Tracie Donnell


New Orleans

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
    please join the Court Reporters group to your right.
    just click "Court Reporters" and "Join Court Reporters"

    We are into our 2nd week, give it some time, it should get very exciting
    around here.

    Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you
    will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and
    add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
    also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
    you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
    if you have any questions please let me know.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    hello, Its also a good idea to have a picture of yourself on your page, please check this post, thank you. Click here!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hello tracy, i just got your messages but i see you have figured it out.
    Yes, I do admit, its a bit confusing around here but give it a week and i promise you that you will be a pro at it.
    and remember. I am always here for you.
  • Sue @ The Brief Zone

    Welcome !
  • Robin L.

    Well I thought I left you a message yesterday, but I see it didn't show up! Hope you had a great holiday. Call me when you get settled back in.
  • Rhoda Collins

    Hi Tracie,
    Great theory you are using! ;) I learned the same one.
  • Tami

    Hi, Tracie.

    Student Court Reporter Clay aka "Chip-off-the-old (real old) Block."
  • Rhoda Collins

    Thanks Tracie,
    Happy to be here! This site is really fun!
  • Tracie Donnell

    Thanks! Stay tuned--Mardi Gras is just getting started. Fun pics to come! My front door is on the parade route.
  • Robin L.

    Love the pic! Hopefully I'll be there soon!
  • Robin L.

    You are too funny! I'm hoping I still can. Looks like one of the party (of 4) is going to be filming on a movie here, so I'm still waiting to find out. I'm going to be so mad if we don't make it.
  • Rhoda Collins

    Tracie, wanted to be sure you saw this. Posted w/in the discussion on inflicted endings, but copying it to you here....I use some of Mark K's style too. ;)

    In Case, when you create a new file, click on "Options" in the lower left corner of the Translate box that pops up. Now, in the Input tab, check the box next to "Suffix Drag". This will 'let' you do these endings w/out putting them ALL in your dictionary. You 'may' have to do a conflict define if any conflict. I use them and only have a few conflicts. :)
  • Tracie Donnell

    Thanks, Rho! I will give this a try tomorrow.
  • Rhoda Collins

    Did it work?
  • Tracie Donnell

    I don't think so. I still have to define them individually. I don't really understand how suffix drag is supposed to work (like the rest of CC, but that's another rant), so I'm probably doing something wrong.
  • Tami

    Hi, Tracie!

    Just checking in to see how you're doing. Hope you're doing great!
  • Tami

    How tragic, Tracie. So sorry to hear that. Has to be so scary for your daughter and something that just shakes to the core.

    I'll be ahopin' and aprayin' everything gets back to normal for you both soon.
  • Kim Gibney

    Hi Tracie, I'm a simplysteno student. Just passed the WKT in January and passed part of the RPR in November. You're going to love Marc and the SimplySteno program. I live in PA, but I'm from Baton Rouge. All my family is there. Good Luck!
  • Kim Gibney

    I have only pros for SimplySteno. At times, I felt that the test were really difficult, but don't we all? But I think Marc is changing some of that. I was really nervous when I went to take the WKT because I just wasn't sure if I was totally prepared for it, but I passed it. I started in January of 07 at 140 wpm and if I don't get a bad case of nerves for the RPR in May I feel that I am ready for it. And hey, if I don't pass it I'll just keep practicing for next time. I think determination is the key to being a CR. I don't know how many times I've said to myself, "If it hadn't already been done, I would say it couldn't be done." :) or "If one person has completed this, so can I." What speed are you? You're going to do great. Marc is always available for any questions. I've never had to wait 24 hours for him to get back to me on any question. It was perfect for me. I only wish that I had joined six months sooner. But it's a great journey.
  • Deborah L. Willoughby

    Hi, Tracie, nice to meet you.

    Re the NCRA study, I agree for the most part. The part I disagree with is the statement that the voice writing software is difficult and time consuming to LEARN. It isn't difficut to learn, but it CAN BE difficult to train the software to your voice.

    Yes, with voice I suppose you could start working in as little as 6 months. I did when I switched from steno to voice (which is why I switched) but unless you're planning on using CAT with speech recognition, I suggest staying with steno, especially if you're in the upper speed range. See my comments on Robin's page for further explanation.

    Also, if you don't already, I suggest you take a look at the CRForum over on compuserve. It's a forum for all reporters, scopists, transcriptionists, students, etc. You can gain a lot of valuable info from the wonderful folks over there. I don't know the address off the top of my head, but if you do a google search for compuserve+court reporters forum, you'll probably go right to it. Hope to see you over there!
  • Deborah L. Willoughby

    When I took the test, steno students were in one room and voice students were in another room. We did not take the same test, although it was given on the same day. You may only work in the method in which you're certified. It's definitely not a winner take all situation. In other words, if you pass the steno exam, you're certified as a steno reporter. If you pass the voice exam, you're certified as a voice reporter. A person certified in steno cannot use voice as their method of takedown. A person certified in voice may not use steno as their takedown method. I'm certified in voice so I can't use my steno machine out on the job to take down testimony. But I can sure as heck use it at home to get that testimony onto paper. I plan to take the test again someday, only this time in steno. I want to be certified in both methods so I can use whichever one I want. Oh, and then there are pen writers. Believe it or not, there are still a few of those around. I don't even think anyone teaches shorthand anymore.
  • Deborah L. Willoughby

    I forgot to tell you, there used to be a lady in the New Orleans area that taught voice writing. Her name is Pat Crosby. When I first switched to voice, just about everyone I came into contact with had been a student of Ms. Pat's. She's very well known among voice writers in this area. I'm not sure if she's still teaching or not. I haven't heard anything about her since Katrina. I know she's a member of NVRA. Since you're in the New Orleans area, it might be worth it to look her up and give her a call. I met her once. Everyone seems to love her and speaks highly of her. And from what I've heard from her former students, she doesn't just teach voice writing, she teaches all aspects of court reporting in general.
  • Tracie Donnell

    Thanks, Deborah, I will try to find her. Of course, it may be that she's left:( but I'll check around.

    I'm curious, though, as to why you still want to get your steno cert. It sounds like you are very successful doing voice. That's what I have in mind, too, but I'm still trying to figure out if it's worth having both. After you get your steno, would you ever do voice again?
  • Daniele Jeffreys

    Have you gotten started with SimplySteno? How do you like it?
  • Tracie Donnell

    Hi Daniele,

    Yes, I started 2 weeks ago, and I really like it. Did you do any practice on your own besides the assignments? What speed did you start at, and how long did it take you to get through?

    Thanks for checking on me:)
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Happy Birthday!
  • Michelle

    Happy Birthday Tracie (I love this birthday notification function, don't you?)
  • JiLL

    Hi Tracie....Tryn' to Get in touch w/ someone that knows something about voicewriting. I am currently training in steno but interested in voicewriting as well??
  • JiLL

    Hi Tracie....Tryn' to Get in touch w/ someone that knows something about voicewriting. I am currently training in steno but interested in voicewriting as well??
  • Tami


    click to create your own Hope you have a terrific 2009!!

  • Janet