Ellen Sarem


Colorado Springs, CO

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Rebecca Blasco


    I love dat Boss Dog!!!!
  • Jaimie

    Hi, Ellen. If you are interested in doing some scoping, would love to hear from you. Please e-mail me at my e-mail address and we can chat. Jaimb18@aol.com. Thanks!!
  • Stephanie Clark

    Hi --- are you available for proofing? If so, please e-mail me at ClarkRS@satx.rr.com with your rates/turnaround times. Do you proof from hard copy or the computer screen?
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    Hi Ellen, I'm a military mom (Marines) and a major dog lover. I saw your pic with your 4-legged baby and had to drop by and say hi.
    Welcome to the site.
    Take care,

    April McMillan
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Ellen, I'm on Eclipse, but I know a reporter on CC and they still don't have their automatic indexing set up. Are you a pro with that, or can you recommend someone who is? I'd love for my friend to get herself set up properly!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Thanks so much for your immediate reply. I was in the middle of my two-mile exercise video! I'm so proud of myself for doing both miles - I had to FORCE myself. I'll tell my friend about Rebecca. I really appreciate your recommending someone who you think knows more about the indexing feature.

    You've come to the right site here. The more you post, the more people recognize your name. Make sure when you have a few reporters on here who are happy with your work that you ask them to post about your abilities here:

    Best of luck finding great reporters to work with - Jenny
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Ellen, you know what's weird - I read your post this morning about the Girls in Trucks book and immediately requested it from my library online. I didn't pay attention to who recommended it or even click on your page as I was in a hurry to call tech support. So later this afternoon I saw your Experienced Cat Scopist Wants More Work post - as I always go to the main page first. And here I notice that was you posting about the book!

    See, that's what's neat about networking here. Now I have a vested interest in seeing you succeed!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I've had two weird coincidences lately. The book and weirdness regarding the RollerMouse. Go to Trina's page and read my comment to her!


    I get the book tomorrow - can't wait as I'm all caught up with my reading!

    You're an inspiration - putting yourself out there - it's so good to hear!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    How dare that Trina having it friends only! I'll have to lecture her. Here's a paste of what I told her.

    Did you see my depoman post last night?


    When I emailed my brother Scot about his email being such a coincidence, here's what he replied:
    That's a good coincidence but these things happen when you enter the powrful realm of Geekdom. Why do you think they call helpful apps Wizards?

    He's a crackup! I really think I'm going to get the Kinesis Freestyle today. That's great you got such a good deal! Remember, you want your keyboard to but up against the roller bar as much as possible.

    Ellen, I love my RollerMouse - everyone should have one! I did order the Freestyle ten minutes ago!