

Los Angeles, CA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Linda Robinson

    Thanks for the friendship! I'm so happy to see african-american women doing this. I have to say that you can really tell what someone is made of if they've decided to become a court reporter. It also says a lot about their families. I can really relate to the feelings of 'passing' a speed. I just passed my 60's and I was so happy!! full speed ahead. By the way, where did you go on your vacation?
  • Linda Robinson

    Oh I'm quiting. I love this. The school is great. The teachers are all very supportive and encouraging. I've just passed one 70.
    I loved the Bahamas! I'm looking forward to going back someday. Of course any cruise is good for me. Keep in touch. I'm on my way home to start on homework. The intro to Legal System is really challenging me plus I have a lot of rib and read homework to get done by Monday. Stay in contact, by the way, you family is beautiful. I kind of miss having little ones around.
  • Eva

    Not yet
  • Linda Robinson

    lol!! your pics just reminded me how much I love vacationing with family and friends. The 'flip floped feet' was from a cruise we took for a cousin's wedding. i love looking at other people's vacation pictures. They make me feel like I'm there too and I get a big kick out of seeing other people having fun. I don't think I'll be vacationing until I'm out of school then.....WATCH OUT!!! (but camping is a yearly must. I'll just take my machine with me). thanks for the encouragement and keep posting the pictures. I love them!! prayers to you tool. We need more of us out there.
  • Marla Sharp

    Wow, great pics! Your family is adorable.

    I decided to keep my Stylus, and I'm so glad I did. I love it. I highly recommend it. It's lightweight, records audio, has the SD card and flash card backup. It's awesome. Sorry!

    Hey, I see you're in LA. You should come to the SoCal CSR Outings. We've had 12 so far. If you're interested, send me your email address, and I'll add you to the invitation list. Email me at

    Good luck in school!!
  • Linda Robinson

    Oh everything is moving along. I spent 3 hours in the lab yesterday transcribing 4 takes. all credits. oh well, at least I turned something in. But on a brighter note, I'm doing well in my requirements classes and real-time. I like real-time. I just need to make time to practice more. How are you doing? How are those lovely babies??
  • Linda Robinson

    Oh yes, my machine is coming with me. I'll just keep it in the tent so it won't get dirty. But an hour in that tent does not excite me. It gets hot during the day.