Dusty Usher


United States

Comment Wall:

  • David

    I wish you all the good numbers!!
  • Teresa F

    I recognize you from SIJ, are you still there?
  • Teresa F

    No, I am not. I am very disappointed with the school. I have also been researching online schools and have some good information on a few. If you would like me to call you, please send me your number and I will call you with what I have found out! Or if you would rather, I can email to you if you give me your address. Although it is A LOT of information to email.
  • Teresa F

    i'll send u the info tomorrow with my # :)
  • Teresa Russ

    Hi Dusty, are you still looking for an online program? Speedbuilders.com seem to be va ery good. I learned from it.
  • Teresa Russ

    Dusty, I don't know how I failed to tell you about my school, Cerritos College in CA, has an online program also. Go to Cerritos College. If you need to talk to someone, let me know. Good luck!
  • Elizabeth A. Willis-Lewis

    Hi there and thanks for the congratulations! The twins are wonderful and are now sleeping about 5 hours in a row at night. We don't know what to do with all this sleep hahaha.
  • Jill S. Driscoll

    Dusty, I hope you don't think I'm crazy, but . . . did I comment back to you after your kind comments of December 18, 2008, regarding the captioning article on cheap and sleazy??? I just now visited my page for the first time in I don't know when and I saw what you wrote and I thought...hmmmm....I wasn't sure if I had ever seen that before. I am a terrible CSRNationer!!

    If I haven't ever talked to you before, or even if I have, I would love to hear how your road to captioning is going. If you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with, please don't hesitate to contact me. I swear it doesn't normally take me five months to respond. :P