
Murrieta, CA

United States

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  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I'm so impressed with your memory! Gee, she's in the 4000 for CA? My CSR is 3969. I wonder if we took the same test ... I'll never forget flying down to LA with a few classmates - rooming with two good friends from school. It was a great experience.

    I'm debating about going up to stay with my mom tomorrow and then singing for a friend's church functions through Sunday. She's pretty desperate for sopranos. It's a lot of driving and holding up music, which isn't good for my elbows, but - like you, I'm sure - I don't want to limit my life so much by the state of my body! We'll see!
  • KJM

    Thanks so much for the birthday wishes! I had a good day! I have some questions for you, so I am going to try sending you a PM.

    Hope you and your family are doing well :)


    I am at work.Glad I found the website. My version is the "professional" version of Advantage (Eclipse). I think it is the latest. I bought it in 2005. I paid $2999 for it + my Stentura Writer. But I never used the key. The tutorial (training has expired) so you would have to renew that. I am willing to let it all go (since I can't do this anymore) for $2400 if we can get away without you having to get new license OR for $2100 IF you MUST get the new license changeover.

    Please let me know: roxiepet1234@att.net, Donna Smith.


    Hi Tami: I will call them tomorrow -- I am off from work for the day. You can feel free to call me at my home (California time) in the evening(s) at: (626)296-0707, if it is easier than emails. I think I have the latest version. I will call and get pricing, though, for the "Tutorial," and double check with them that I do, indeed, have the latest professional (reporter's version). Again, IF we can get away with NOT having to transfer LICENSE FEE (because I haven't USED it at all -- that purple key -- that would be great).

    But I will call Eclipse tomorrow and please call me California time in evening (4/10/09) if seriously interested in purchasing.



    Donna Smith
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Tami, Wow, you are so generous. That lucky future reporter! I'm at the library as there's been some ATT&T vandalism in our area and our phone lines were down until 3:00 today, and still no Internet. This is the first time on the library computer, and boy, is it slow. Thank goodness my job was not an overnight rush, but I still need to look up a few things. Talk about a wake-up call and a flashback to the old days of calling the library when you needed to know something. Hope you're enjoying your vacation and not typing too much! I'm still not sure about singing and driving as I'm still hurting! More later - hopefully on my own computer!


    Tami: I called Eclipse and from what I can gather, their latest version is $3,999.00? Anyway, from what I gathered when speaking to them is this: in order to "upgrade" from the 4.0 series (as I have) to a higher "level" series, I would need to reinstate about $600.00 to $900.00 because my software has "expired" even though I never used the darn thing!! To me, that is a ripoff. I honestly think that the 4.0 Professional Series is the best route. If I were you, I think, I would inquire -- tell people what is being offered -- unused Total Eclipse 4.0 w/functioning Stentura 400 SRT for $2300 and see if it works. Because also, from my discussion with Eclipse it seems "apparently" everyone has to pay the $300. as a "yearly fee" to keep current. Isn't that a ripoff, don't you think!! Well, my Eclipse has a training CD that you can thread into the computer and it gives basic instruction. I honestly don't think reporters should have to spend $300.00 per year on top of what they already spent. Now, as to the license, find out what information is asked when you "activate your computer code by internet." I still have the unused "activation code." I haven't plugged into the internet YET on it. So, if we can get away with it (and I told other potential buyers the same thing) and they don't ask for too much personal information, you can say you are me -- say you moved and avoid paying that stupid license transfer fee. I think this Eclipse (yes, I know it's good) is still a striking ripoff. I think once you pay your fee (for software) the rest is your business. They are trying to treat their stuff like Microsoft. Only problem is there are just not that many court reporters around to make it worthwhile.

    Well, again, if you want to buy and want pics for any reason (I have the book, the CD training, the activation key AND unused Eclipse CD), I can upload that along with the Stentura 400 SRT machine pic. If you are interested, please feel free to call me (California time) at 626-296-0707, and we can talk about payment options -- maybe go through Paypal or what have you. I can certainly promise you that the software has never, ever been used and the key never activated. You can take comfort in that. I was going to restart my court-reporting career, bought the software when I finished up out of Downey College of Court Reporting (for CSR brushup) and I found out that I have osteoarthritis -- I am 49 years old. So that ended that, unfortunately. It didn't end too badly though. I got a fairly decent job with the State of California (paralegal) since I do have a BA so I am just left with this unused, unsold equipment.

    Talk to you soon.


    Donna Smith
  • Brenda Rogers

  • Paula A. Pyburn, CSR, RPR, CLR


    I'm so sorry! I just saw your comment asking if I was going to Mark's seminar on the 11th. I would have and should have gone! Darn.

    Was it awesome!?!

    Hope all is well with you and your family!

  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Your post re Mark K. now has me running to my dix! Bet you're enjoying yourself these days!
  • Jaimie

    Hi Tami,

    I know you said you were on Winner. Can I ask you a question? I need to try and figure out how to send only my steno notes via email, could you help me by chance with this?

    Thanks for your time
  • Jaimie

    Okay. Thanks so much, Tami!! :)
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Thanks, Tami - I'm watching and listening now!!!
  • Brenda Rogers

    Tami, look at this, Stenotypy, copyright 1914.

    With concepts that still hold up today, and which I learned in the mid '80s: KPW, SPW, -FRP, etc. How did it come to pass that -mp was EVER dropped for a second stroke? You learned it that way, my friend Mary (who was in school near the time I was) learned it that way. It obviously worked. I just don't understand it.
    Anyway, fun to look at.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Tami, Roger that! First I have to get my extension ready and go to the post office with it and the last of my jobs! Mark suggests -RM for did, but that's my remember as in you remember instead of you are. DUR = did you remember, but IRM or URM - I remember, you remember. Any suggestion from you for final did???
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    No, it's MY "remember"! This is the trouble when I don't have the book! As I've just written two checks for the taxes, his books aren't in my near future. It would help if I'd sell the LS, though! Must think about that ...
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I'm so happy to hear that Clay is swamped. I'm assuming with work! I wish I was. Money-making work, that is!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Enjoy your movies! Yes, Eclipse support has always been great. I can't believe anyone goes for CC when they could have Eclipse's translation magic! Why don't I see Clay's posts on CR-Net asking for a little help from the users? There's lots of us who check there, just waiting for some poor newbie we can send in the right direction. Just the other day, Chuck Motter posted about a problem, and when I went to check it out myself, I found I was doing something wrong so I corrected it. That's the beauty of asking questions - others benefit as well. So I'm back from mailing off all my money. Got a chiro appt. at 3:50. I wonder what work I can get done between now and then ... while you're enjoying your husband and those movies! I'm jealous!
  • Brenda Rogers

    I noticed that -K stood form "come" as well as "can." There were a lot of conflicts, but still a LOT that can cross over! Did you notice the colon and semicolon? They're the Q and A symbols. This was obviously developed for secretarial purposes and then expanded.

    It's so fascinating! Erik sent it to me. I love that boy! :)

    I used the SMC a little bit that week. The speed just blew me out of the water, but I really enjoyed when he was going over his phrasing and made sentences. It helps solidify them.
  • Kathy McLaughlin

    Hey, it's you!!! I joined but haven't cruised around the site. In my cursory glance here, I don't see the brief section. How do I find it???
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I welcome all eavesdroppers! I still haven't adopted the -DZ for ing. I have changed all my talking, walking, etc. to TAUG, WAUG. That was super easy for me. There are more that don't work, however, and for those I want to use the -DZ. See, if you were on Eclipse already, we could share dictionary stuff! Brenda and I do, and it's been a help. Well, soon enough, right???
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Tami, All that did confusion. I just looked it up, and I was wrong! He uses -RMS, not just the -RM!!! Yay - maybe I can use it after all! I've been tweaking the Grand while writing to him. Thanks again!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Saw your new club before my page's comment. Great idea! See, if you had Eclipse, I'd send you the entries I just made in my main dix! Of course, if they're already in yours, Eclipse will convert them over. I'm just nagging at you!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    You get some good ones!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    I love the new group.. reporters that like guns!
    I am just kidding.. i know I know, my jokes are stupid.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

  • KJM

    Thanks! I guess it was about time I got rid of Spongebob! LOL
  • KJM

    Writing a "1" using the number bar still hurts. Other than that, I think I'll be fine other than aesthetically it looks like I have an arthritic pinky. :( The doctor says it may take a year for the scar tissue to go away, if ever. I'm okay with that as long as it works. :)

    There's no way I would give up! I want this career too badly, and I have accumulated a hefty debt that I want to pay off with the career I've been training for all this time! And, thank you for the compliment.

    After you said you were going to practice, I decided not to try to log in for a while since I didn't know if that would affect your ability to use it. Then after a while I gave it a try, and I, too, was unable to get in. In the wee wee hours, (around 1 am or so) it was back up and running.

    Last night I nailed a 175 dictation that I had been practicing for some time. It felt great! Mark's comments on concentration really hit home with me. I am totally the kind of writer who gets a page of perfection, followed by a huge drop, followed by another page of perfection, etc. Today (and everyday for that matter) my goal is to really try my very hardest to get something for EVERYTHING, even if it's just a nonsense slap down on the keys.

    I did a little experiment after I was done practicing last night. When I went to bed, I brought my ipod and listened to a fast 4v (around 200). I just kind of tried to move my fingers in a way to get used to that fast rhythm. Not necessarily trying to mimmick the actual stroke, but I think it may have been of benefit.

    Sorry for the novel, but I'm so pumped about everything, that I feel the need to report! Hope you're having a fab Friday!
  • KJM

    I'm joining on Monday!

    And I really, really, really would love to be finished with school by the end of 2009! Fall would be even better! Why not shoot for that?! I love a challenge!

    Better get my booty in gear! ; P
  • Clay Frazier

    rpls is did, but that's not how i do it
  • Brenda Rogers


    there you go!
  • Alexis McCutchen

    Just got back into town. Went up skiing for one last run before all the snow melted and came back with a sunburn. Yes. Filipinos do burn! Ouch.

    Yes, I am signing up for Magnum Steno Club. I was working on some of the other students so that we could get another break. I'm all about saving a buck or two, especially these days.

    Anyway, Trevor says that the qualifiers are starting to feel better. He is so diligent in typing up and checking his errors even if it's not for a test. He sets a goal. If he has 140 errors, then the next test he shoots for, say, 135.

    I'm having trouble at the really fast speeds getting all my periods, commas, et cetera in. Do you get every single punctuation mark in? I can see where writing short will help, but right now...aaaaargh!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Tami, I'm so sorry I stung you earlier! I hope you can work just fine tomorrow. Please forgive me. It won't happen again - Bee-Bee
  • Glen Warner

    Hi, Tami.

    Wow, Clay got a free Flash, huh? Pretty nice!

    Not sure about other CAT software, but in digitalCAT, if you go to Translator --> Steno Source, you can read from the card by selecting "Flash Download" and then starting realtime translation as usual.

    As long as the Flash Protocol is selected (vice Baron), all steno on the card will translate.

    Hope that helps ...!

    "For a Good (steno) Time ...."
  • Pamela MacDowell

    Tami, hi!! Please, please, please give me more info about this school!!! I am a voice writer - hate it - looking to go back to school for steno. I need to learn a better theory - bought Mark's - but I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I'm trying to find the best online school that will not break the bank!! I'm soooo tired of SPENDING money on this profession!!
    Info and advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!!
    I also have Procat.... Hate it!!!
    I really am a positive person (haha), just frustrated at the moment with software/work!!!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    right with those top seven Eclipse realtime contest qualifiers

    They're making a huge marketing blunder if they don't give you what you're asking for! They have no idea of your power on this site alone!

    Rhoda and I are figuring out some Grand tweaking techniques together. My Grand worked really well on my 38-page depo (tiny!) I took yesterday. For once I had a decent witness, though. I need to check to see how it did on my fast Monday expert job. That witness wouldn't let a question be finished completely. I'll look that one over today.

    Your vacation sure went by quickly, didn't it!
  • Kim Gibney

    I purchased the Stenomaster theory when the Stenomaster school was first opening. I think it was going to be an online school. I don't know what the situation was with it, but it never came into play so I learned it at home by myself. LOL I was in school like 20 years ago so I had the basics of the machine down. The stenomaster school is now called Courtreps.com. They still teach the stenomaster theory.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I'm tired of farting around

    Ha! Good. That's such a shame they wouldn't give you what you asked for! It will be a big relief for you to finally start using Eclipse. I know you'll love it. I'm still so amazed you were able to write and type with that stung finger. We get bees on our deck sometimes, and if they ever sting me, I'll know what to do. (They better not, though!) It finally cooled down here. This afternoon was weather perfection!
  • Pamela MacDowell

    Thanks for the info. Have you heard something about Courtreps.com?? I think Mark recommended "Jen" ????
    I'm looking for some structure, something that will make me sit down and DO IT!!! I keep soooo busy working and I never make the time. Summer is almost here and my son will be home, so it's a perfect time for me to cut back from work and do something!!!
  • Kim Gibney

    No, I am not training with Courtreps. I purchased the Stenomaster theory and Mark's dictionary, etc. from them simply because it was Mark Kislingbury's theory. After waiting for six months for them to get their online program up and running, I finally signed up with SimplySteno.com. This is an RPR Prep Program and was perfect for me.
  • Kim Gibney

    Oops! More to say. LOL I can't say enough about Mark's theory and the Magnumsteno. He just has a great attitude on the video's, always so encouraging. That is very important for me in that I have done my studies alone. I will be taking the RPR in May. I have passed the WKT and all legs of the skill except testimony. Looking forward to working soon!
  • Kim Gibney

    I don't know what Mark's affiliation is or was with stenomaster (Courtreps), but stenomaster is Mark Kislingbury's theory. I do think that he has changed the name now to Magnumsteno.
  • Pamela MacDowell

    Thanks SO much!!
    I LOVE this song. Who sings it? I can't place the voice.
  • Alexis McCutchen


    I DID IT! I'm finally in QUALIFIERS! I'm still pinching myself. After Mark's seminar in March, life has been sooo good. Three test passes later and, woo-hoo! I did it.

    I also wanted to say, "Thanks" to you too. I love this site and all the wonderful connections that I've made as a result. You are so positive and motivational and I get the biggest kick after reading your comments. I always leave my computer with the biggest grin. Love your sense of humor!

    Monti did a wonderful thing getting this site up and running and keeping it going.

    Wouldn't it be a kick to have some kind of gathering of CSR Nation and Magnum Steno Fan Club members?!? That would be A to the wesome!

    Well, gotta get to a funeral service. We will be celebrating the life of one of my dearest friends who lost her battle with breast cancer. She took life by the reigns and attacked it head-on and always with a smile and a great sense of humor! I imagine you are just like that! : )
  • Pamela MacDowell

    I can't tell you how much I appreciate your opinion. Thank you!! Thank you!! Keep 'em coming!!
    Have a BEAUTIFUL weekend!!!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Tami, my soup was delicious, even though I didn't make it the "right" way. I had the cookbook opened, but I accidentally skipped over the part where you first sauté the leeks and onions with butter. I just dumped everything in a pot. I may never sauté them again. I have made this soup at least four times. You'd think I'd remember such an important step! It is cooler today. I had to put the heater on this morning. How's life by the pool this weekend?
  • Rene White Moarefi

    I'll have to ask and get back with you. If you will email me, I'll forward your email to them and I'll be out of the way.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I'm so impressed that you have a vegetable garden. In the early 80s, one artichoke plant popped up in our yard. We got exactly one artichoke off of it. They are one of my favorite things ever. Sometimes when I have a job in Gilroy, I see fields of them. I always think I need to leave extra early so I can go to one of the roadside stands. You know, Castroville is the artichoke capital of the world! My dad went to school in Castroville one year. He said it was a nightmare! Now you are making me hungry. Guess I'll heat up my soup. Yesterday I ate it cold. Delicious!
  • Clay Frazier

    your song is weaksauce.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I grew broccolli for one season in that same house - my first house in Fremont. It was easy to grow and really good. I had a huge corner lot with good dirt, and I enjoyed gardening. One year I had corn! We got enough for one meal of it. This must have been in '81.

    I think a lot of people equate the artichoke plant to a flashback of seeing Lost in Space. You know that episode with the giant plant? It doesn't really look like it, but I believe it's purely a subconscious thing.
  • Candice

    Heyy hah I don't get anything from you-know-who either..
    Life is great. I have been working every week. Just mostly doctor depos, but today I had 2 PIs. I loove depos!! Look forward to them everytime:)
    How about you? When do you get your new judge?
    The Pool was so fun the other weekend. You and Alton cooked some great BBQ. Must be nice to live @ a resort! ha ha