
Murrieta, CA

United States

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  • Chris Renegar

    Hiya, Tami! I just wanted to let you know that your son is quite the court reporter! I just finished proofreading his first doctor depo and he did a fantastic job. Just wanted to make a mom proud today! :-) --Chris
  • Alice Clark

    Hi, Tami - I'm just logging on after being gone for 7 weeks (it was my husband's sabbatical year, so we were lucky enough to go to Europe for the first time and spend 7 weeks there -- all without a single hold getting called in until the week I was due back - amazing.) Anyway, I'm definitely interested in joining your group and getting back into things. I am having trouble with my Mira and am about to send it in - sounds like a problem Kelly was having with bouncing strokes and disappearing letters, so I'll probably try and get that done. Thanks for the invitation... Alice
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Tami!

    I'm not sure if you're an official reporter or freelance... but if you're an official reporter, would you be willing for me to sit out with you half a day sometime in August? I need to do court observation hours for school, and you're a GREAT MENTOR!

    Please let me know. Thank you in advance! :)


    I'm a Steno Nerd!
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Thanks so much, Tami!!! I'm so excited to sit out with you!!! Just to let you know, though, I'm only at 160 WPM. I don't know if that matters... or what you'll have me do! :P That's totally fine that you talk my "steno ear" off! Anytime! Hehehe.

    So sometime after August 13 then? Would it be okay if my boyfriend tags along?

    I'll look over my calendar and email you back this weekend with a date that will hopefully work with you, too.

    Thanks and TTYL! :)


    I'm a Steno Nerd!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Have a wonderful time! I'm envious!!!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    How wonderful!!! Twenty-seven years of sharing the love!
  • Christine Kirley

    HI Tami,
    Yes, Megan sat out in Riverside this week. We're heading to San Diego for a week, and I'm frantically packing. Will talk to you next week. Hope your shoulder is doing better!!
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Tami!

    Hope you had a great weekend! Thanks again for saying "yes" to my request to sitting out with you!

    Would Monday, August 17, 2009 work for you? What time does court open for you? Would it be OK if my boyfriend tagged along? We'd like to make this trip to Murrieta a day-cation! And he's seriously fascinated with the court reporting career! :)

    Please let me know...

    Thanks and talk to you later! :)

    Email: stenonerd@gmail.com

    I'm a Steno Nerd!
  • Candice

    Hey, Tam:) My "surprise" was a BIG surprise! I can't believe he pulled off finishing all that work before he came. I guess I shouldn't have underestimated him though hah:)
    He found some really cool trails when we were sightseeing. You would think he had been here longer than me the way he was finding his way around!
    So how are YOU??? I heard you hurt your shoulder? That's no good. And I overheard something about an anniversary? Happy Anniversary! How many years?
    Well, I hope all is well with the Fraziers.
    p.s. I joined the Magnum Steno Club this month. I think I'm having too much fun with it already.
  • Rebecca Callow

    You are very welcome! Glad to be able to help.
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Tami!

    I'm glad you have a brand new spanking courtroom! :) How do you like it so far?

    Thanks also for trying to accomodate my BF to sit in with us. I talked it over with him. He said that you don't have to go through all that trouble, but thank you anyway! He could use the time to browse around a bookstore or mall you might have nearby? Would you happen to have some near the courthouse where he can wait and not be bored out of his mind? :)

    Other than that, is the date ok? Monday, August 17? Please let me know.

    TTYL and thanks again!


    I'm a Steno Nerd!
  • Clay Frazier

    that's insanity!
    why and how did you spent 500 on covers?

    i told you you need to just bill for those

    thanks, though:)
  • Rosie Samples

    Hi Tami, you surprised me. I am on facebook, but this is so up my alley. How in the world did you find me so fast? I had just signed up a few minutes before. I love Mark K. too. I just joined the Magnum Steno Fan Club. Anything else I'm missing? I feel so out of the loop here, but I have a good feeling about all this... I can't believe only one person has told me about this.... P.S. will send pages to SW ... Thanks
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Tami, My expert yesterday was a molecular biologist - or, as auto-brief told me, a MO*. When are you getting your Eclipse??? You can't believe how many A/Bs I used yesterday! Oligonucleotides and all! See these terms:

    With broken English and at 225 - 300 wpm! The Grand really helped me. My upper back and arms seem to be no worse for the 300 pages!!!

    How is your shoulder doing by now? Sure, sure hope it's all better!!!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    So happy you're getting your massages together! That sound so wonderful!!! You have such a great husband - I can tell.
  • Rosie Samples

    I went to his seminar in L.A. and bought all his stuff. I don't think I'll be able to re-learn the theory but am utilizing lots of his briefs...I have the instant brief CD software downloaded in my computer, and I go there everyday. I love him and his stuff.
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    You're so cool, Tami! Gotta love you! ;)

    Thanks so much for offering the Thai massage suggestion for the afternoon. Hehehe! Too awesome! But I think we'll pass. We'll probably check out the mall or something like that. We'll see.

    Thanks for suggesting that my BF check out the criminal courthouses around you. He said he'd really like to do that actually. So it works out great!

    Yes, I'll email you the Friday before our Monday meet-up, and we'll coordinate everything again then.

    Until then... please know that I'm so glad you said "yes" to my request of sitting out with you! You know, even though you're SO FAR FROM ME, I REALLY wanted to sit out specifically with YOU because from the very start (here at CSR Nation), you were always so nice, genuine, helpful (great tips galore!), and pretty awesome!

    Thanks for everything, Tami! Have a great weekend! :)


    I'm a Steno Nerd!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh, that's so great that you're his Ellie! I just looked up the movie as I'm so out of it, I hadn't heard about it. Well, I rarely watch TV at all, and I've been glued to the computer, so what can I expect. Of course I'm out of it!

    I've been yakking this morning with Lorna Brodie from this site. She also has a Gemini, and is thinking of upgrading her older Piper. She's been dealing with elbow issues too. Now I've got to rush around to get ready for my massage this afternoon.

    So happy to hear Clay is thinking about his body. If I saw him, I'd lecture him about the proper way to sit in the steno chair! Actually, I lecture everyone I meet these days. Ever since I took classes at the Balance Center in Palo Alto, I've been sitting on a wedge cushion, and my back NEVER touches the back of the chair. If I find a good link, I'll send it.

    Must get some work done on my terrible 300-pager! Later - Jenny
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I'm going to check though my pdfs later today and I'll send you what I find on sitting. I've been meaning to do that for a while now. I had my massage, food and a nap. Now I need my tea and then I'll start in on my job again. I loved your reply to the interrupting proceedings question here. I may add to it later when my brain is too far gone to process any more broken English from my molecular biologist!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    You mean all mice aren't like these? I'm so disappointed! We have a neighbor's cat who likes to hang out around our place. I'm so grateful as who knows what's living under this house! I admire your attitude: Tami does what must be done!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    OMG, Tami - what a great post! You need to copy what you wrote me and paste it on depoman or something. The title should be ...More Proof of Court Reporters' Superpowers or something! You have certainly earned every massage you get - and more!
  • Jackie

    I'm so glad to hear that you've had good experiences with LDS folks! That is probably one of the best things about being LDS, how family oriented everything is. Family really is everything and it means the world to known that you always have them behind you.

    LOL at him being a slacker for only having three kids! In my family the magic number is six - my grandparents on both sides have six kids (I have five brothers), my parents have six, as do many of my aunts and uncles. I love having a big family!

    I'm practicing my tail off lately...going to my cousin's wedding this weekend in Columbia and taking my machine with me! I have my three 225 Q&As left and one darn 200 Jury Charge left that I should pass once I get back. Thanks for sharing your story with me! I hope you continue to have good experiences with LDS people! Most of us are nice! :)
  • Janet


    Your pictures are beautiful!!!! Are they from Maui?

    Now when I think of you, I'm going to think of that song Men, men, men, men from Two and a Half Men. You're surrounded, huh? And you have a talented court reporter in the bunch. That's so exciting. My kids have absolutely no interest in it. I had hoped maybe someone would.

  • Janet

    I thought your daughter was your son's girlfriend -- oops!

    Let me know when you're going to qualify in all three legs of the speed contest & I'll join you. If you do it, I'll push myself to do it, too. Deal?

  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Thanks for cheering me up. I messed up my 300 pages. Proofed, unproofed, globaled the whole thing. I was renaming and being very careful - I thought! It's been an hour and I still don't know what to do!!!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Oh, yes, it's my expert. I've merged a few files together, and I'm having to do some work over again, but I'm hoping I don't have to proof the whole job myself just to make sure. What a drag. Live and learn, right!

    You have a fun weekend. I hope you're all better by now. What's the shoulder status???
  • Janet

    Hi Tami,

    You know, I have never taken part in the speed contest. I did participate in the realtime competition twice, back when it started. One of the times I still had steno paper, and the table cloth was hanging down, and my paper started going up over the top of the tray, hitting the tablecloth, then down all over the floor. Needless to say, that's what I was focused on, not on whatever the dictation was. SCRATCH! The next time, halfway through I got so thrown off by one stupid word that I basically shut down, forgot where I was, who I was and what a steno machine was -- Scratch.

    I have always wanted to get into the speed contest. And, no, I don't know how difficult it is to qualify for all three, but I'm pretty sure I can imagine it. It's so much faster than the realtime competition. I tried the Magnum Steno Club for a week. Mama mia, and I though Woody Waga was fast! I have Mark's book, and I will join the Magnum Steno Club. Then I'll think about next year, Deal or No Deal? (You're the game show lady, right?)

    Okay, Deal!

  • Priscilla Anderson

    Yes, i joined the magnum steno club. Actually, Mark came to our school a few weeks ago and spoke to us for a little bit and gave me a bit of motivation to try to do things differently. See, I've been stuck at 200 for over a year now. I can write beautifully at 180, but 200? Forget it! It's sloppy and I have a hard time reading my notes. I mean, it's only 20 wpm faster--c'mon! Long whiny story short, Mark's visit gave me a new perspecitve and inspired me to try a new approach. I mean, I'm almost there. It's not like I'm way off the mark--the past few speed tests I've turned in haven't been too bad. Actually, I'm pretty close to passing. It's just been very discouraging to be stuck at a speed for so long. Anyway, I like his approach--makes sense. I just have to try to incorporate his short style of writing, which is easier said than done. I do use briefs extensively but not like he does! But, it can be done and I'll stick with this until I get certified. It'll happen for me sooner or later! (hopefully sooner!!)
  • Priscilla Anderson

    Thanks for the words of encouragement--I appreciate it! Our state test (Oklahoma) is coming up in September and then the RPR is after that, so I just have to keep plugging away. Keep your fingers crossed! :)
  • Janet

    I don't know where the convention is next summer, except that it will be somewhere that's really, really hot. My poor Irish kids get scorched every year. Maybe D.C. will be different. Are you going next week? I can't wait to go. I've been so busy & have to take work with me, but it's still going to be "away."

    I just joined the Magnum Steno Club officially & I'm ready to get practicing. Of course, the first dictation I chose was full of Chinese names. For a minute there, I thought to myself, What in the world am I getting myself into? Actually, I know what I'm getting myself into. I'm going to improve myself more, no matter what happens on the fateful day of the next speed contest.

    How about a double deal? Not only steno improvement, but also looking as close to those Deal or No Deal ladies as humanly possible, taking into consideration we probably have 30 years on them. (Wow, did I just depress myself.) I'm tired and defeated now. Just kidding. I'm up for a challenge!
  • Annette Sanders

    Uh-oh, is growing up a requirement for being a captioner? :-O Nobody told me that! No, really, you should jump on in here -- the water's fine! I've loved every day of it so far.

    I've only been poking around on this forum for a few minutes, but it sure looks fun and friendly. I'm on several other forums, and some can get brutal, if ya know what I mean.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I'm finally seeing some light as the last 50 pages of this job are with the proofer. I've spent the morning cleaning up my office, but it's still a horrid mess. We're having perfect weather here, and I'm determined to sit outside for a while soon. I've also done four loads of laundry! Are you enjoying your Sunday???
  • Priscilla Anderson

    Yes, I signed up and have been using Mark's cite. I plan on buying Mark's book but am first going to purchase a Lightspeed. I have a Stylus right now but don't love it. I love the way the Lightspeed feels (I was able to write on one recently) and I think it will help me with my sloppiness. Anyway, I've been practicing with Mark's material--we'll see if it makes a difference. :)
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Road trip!!! It should be so beautiful. I'd love to see Hearst Castle again. I've only been twice and had the same tour each time, it was so good! I'll get back to you this morning when I turn on my other computer. I've got my grammar info on that one. That little smiling sun looks so good on your page - I admit it!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Hopefully you'll get more of these on your page soon!!!
  • Brenda Rogers

    I will be! But I have to go to the grocery store to stock up for the kids while I'm gone and I still have 60 pgs of a tript to get finished! AAAAACK!!!!!
  • Brenda Rogers

    My flight isn't until 10:30 tomorrow night, so I have all day tomorrow. WHEW!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    two-nighter by ourselves - That sounds wonderful! Ha! I bet your boys are happy to "take care of business" while you're away!

    Chase when he heard the news!
  • Brenda Rogers

    Oh, I never thought about watching a speed contest! I'll try and let you know. :)
  • tami carlson

    Hi and thank you. There are more of us? Mine is short for "Tamara," which I was dissapointed to learn means "the palm tree."
  • tami carlson

    Yeah. My friends' names meant things like "hope," "beauty," and "truth;" mine meant "the palm tree." So I cut it in half. I have a tendancy to do that to words I'm not happy with!
  • KJM

    Oh, Tami! Bailey started kindergarten today! I held it together until I left the classroom, but I've been crying since! They just grow up too dang fast!
  • Denise L. Robles

    Thanks, Tami. I am excited to have joined and learn new techniques.
  • Stephanie Fernandez, RMR

    Thanks, Tami. I'm really excited, but I know I have a lot of work ahead of me. Though briefing doesn't come naturally to me, I'm hoping I'll be able to start adjusting my writing little by little now. The next time Mark offers a seminar in the area, I'll try to check it out.
    I hope you're doing well.
  • Annette Sanders

    Thanks, Tami. Well, overall it's still a pretty positive site. :-D I'm enjoying it very much.
  • Priscilla Anderson

    Thanks for asking; pretty good, so far. I'm trying to focus on what I do get rather than be bummed that I don't get as much as I'd like, but when someone is speaking as fast as Mark does on his speed takes, I think it's almost impossible to get everything unless you are Mark. :) I've finally been able to remember some of the right-hand briefs when I hear them--yay!! Babysteps--that's what I've been telling myself. I think along the way I've picked up some really bad habits and am having to try to weed them out now, at a higher speed, because that seems to be when they're really noticeable. :(

    My next step is to purchase a Lightspeed--I've really been wanting one since I got to write on one; I love that the depth stroke is so shallow--I feel like I'm writing in cement on my Stylus, and I have it set as shallow as I can go. After I purchase that, I'm going to purchase Mark's book and try to incorporate those briefs. It can only help!! :)
  • Saniya C. Youngblood

    Hey Tami, I love your motto, Dream Big Wright Short. That is exactly what I try to do. I am currently trying to finish to 200 speed class. It looks like I may pass all my Q and A test befor I pass my jury's. I have been jury charges a whole lot so I can start passing them.
    I live in New York where the certification is not a requirement, but I am going to try to obtain my RPR certification. That is cool your son went to cr school. My ten year old is talking about going to court reporting school. I am going to encourage her, and answer any questons she may have.
    I found out about school by my sister who graduated Jan 2007. This school is the best thing I could have done. I was going to school for nursing prior to this and I switched. I feel I would have more time with my four children. I love it. This school has been very challenging, I love challenges. I was in the Navy four years so challenge is my middle name.
  • Rolayne Volpe

    Hey, I'm game. I love it here. We're not on tour of duty, so I only go in when something is on the calendar. This week I have Tuesday at 9:00 and will be done by 10:00. Wednedsay is possibly all day, but that's it. I'll work from home the rest of the week. We don't get vacation days or sick days, so that sucks, but it usually works out that one of the other reporters can cover when you leave. This job has the benefits of freelancer with the perks of an official. It's a dream job!!! What part of California are you in? Our German exchange student we had about seven years ago was in LA last week. She's doing an internship in dentistry there. Or she was. She's in Las Vegas now, this week. Trying to get her one here in PR so she can visit me. Are you state official or federal official? Take care! Happy Sunday!!
  • Tracy Bundrant

    Thanks, Tami! It has been great in your department. We didn't do much for the first three days, so I was bored. We got a trial on Friday that should be done Wednesday. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. See you Thursday. Have a great weekend.
  • Tracy Bundrant

    We have Judge Rudloff. He is kind of a cranky guy. We had a mistrial on Tuesday and then nothing Wednesday or Thursday. Judge Rudloff is there through this Friday. Judge Hansen is at Judge's college, I believe, through Friday. The times I have been in your department, it's always been on fire. I think Judge Hansen is just a busy guy so will be his department. Sorry.... Hope to see you around Thursday. By the way, I finally met Clay, what a great guy!