I put up your flyers. Hopefully you'll get someone interested. If you do, I'd be happy to deliver for you too. Well, keep your fingers crossed. Gotta get that light speed before you get in qualifiers :).
Hey Heather,
Thanks again for selling me your cord, I found it at Best Buy but it was more expensive ;) So what time does the 180 class start. I can't seem to get to school any earlier than 9:00 lately...
hey heather! i heard you passedy our last 200, congrats!!! have you tried calling MOA depo reporters? you can google them and call them in their sac office. i think they'll transfer you to their yuba office because the lady there does all the scheduling for their three locations, but you would still intern in sac. they are SO nice and got me my last hours! (of course when i needed 1 more, it turned out to be FIVE hours.) give them a call tho!!
Hi Heather. Thanks for the compliment on the haircut. I was able to donate 18 inches to Locks of Love :D! But CONGRATS TO YOU! You're going the the CSR. It was pretty stressful thinking about taking kids to the CSR, but I ended up leaving her with my mom. I'm not sure if you even have that option, but when I weighed the pros and cons I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, practice, concentrate, etc..... if she was there. R u going alone? With your hubby? My fiance ended up going with me, but we left all the kids with my mom at home. We drove down Thursday. We left the house about 9:00 a.m. and arrived in L.A. by about 3:30. Friday as soon as the test was over we drove back home, and we were home by 8:00 p.m. So we were only away one night which wasn't so bad.
Well, let me know how everything goes. Give me a holla if you have any questions or just want to talk. :) KIT; GOOD LUCK!!
Hey, Heather, you out there? You ready for the big test? How's the studying coming along? I'm sure you're more than ready. So did you decide on taking your little one or not? Keep me posted, I'm rooting for all you guys.
Good luck tomorrow, Heather!! Get lots of rest tonight, take your vitamins in the morning, eat a good breakfast, all that good stuff so that your brain is 100% :D. Did you take Bea's tests? I took all of Bea's tests with me to the testing center, got there an hour early and reviewed them over and over in the car until my testing time. (just a suggestion.)
Thank you!
I hope you're having a great weekend! I'm trying to heal the boo boo on my finger so the doctor will actually do my surgery on the 20th! He canceled my surgery last Tuesday because of a teeny open wound! But I guess better to wait than get an infection and lose a finger!
You want someone with a lot more than a years' worth of experience. It's really important that a new reporter uses very seasoned scopists and proofers with exceptional references.
There's a proofer recommendation area on here, and I can't remember where. I think Marla started it, so you can check with her if you can't find it.
Good luck!
I know Chris R. on here has rave reviews. My sister-in-law used a scopist on here that put out complete crap.
I saw your listing looking for a proofreader. I am a proofreader. I would be interested in doing some proofreading for you. My e-mail address is danelleyoung@cs.com or danelleyoung@verizon.net. I hope to hear from you soon.
To respond to your concern as to the difference in time zones, I believe it wouldn’t pose much difficulty. Actually, it gives me more leverage as it enables me to deliver earlier. For example, when you send in a job to me by your evening, I receive it my morning and can actually start working on it and be done with it within 12-14 hours, if it’s small, and then send it to you immediately. As to the thing with taxes, I’m not sure how it affects your tax computation or tax reporting.
By the way, thanks for your comments. If you have overflow work, you can try my services. Or perhaps you can refer me to your friends. Hehe.
Heather, Fantastic news about your skills pass!!! Did you take the test on the Grand? I'm doing better on my Grand these days, and I'd never go back now to having my hands together again. So happy for you!
Heather, I'm like you. I tried writing on the Stentura, and I couldn't believe how I could have ever had my hands in that position! I took my written RPR again after 25 years or so in Nov. '06. I really had to study for it with the RPR manual. If you don't have one, I really recommend you get the booklet with the practice material. That's the only reason why I passed!
Heather, I just spoke to Jason about my Grand stuttering on the initial T when I first start up. He said one other reporter complained about that who was on Elcipse as well, and his programmer wrote a patch for it. It's not giving me any problems, but was freaking me out. Has that ever happened to you? I told him it may be happening to all of us on Eclipse, but we don't want to bug him about every little thing.
How's it going for you these days? My Grand is doing well for me except for stacking at higher speeds, which makes me so frustrated!!!
I'm too lazy to adjust my final P - Please, please take a few minutes and adjust that naughty P. Just think of all those additional edits! It's never going to go away unless you adjust it! If you ever cure the stacking, let me know!!!
I'm glad you aren't having the weird T- deal. I know what you mean about the Stentura, but I still put it in my trunk just in case!
I feel the same way about "them", Heather. I've been on Eclipse since 1990 and love it. I just switched to the Light Speed writer and cannot wait to sell my Mira. Then I'll be done.
Hi Heather, I'm looking at getting a Grand. Are you having any problems w/your computer attachment, any glitches? Also, I'm a speed writer. I've got some fast-talkin' clients and when we get up to 250, 260 I'm worried about the stacking. Have you had a lot of stacking? I've already spoken to Jason, also, at Neutrino Group and Veronica Kubat's given me a personal demo:)
Thanks for any and all input,
Thanks so much for your help! Bummer about the stacking, especially since I've finetuned my Mira to the point I may have two stacks in 100 pgs. But it seems from everything I'm reading about all machines, they all stack to some degree at high speeds :(
Heather, unfortunately adjusting the Mira was and is a pain. Seems like it would be easy with the dials, but everything has to be done in a certain order. Attending an Eclipse webinar tonight for realtiming and the equipmnt used to do it, so I'll know whether or not the Grand is for me. I hope so!
Jessica Sotelo
Feb 20, 2008
Feb 20, 2008
Feb 23, 2008
Jena Macato
Mar 13, 2008
Danielle Dzioba
Thanks again for selling me your cord, I found it at Best Buy but it was more expensive ;) So what time does the 180 class start. I can't seem to get to school any earlier than 9:00 lately...
Mar 26, 2008
Suzanne Reid
Jun 14, 2008
Aug 6, 2008
Jena Macato
Well, let me know how everything goes. Give me a holla if you have any questions or just want to talk. :) KIT; GOOD LUCK!!
Jan 21, 2009
Jena Macato
Feb 7, 2009
Jena Macato
Feb 10, 2009
Danielle Dzioba
Feb 23, 2009
I hope you're having a great weekend! I'm trying to heal the boo boo on my finger so the doctor will actually do my surgery on the 20th! He canceled my surgery last Tuesday because of a teeny open wound! But I guess better to wait than get an infection and lose a finger!
Mar 8, 2009
Jena Macato
My results actually came a week before they said I would get them, so maybe yours will too.
Mar 13, 2009
Kelli Combs (admin)
Happy Birthday to you!
Your are 1 year old now, we start counting from the day you became a reporter.
Mar 31, 2009
Jena Macato
Mar 31, 2009
You want someone with a lot more than a years' worth of experience. It's really important that a new reporter uses very seasoned scopists and proofers with exceptional references.
There's a proofer recommendation area on here, and I can't remember where. I think Marla started it, so you can check with her if you can't find it.
Good luck!
I know Chris R. on here has rave reviews. My sister-in-law used a scopist on here that put out complete crap.
May 1, 2009
Priscilla Gwaltney
May 3, 2009
Priscilla Gwaltney
May 3, 2009
Rhoda Collins
May 5, 2009
Danelle Young
I saw your listing looking for a proofreader. I am a proofreader. I would be interested in doing some proofreading for you. My e-mail address is danelleyoung@cs.com or danelleyoung@verizon.net. I hope to hear from you soon.
May 7, 2009
Randy Renier Espinoza
To respond to your concern as to the difference in time zones, I believe it wouldn’t pose much difficulty. Actually, it gives me more leverage as it enables me to deliver earlier. For example, when you send in a job to me by your evening, I receive it my morning and can actually start working on it and be done with it within 12-14 hours, if it’s small, and then send it to you immediately. As to the thing with taxes, I’m not sure how it affects your tax computation or tax reporting.
By the way, thanks for your comments. If you have overflow work, you can try my services. Or perhaps you can refer me to your friends. Hehe.
More work and more power to you!
May 27, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Jun 14, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Jun 14, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
How's it going for you these days? My Grand is doing well for me except for stacking at higher speeds, which makes me so frustrated!!!
Jul 15, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
I'm glad you aren't having the weird T- deal. I know what you mean about the Stentura, but I still put it in my trunk just in case!
Jul 15, 2009
Congratulations on passing the RPR!!!
Jul 24, 2009
Jul 25, 2009
April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR
Thanks for any and all input,
Aug 3, 2009
April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR
Aug 3, 2009
April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR
Aug 4, 2009