Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

Boulder Creek, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Freelance Realtime Deposition Reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Court Reporter Friends
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

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  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Hi trip to LV was good. The seminar was great but LV itself is not how I remembered it. The newer hotels are wonderful, the streets are just filthy, and that's coming from someone who has walked many a mile in the French Quarter of New Orleans! LOL Got a lot from the seminar but haven't had time to apply it. I'm playing catch up. I wish I could say the work has slowed down here!

    How are things other than work slowing down? I'm sure that will pick back up before you know it. It's feast or famine in this business. Enjoy the little break while you can.
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    I am hoping my change over to XP has helped. The only thing I couldn't get working right at seminar was the bluetooth passcode to hold so I didn't have to enter one every time I set up. Sounds like ur RT is doing better. Did u find anything specific wrong?
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    I knew abt the virus protection, firewalls, And auto updates. Of course would have no clue abt the Gemini. I asked around at the seminar and everybody seemed to agree my Issue was Vista so we will see tomorrow. Keep me posted! Good night!
  • Alan Peacock

    Thanks!! Having a great birthday today so far!
    BTW, my Rev is doing great now. Got it all tweaked and it's behaving. How do you like yours?
  • Alan Peacock

    Oh, I definitely use the Bluetooth. It works perfectly. Love it. I did have some issues in the beginning. Then I paid the $29.99 or whatever to upgrade the BT software and haven't had any problems since then, no one. The BT works great on mine. Weird! :-) But am enjoying the machine.
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Hey Jenny! Hope you weekend is going good. I'm working my tail off but going to take a break in a few minutes. I had a really good and juicy divorce depo yesterday! I don't get those often much better than car accidents. LOL

    I wanted to ask you, did you tell me that you use Dragon to help you with editing? If so, can you tell me a little bit about the software, which one you use because I see there's a not real expensive version and there is a more expensive one. Kind of not sure which one would be sufficient for what we do. How does it work with Eclipse?
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Sorry you're feeling bad. I know how nasty those sinus headaches can be. It's a way of life here in Louisiana. Top that off with all the ones I get from the neck pain and I think I have at least one headache daily, not to mention the ones caused by outside sources like attorneys and witnesses! LOL

    I'll check out the link you sent. I would love to try Dragon and see how it does but don't want to have to spend a fortune. Who knows, maybe Ebay?? Maybe it will be a Christmas wish list. HA!

    Hope you feel better. I'm getting ready to take a break for a while. Talk soon.
  • Mike Rowell

    Wow...don't know how I didn't notice your post sooner! It's been like 2 weeks. Anyhow, I did get a tilting tripod a few months back when I bought a Mira. However, it seems to only tilt at one angle, and it's a bit extreme for me. My wrists hurt a little now and then, but I guess that's just a part of court reporting. My wife's yarn stash is doing very well, especially since she got into spinning a few months back. She now has an unprocessed fiber stash, and a processed-but-not-spun stash. On the other hand, I think I'm set for life on beanies!
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Just chkg to see how you're feeling.
  • Greta Duckett, CCR, RPR, CRR

    Thanks, Jenny! What a wonderful feeling!
  • Linda Sorge-Howard


    I am sorry you are having to shell out yet more money to make things run the way they're supposed to. And it's not like our equipment is cheap! So far, knock on wood, I am not having any problems since changing over to XP. I would still like to sell my Mac though and just buy me a netbook because I don't feel like I can trust things the way they are right now. It just scares me. And I can't carry around two computers "just in case".

    At this point as far as the LS goes, I feel like I need to get my other issues straight. I just don't have the time, as much as I would love to, to spend learning something new and possibly taking on more new problems. Why does the other girl want you to wait to post your ad?

    I am so overwhelmed with trying to get work out. I have 10 folders on my desk and I am taking two more jobs tomorrow. I can't believe how busy we are.

    I have hired a proofer/scopist at this point to help me. She was working for a girl who has a serious illness and isn't able to work much. The problem is that they never used any CAT software. She wants to learn it, if need be, but I'm trying to help her find an edit key at a reasonable price so she doesn't have to spend a fortune doing this. So for right now, she's proofing for me which is a help. So, if you hear of anything at a good price on Eclipse, let me know.

    Also, still thinking about Dragon. I'm a little confused on how it works with Eclipse. You are talking about using it with regular Eclipse, not the voice module of Eclipse, right?
  • Glen Warner

    Hi, Jenny.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, and the kind words! :o)

    Have to go out now and begin celebrating ...!

    "For a Good (steno) Time ...."
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    So how was the massage? I'm jealous!

    I went to the fitness center today for my assessment. I go for my training and program on Friday. I wonder why that coincides on the same day as my high school reunion??? LOL Guess it will be the last hoorah, then to some serious work.
  • Clay Frazier

    what's the deal with the number conbersion?

    from what I can tell, in the numbers tab, i have everything pertinent checked, but my numbers are never converted at all.
    at the beginning of this week, I couldn't realtime $2,436.21
    I guess it wasn't priority before because I could read it, but it's horrid on the realtime end.
    Considering I have no choice, i've implemented better writing and better dictionary entries, and I'm U-turning quickly. they look pretty except for the dollar sign is at the end.
    anyway i was just wondering if you know what's the deal. you got number conversion checked and actually doing stuff?
    I need a way to write a dollar stroke at the beginning, but it put the sign at the end of the #.
  • Clay Frazier

    wait. no. opposite. dollar sign at beginning, not end
  • Clay Frazier

    number bar.
    no thanks on dx entries.
    how do you get a $ at beginning when they say at end?
  • Tori Pittman

    Bette was GREAT ! And Barb was like a kid at Christmas - we had first row balcony seats. I learned what I needed at the seminar, and have already marked the calendar for next year. however, the date coincides with certification examinations. hopefully November will give me good news. gotta start now. Seeing that Greta passed with the LS gives me goosebumps. :)
  • Tori Pittman

    the pic of me in the hat was taken poolside at the Lazy River at Mandalay Bay. I just said, I need a pic of ME. tried to make myself cute, thrust my hand out as far as I could and snapped it. Not too bad.

    As for the tips... let me see what I can do over the weekend. The main thing for me was "getting" indexing. it's been a long time coming.
  • Kim Gibney

    Hey, girl! Yes, the boys will be all out of school on Monday. I have been busy. I have been interning at the courthouse by me and also with a freelance firm. I am biting my nails hopeing that I passed that RPR. You know, I only needed the testimony portion. They're supposed to be mailing them out tomorrow and then posting on the ncra web by Monday. I really do think I passed it, but you never know, right? LOL
    Software is doing fine so far. My financial sense insisted that I make this decision at this time. But so far, I really like it.
    Hey, do you use audio backup? Just wondering, there's a lot of different opinions about that around me.
    You will hear me scream tomorrow if I passed! LOL
  • Stacey Dee Sandoval

    Hi Jenny! It's so nice to meet you! :) I am actually using your configs! If it wasn't for Depoman, I don't think I would have lasted on that cute little machine. I also met a wonderful mentor through that site. Brenda is AMAZING!
  • Keith Rowan II

    Why, yes! I do attend West Valley College in Saratoga! Do you know anything about it? It's a great school. Nice to hear from the Boulder Creek area...that's a great place. And yes, Mark K. is great. Learning the Sten Ed theory was very good, but I knew I wanted to shorten a lot of things. When I got the Stenomaster book, my eyes were opened. There were things in there that I had already thought about, and we were totally on the same wavelength with how to do things. I love it! Well, thanks for the message!
  • Rebecca Callow

    Thanks, Jenny! It seems like the CRR was a long time coming, but I finally made it. Now it's on to the Texas CSR. Whew!!
  • Stacey Dee Sandoval

    Thank you so much! And I only had the LS for two weeks before the test!

    And I agree, there are not enough positive adjectives or enough exclamation points to describe Brenda. :)
  • Keith Rowan II

    Yes, Linda Lawson is an amazing woman! Yes, I was there for Elise's talk. Very good stuff, indeed! I do all my endings on the same stroke...usually. I brief quite a bit. That is great that you and your siblings are all reporters and have a firm. How wonderful!

    I have my 2-V and 4-V left at 180. I am getting pretty close on them.
  • Karen A. Jones

    I'm working! But it's a depo in a case that's been going on a long time. The job dix is great and the reporter wrote superbly!

    I meant to tell you I got those macros you sent me last week, but I haven't done anything with them. One of these days! Thanks for thinking of me!
  • Jill S. Driscoll

    That is great!
    I hope they can get it done for the next update!

    Have a nice family time and enjoy your cookies! :P
  • Karen A. Jones

    It's my favorite SoCal gal - Audrey Ricks. You met her last year in Vegas, didn't you?
  • Stacey Dee Sandoval

    Haha! Well, it was NOT pretty! I utilized the ENTIRE 90 minutes fixing that test! :)
  • Karen A. Jones

    Love Audrey's photos! And especially love how she dolls up Murphy and Maggie for the holidays ;) That's one of our bonds, you know. I have two boxers too -- Annie and Vayda. I'll have to put their photo on my page one of these days! Actually, they were the "Miss Aprils" in Audrey's boxer calendar that she was selling for a Boxer Rescue group she's involved in.
  • Heather

    Thanks! No, I had waited 'til the last night to try to hook up without the bluetooth, and didn't have the right wire. So I had to take my old 8000. It was so awkward at first with my hands like that, it was awful. And my wrist hurt REALLY BAD after an hour of practice and the three tests. I keep thinking of selling that old machine but worry abou tnot having a backup.. then I think that I could never go back to that thing even if I had to! I LOVE my Grand.
  • Denise Riffle

    I love it!

    Thanks, Jenny.
  • Candice

    What a pretty congratulations. Thank you VERY MUCH:)
  • Janet

    I'm glad I can laugh at myself. It was embarrassing to admit that, but I thought it was pretty funny, too.

  • Brenda Rogers

    That pretties it up nicely! :)
  • Brenda Rogers

    Love the roses!
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Hi! No, I'm not working all weekend. Just happened to see that post and thought I'd respond to her and see what she is using equipment wise. I am still having problems, yes. But, my husband, brave person that he is, took my Mira wireless adapter apart today and thinks he may have discovered the issue. The adapter isn't sitting on the mira's serial port as it should because the metal part that sits on the port is bent. (I wonder how that happened!!! LOL) Anyway, I figured it was of no use to me so why not let him see if he can fix it, and he's working on it now. I'll let you know what happens.

    Why do we continue to have problems when we are buying these 3rd party peripherals that are "supposed" to be compatible with our equipment???? Has technology just advanced too fast because of the economic factor without the research being put into it that it should? It's really kinda ticking me off, to be honest.

    I have had very rude people that I have talked to, or attempted to talk to, at some of these vendors. I am continuously told (maybe there's a reason), "Why do you want to go wireless?" Well, isn't that what all these writer vendors are promoting so that we have less to worry about hooking up, etc.? Geez!

    Thanks for writing. I was thinking about you and wondered how you were and what you've been doing. I haven't had time to go to the fitness center and I am probably going to get a doctor to write a note so that I can get out of the membership. I just don't have the time and I had a little mishap here at the house this week that has made the injuries I have a little worse.....going to doctor tomorrow.

    Long note here, sorry.....been a while since we talked! Glad you are at least making the exercise effort.....hey, writing it better counts!!!! ROFL

    Have a great day! And BTW, the roses are BEAUTIFUL!!!
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Oh, I meant to ask you on the Dragon software, is the Preferred version okay? Having trouble finding Professional locally.
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Well, my apologies to Roger....I didn't even notice him! He's gorgeous and BIG! LOL

    I'm sorry you're still having problem with the sinuses. Thank God you don't live in Louisiana! We haven't had rain here in 4 weeks and everybody is sneezing here. It's miserable with the humidity.

    I'll let you know if the hubby has stumbled on something for my situation at least or not. If that's all it's been all this time, I'm going to shoot myself! LOL

    The reunion was fun but not too many pictures of me at all. I stay away from cameras. But I might be able to find one I can put up. It's just a candid. I did have a nice time and have found out that there's a girl I went to school with that lives right near me. We joked that we've probably been standing in WalMart lines together! We are supposed to have lunch tomorrow. I can't wait!

    I saw the regular Dragon, Dragon Preferred, and at one time I did see the Professional but haven't seen it on the shelf in a while. It's not as expensive anymore. I would really like to try it. You'll help me if I need it, right? Oh, I hate to ask this but do you use the wireless or the wired headphone? All this wireless stuff is getting funny! LOL
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    I was and am answering frm my new iPhone!! I swear no wine yet! LOL

    I will read what you sent to me. I am sure it will help. I am really wanting to help myself with my work and the amt of strain on my neck s
    and arms.

    I feel like such an idiot, posting on my own page! I'm talking to myself!!! ROFL
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Sorry that you are having problems with the elbows. I know how you feel, believe me.

    Last week I slipped in my bathtub and when I did, thinking ok, I don't want to hit the back of my head, I grabbed the sides of the tub (which it is oversized) and as I continued to slide, it spread my shoulders extra wide, causing my shoulders, neck and upper back to hurt, as well as the inside of my wrists for some reason. Now I am scared of overdoing something at the fitness center and injuring myself worse. It's probably all in my head, but I just don't want to take any chances. I know that sounds like an excuse, but I also do know that I have to get up and find something that I am comfortable doing that will help with the pain and that will be relatively safe.

    Hope you feel better soon from those sinus infections, too!
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    You know, that's the thing, I know if I FORCED myself to go, I would probably feel so much better. I would probably enjoy it. It's all women, very clean and comfortable. I hate going by myself though. Hard when you work such weird times to find someone to go do anything with you.

    They have great classes at the center and the best ones are on Tues and Thurs mid afternoon to late evening. Seems every time I plan to go, I have a late doctor depo! UGH!

    Still, as I said, just a little freaked out about what happened and overdoing. Will see what doc says tomorrow.

    I can't believe my husband fixed my BT on my Mira! Hard to believe I have struggled and complained (to him esp) all this time and he fixes it in the matter of 30 mins! Now he keeps reminding me it's "his" day! LOL
  • Linda Sorge-Howard

    Don't fool yourself, he did it so he could finally have me shut up! ROFL

    You can't be an're an emperess (sp???).....and meanwhile, I'm still just a baby. Don't I wish! LOL
  • Lorna Brodie

    Wow! Someone else has the same dilemma in the mornings, huh? My cat ever so gently starts patting my face to let me know it's time to get up and feed her...this starts at 4 a.m.
  • Lorna Brodie

    Hey, Jenny, my job went less than 15 minutes yesterday. Go figure! But I have a doctor depo in Sacramento tomorrow, and my client says "it will not be a short one." And then, Friday, I have two depos...hoping they don't go off. So far, three out of four have cancelled this week.
  • Lorna Brodie

    Wow! Which medication is keeping you awake like that?
  • Clay Frazier

    My dictionary is pretty much built, so I have all the voteringsizations already in.
    but I do see the purpose.
    Today I put "towelette" in. Then after the break, of course, they just had to say it plural when I didn't put it in. gah
  • Tami

    Thanks, Jenny!!

    I love my card!

    I've been thinking of you and hoping you're happy and healthy this week!

    Note to my son: It's okay to come back with a separate stroke -Z for -s every once in a while. :)

    Heck, some people do it every time!! HA!
  • Rebecca Callow

    Hi, Jenny, and thanks! I now have to play the 30-day waiting game. Sometimes waiting for the results is harder than doing the test itself!! Sometimes.

    I have to say, I have made two investments in my steno advancement the past couple of years that have really paid off. One was the Magnum Steno Club, which has reaped the greatest rewards. The other was Realtime Coach. I highly recommend both, but MSC is definitely in first place.

    What is going on with your elbows? I hope it goes away soon! I have elbow problems too, but I have found out a few things that may be causing mine that really have nothing to do with the elbows. Imagine that!?!
  • Clay Frazier

    I dunno what a quorks is but ok
  • Clay Frazier

    I do it with the AO