

Irvine, California

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Certified Shorthand Reporter and Certified LiveNote Reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
I don't remember.

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  • Linda

    I'm interested in finding groups to help me with shortcuts for court. We rotate in every courtroom. So we hear it all. I'm a State of Illinois county court reporter. Chancery, juvenile, divorce, misdemeanor, felony, DUIs, grand jury, etc.
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    Kyung, yes, I'm very proud of my son. He travels a lot with this Silent Drill Platoon. He'll be in France for five days at the end of May so I told him to take lots of pix for his mama. My page always looks like the 4th of July! I've had several generations of men and women in my family serve this country. I almost enlisted in the Air Force's CSR program myself in 1979, but Grandpa put the kabosh on that. Now I work on getting out the vote during election time in north Orange County.
    Have a Great Mother's Day! I enjoyed your pix :)
  • Keva

    We have three children. The eldest is eight. The other two are five and two. Our eight, and two year old's are girls: our little guy is five. They keep us very busy.
  • Mary Ann Taylor

    Hey! Well, I'm originally from Texas. This was my first big move. I court reported over there for 3 1/2 years. So, I heard you worked for the federal courts here? And how long have you been in California?
  • Michelle

    Kyung, you wouldn't believe how beepin' funny that testimony was. The judge was wiping tears away, the attornies were hiding behind exhibits to have a chuckle - it was some light relief :)
  • Tami

    Thanks, Kyung.

    Yes, I thought it was empress, but I didn't want to take the time to check.

    Clay took his last leg of the RPR at your school this morning. Just got a positive report. Now it's the CRR! :)
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    Ooh, I just lovvvvved your graphic :)

    Merry Margharitas!
  • Mary Ann Taylor

    Hey Kyung, thanks for the post. I decided to take your suggestion and start a group and then I got to the page where you're setting it up and I have no idea what I'm doing. Help!!!
  • Mary Ann Taylor

    Hey, thanks for the quick response. Yeah, I had gotten that far. Where I got stuck was what I put in the group information boxes where it asks for group website and group name but then says use real names only. I'm not sure what to put in those boxes.
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    mother's day glitter

  • Jurtiana Jeon

    Hi! Sorry it took me so long to respond! I created the page and then never logged back in for awhile.. = P

    Thanks for the info on the Official Groups. = ) Hope you had a great Mother's Day!!
  • C Cipolla

    Thanks for the link, Kyung!
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Thank you, Kyung, for the info! I'm already a member of that group. YAY! ;) I seriously appreciate how you and other reporters take the time to mentor us CR students! I'll do the same too when I get my CSR!

    Have a great Friday and weekend!
  • Dorothy Wilcox

    Thank you, Kyung.
  • Randy Renier Espinoza

    Hi, Kyung. Thanks for inviting my to your network of friends.
  • Tricia McLaughlin


    Your pictures are beautiful. Your daughter is so cute that I could hug her through the screen!

    Just beautiful,
  • Heidi Bloemker

    Hi, Kyung. I am a freelancer in Rancho Cucamonga. New to the site and trying to network and make some reporter friends. You really stand out as someone who is active on this site often, so I thought I would start with you! I also liked your pictures. I love kids! What is your job like? How did you get started? Are you a realtime writer?
  • Heidi Bloemker

    I do enjoy reporting. Sometimes it is a lonely job though. At this point in my life - pushing 30, single mom, mortgage, etc. - I would like to have more stability and more time!
  • Heidi Bloemker

    Please let me know when the next one will be and I'll be there. My new mission is to make Marla my friend . . .
  • Marla Sharp

    ESP was good. I learned how to do auto-indexing. Or at least I think I did. We'll see if I can implement what I learned. I learned I need to buy more things, like the StenoCast X7 RED so attys can hook up to me wirelessly. I'm so sick of these USB-serial adapters always dying on me.

    I did have time to gamble. And the free drinks they gave me while gambilng made me not care (or quite remember) how much I lost. You should go with me next time. If anything, to protect me from the free drink lady! :)
  • Aleece DePuey

    Hi Kyung,
    I saw your comment on the Federal CR's board and noticed that you worked in the Riverside courthouse. I am only a student at 120wpm, but I am leaning toward the Federal system. Any info you would be willing to share with me would be most appreciated. I would love to hear about how you got into the federal system, if it's what you thought it would be, would you do it again, etc. Thanks so much in advance, Aleece
  • Karen Cooper

    HI Kyung,
    Interested in an all-day video depo in Costa Mesa, tomorrow? Our client has indicated that the other side may be requesting Livenote for this ( which means another copy).
    Let me know right away before I post a listing on CSR nation.....
    Thanks, Karen
  • Dar

    I like csrnation because it's geared toward CRs. It's very relevent.

    Style-wise, I think csrnation is jammed packed . My friends got me on facebook, so I'm familiar with some of the features, even the general area to look for for recent activities and events. I wish I could navigate more and see a general overview of topics not just the ones most recently posted. Sometimes It's overwhelming. Most of the fonts are the same so it's hard to distinguish between the important and non-important. I wish there was more white space to rest my eyes. is geared toward CRs, and that's the main thing.

    You're a csrnation Emperor. You must like csrnation a lot. :)
  • Dana Serrano


    Are you on Facebook?
  • Dana Serrano

    I wasn't going to either... but Anastasia made me.
  • Dana Serrano

    Poke poke... that's my peer pressure. :)
  • Matthew

    Thanks, Kyung! I just bought the 3GS iPhone, and I think I want to go Apple all the way. Haha!
    Yes, I'm keeping busy down here, and I love it! I've taken six jobs so far and haven't driven more than 20 minutes from my house! It's been great for my mental health! haha!
  • Natalia Baisley

    Thanks so much Kyung! :)
  • Aleece DePuey

    Hi there, and thanks for all the info. Is it really true that you don't need a CSR to work Federal?
  • Dana Serrano

    Is it just me being *itchy or are there way too many voice writers on this site and they're calling themselves court reporters.
  • Dana Serrano

    Look at you being all nice. I'm just a *itch.
  • Theresa Lanza

    I'm good. But very slow right now!
  • Aleece DePuey

    I'm definitely getting my RPR, and will eventually go for a CMR after I perfect my realtime. Can't wait!
  • Mary Motley O'Brien too. =)
  • Tricia McLaughlin


    Thanks for that beautiful flag!

  • Karen Cooper

    Thanks for the beautiful Happy birthday cake... That made my day!
  • Marla Sharp

    Touristing? Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Kyung?
  • Brenda Rogers

    Oh, such a pretty rose! Thanks, Kyung! :)
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Kyung!

    I was wondering if I'd be able to sit out with you for some court observation hours sometime in August. It's a requirement for school, and I'm trying to sit out with different reporters who work in different departments just to get a varied experience and hopefully see which one I would like the best.

    I would LOVE the opportunity to sit with you! Please let me know if you're willing and when in August would work best for you!

    Thanks so much, Kyung!


    I'm a Steno Nerd!
  • Jodi Harrison

    Hi Kyung,

    Yeah, it was great meeting you today! The depo; short and sweet, and lunch at FM... is always fantastic! I hope we work together again real soon, you're a kick!
    Jodi Harrison
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Kyung.

    Thanks so much for getting back to me. Unfortunately my school wants me to do court observations with officials at court, not freelance reporters.

    Again, thanks so much anyway! I really appreciate it!

    BTW, I love your headline -- "If I don't hear you, you didn't say it." :D I also love your ticker that shows how long you've been loving your CSR career! You inspired me to put a countdown on my blog,, that shows when I'll graduate... but hopefully I'll be a CSR BEFORE the countdown is done! :)

    Have a great day!


    I'm a Steno Nerd!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Haha, I am galactic!
    I dont like the icon though, it doesn't look like a galaxy, does it?
    I hope it doesn't look like a sausage patty.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    I used the one you sent me, does it look betah?
    I like it cause it looks more like a galaxy.
  • Lamb Lamb

    Thank you!
  • Jason Pardikes

    Great Questions, and right to the point. You obviously have been reading a lot. This would have been great posted publicly I bet a lot of people would want the answer to these questions.

    Yes your time stamps will come across. That was a new feature we introduced with the Revolution UMPC court system.

    You can bring it in and you don't have to convert it you just need to define in in eclipse once you bring int over you go to file management and rename the audio to the translated job name.wav and you done.

    We have 4 authorized repair centers and are expanding that once we find and qualify people. Currently our office in Co, works on them, The Steno Dr. In CA is approved, JM Steno in AZ is approved, and Houston Dictating and Steno repair is TX are approved to service them as well.

    The IPAQ is left over from the Piper days, and we have discontinued it. We have since replaced the IPAQ with the UMPC and it is a much better system. We are slowly replacing the IPAQ in the field with the UMPC as our customers upgrade. This is a much better and more powerful system.

    Yes it is writer to up to 2 computers, typically your laptop and the UMPC and then if you want to output to a single attorney/judge. Yes they need a receiver $75.00, however if you want to output wirelessly to multiple attorneys we recommend the steno cast devices they are very good.

    The writer, can be bluetooth, serial, or USB. And yes this should resolve your issues, what you describe is a driver in computability in the USB-to serial adapter, and how Eclipse handles the timing between the devices. This is not an issue with our writer.

    I think I got them all. Let me know if you want to know more.
  • Jason Pardikes

    Not long we have people transitioning form many different machines almost immediately. Some take it to court the next day and some are more cautious and wait a couple of weeks. But since its a traditional touch it doesn't take very long at all.

    The most common issue with Stentura users is that the strokes is too sensitive for them so change that by a certain amount helps out immediately. I can give you that setting change from factory now or later if you like.
  • Jason Pardikes

    Just wanted to check in and make sure you have gotten your questions answered.

  • Jason Pardikes

    Yes of course, all you need to do is download the Rental form, fill it out and fax it back to me at 303-374-2777. Once we get close to having a machine for you will will give you a call, find out your specs, CAT software, wide keys, etc. And send you a machine. The Cost is $200 for 2 weeks. But $150 of that can be applied to the purchase of a new machine within 15 days if you choose to buy.

    JasonRevolution Grand Rental Agreement.pdf
  • Dawn A. Hillier

    Oh, thank YOU! I'm a single mom of two little ones. It definitely is hard to juggle the kids and the career. I look forward to being a part of the group. :-)