have you been up to?
Tomorrow, at church,I will take down an hour and a half of dictation, for practice, and then transcribe manually, for reading practice.
Take care, God Bless you!
Apr 19, 2008
Hey, no biggie, thanks for responding anyway. We are all busy.
I have to get back to the fall semester and finish up my last several speed classes. I have been practicing, tho, and getting several times a week in for an hour or more. I then take the notes to work, and on my free time, transcribe them without the software, reading them back, that is.
Say HI to Doreen for me,, I still want to hook up and meet you two.
take care God Bless you both
May 13, 2008
K L King
Jul 14, 2008
K L King
Jul 18, 2008
Michael D. Chaney
Nov 4, 2008
Tracy Revalee
If you only get "burnout blocks" every three or four months, you're probably doing pretty well.
Yeah, well I'm in scoping school and as soon as I get the software, I think I'll just get on to marketing and not worry too much more about dealing with the person running the school. I don't want to be real specific about that. That fact that it doesn't go well hasn't dampened my enthusiasm for scoping at all.
I'm going to take a deep breath and go w/Eclipse.
Ciao!! P.S. I'm the one on the right.
Nov 7, 2008