Janice McMoran


Granbury, Texas

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
    please join the Court Reporters group to your right.
    just click "Court Reporters" and "Join Court Reporters"

    We are into our 4th week, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.

    Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
    also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
    you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
    if you have any questions please let me know.

    Its also a good idea to have a picture of yourself on your page, please check this post, thank you. Click here!
  • Lisa Williams

    Hi, Janice! One more site to check, huh?
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    nice page!
  • Jill S. Driscoll

    I know, it is insane!!!!! LOL
  • Cathryn Bauer

    Welcome to CSRNation! Yeah; looks fun. How are things in Texas? I had a burst of busyness in November and December, and now things are a little slack. I do have a job on Wednesday. Onward, ever onward (sigh).
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Hi, Janice,

    This will be the sixth forum I check out daily. I'm really not getting my work done, but I'm not giving them up. Too much fun! Jenny
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    On depoman I'm just jenny. No pic over there - yet!
  • Tami

    Well, my Depoman girlfriend, I went a bit crazy with pics. I know, that's not like me, but I just wanted to let you know I posted one of you without even asking. How bold is that!! Of course, I didn't ask anyone else either.

    Shame on me again!! :)
  • Tami

    People might want to print it up and throw darts at it. :)

    Since I was including pictures of all those super star reporters, you know I had to include one of you!
  • Jill S. Driscoll

    Janice that pic is not current. It is from Vegas a few years ago when we all bungeed. That pic is right before I jumped!
  • Janice McMoran

    Oh, okay. You look excited??? Man, oh, man. Was it by the ankles or a body harness? I think I could *maybe* do the body harness thing, but not the ankle thing. Huh-uh, no way!
  • Greg Adelson

    Hi, Janice. Nice to see another friend over here.

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hello Janice,
    You are a member and now the group shows under "Last minute Depos" tab.
    Let me know if you ever need anything.
    Thank you
  • Greg Adelson

    Hi, Janice. I just noticed your message. The teaching is going all right. I sent the coordinator an e-mail about what happened last week. It got a little political and I decided to quit. I told the coordinator that I was going to quit, and she prevailed on me not to. I cut it down to one day of teaching a week. I think that will work for me.
    I am not really a hard guy to get along with. I just can't sit back and listen to a teacher tell students to not look at a witness because it makes the witness nervous and some of the other innane things I have heard this woman tell these students.
    Another thing that bothers me is everything is geared to taking tests. I wanted to concentrate on phrasing to make sure these beginners are phrasing high-frequency words -- did you have,
    have you ever had, et cetera -- but I am told there is not enough time for that because I have to get them warmed up to test. These students have to show progress in order to stay in school. I must say that the literary I am dictating to them is
    extremely dense. One of the takes I dictated is about nutritional facts. When I started to test at like 60 and 80,
    I think we were getting business letters: TK - S
    WORK W

    S R T
    U R S

    That, of course, was precomputer theory, circa 1966.

    Anyway, I will see how it goes. If I have to be like a robotic teacher and it isn't fun or a challenge, I will go back to using that time for other things.

  • Lisa Williams

    Hi, Janice! I have a photo of us together at the convention but it's not really for publication. Let me say that we are not at our most photogenic!
  • Tami

    Oh, yeah, I forgot. Golf!!
  • Tami

    Hi, Janice,

    Thanks for the direction, but it makes me so sad. I gotta post him. I don't know if I could last through that either. It's so frustrating to know that teachers say that stuff . The administration obviously doesn't know what they got. AAARGH!!

    I'll do it in the next day or two. I'm too upset about it right now.

    My three-day weekend is over. Back to fun!
  • Amanda

    Hi Janice,

    Awww. thank you... I have an admission to make... I've been spending my internet surfing time on eHarmony. My daughters seem to be plagued with fear that when they grow up and try to leave home, they'll see me out their rearview mirrors running up the street after them with my hair in curlers, mascara streaming down my face crying, "Don't leave me alone!" (Little do they know, the plans I have...) :-) Thanks for finding me and adding me, this is cool!
  • Tami

    I actually inquired at Clay's school into teaching this past Fall. They were going to have a Saturday class. It ended up not having a large enough enrollment, but when I inquired I was told I needed at least an AA. Well, I think I'm a couple classes short, math and history.

    I'm sure those missing classes truly would make a big difference in my teaching ability in the field of court reporting. :)

    I truly don't have the time to teach right now. Clay's school is about an hour, hour and a half away, and that is if there's no traffic. One of my boys played football on Saturdays this past Fall, and I surely wasn't going to give up his games, but I still inquired to see what the response was. I wasn't surprised.

    Someday . . .

    And I thought Amanda was working!!
  • Tami

    "life experience," that sounds so old, though. :)

    Something I read on Depoman earlier tonight about the * for -ly. Stenomaster theory first tucks the -L, if available, and then goes to the asterisk. I don't know if that was clear with you. There are some problems with it, like widely and wildly but not enough to stay away.

    Hope you have a great weekend. I get a massage in the morning. Can't wait.
  • Stacy Wages

    Hi Janice, I just noticed you're in TX and I wanted to say hello from a fellow Texan! I am in Collin County.
  • Virginia Dodge

    Did those attorneys I referred you to ever call you for that job in Boston? >>

    I haven't heard anything yet, but I live in hope. I didn't know what the timeline was for the case. As you know, sometimes things get put off or rescheduled. Anyway, if I get the call, I will let you know--and thanks for the referral.

    How near/far is Granbury from Austin? I might have a lead for work there, if you're interested. Pardon my ignorance of Texas geography.
  • Mari

    hi, my name is Marina. I saw one of your discussions on "good karma" the briefs that are there, are they in the brief encounters book. Im a student currently in my 140s i go to school in Fresno, Ca would you happen to have any advice for me to use. What is good to be practicing. Does writing get any easier in school and after. If you could help that would be great. Thanks alot
  • Tami


    Just shared this with Brenda, and I couldn't leave you out.

    I had five Sage theory students sit in with me for most of the day today. Just love it when that happens!

    BUT . . .

    After they observed a prelim involving a water "bomb," they shared with me that they have to come back for the -B on "bomb." I about died.

    They also write -SZ for all words ending in double -ss, so pass is PASZ and passes is PASZ/-Z.

    Don't mean to get you too excited, but I know you feel my pain.

    Hope you have a great week!
  • Tami

    I forgot to say, but you probably guessed it already, they're being taught Phoenix Theory. :(
  • Mellony Ariail

    Hi, Janice. Mellony Ariail from Denton. Met you at convention. You applied for my former official job in the 16th District Court. We bought a lake house in Granbury last summer. Plan on retiring there. Talk to you later.
  • Lisa Migliore Black

    Hi, Janice. I'm addicted to the forums, too. Always a pleasure to read what you have to say.

  • Lisa Migliore Black

    Depoman is my favorite too.

    Are the deer in your yard? That's my favorite thing about David's house. The deer come to visit in the morning. Great-looking family. Love, love, love the pics.

    How did you get your slide show to work? Is there a how-to you can cite me to? I wanna show off my kids, David, Oreo the Wonder Dog, and the world's sickliest cat.
  • Brenda Rogers

    Hey, my background was the same for about a month! lol
  • Tami

    Janice and Family,

    click to create your own Hope you have a terrific 2009!

    Love, Tami
  • Tami

  • Kelly A. Karnafel

    Hi Janice,
    I'm a CSR in California and I'll be relocating to Texas in the near future - specifically the McKinney area. Can you tell me how the work flow is in your area of Texas? I was at NCRA over a year ago when it was held in the Dallas area. I heard that because of some changes in the law, work had become pretty scarce. How is it lately?

    I've worked as an official both in Orange County and L.A. County, but I'm back to freelancing because it's what I love best. Although I'm not yet a realtime reporter, I'm working toward that goal. If you have any tips on how to get there I'm open to suggestions!
  • Tami

    Happy Birthday, Janice!!!!

    I hope you've had a terrific one!!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Janice, Happy Birthday!