Anthony D. Frisolone


Staten Island, New York

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Federal Official Court Reporter
What state do you live in?
New York
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Returning to CSRNation.

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  • Tami

    I just wanted to "hey" you back, Anthony. I'm worse than Brenda. I forget to check it AND I can't figure out how to post back through it. How do I push "send"??

    Do you know anything about the Stylus?
  • Kathleen Trinidad

    Thank you for inviting me! This is so cool that they have something like this!
  • Kathleen Trinidad

    You're welcome and anytime!
    I can't stop joining groups on this site! I absolutely love it!
  • Tami

    I thought I did that, and then it just gave me the choice of all the smiley faces, etc. I'll try it again next time. :)
  • Tami

    Thanks, Anthony. It breaks my heart, too, when I hear my fellow reporters say that, and you have to believe over the past two years I've heard it a lot. Thank you for all your confidence in him.
  • Kyung


    Have you heard of Ameline hearing? It's in conjunction w/ Booker and Hicks? I think it's Ameline. But I could be wrong. And if it is Ameline, should it be underlined?

  • Allison Fowler

    Hey Anthony, thanks so much for letting me know about this site!
  • Kyung

    It was Ameline. And I asked a law clerk about underlining versus italicize. She said that it used to be underline, but now some people are italicizing. It's a preference thing. It's not wrong to underline, but they're leaning toward italicizing.

    But thanks for bringing it to my attention. I guess I'll be italicizing from now on.
  • Regina Rivera

    Hi Anthony, I am one of the students you teach CaseCat on Monday nights at NYCI. I need some advice. I'm at 200wpm and I have to leave school because I can't afford it anymore. I would like to start working but I don't know where to start. Maybe if I start working then I can finish school. Could you give me some advice.
  • Susan Crivello

    Thank you, Anthony. You have made up my mind for me. If you are happy with the G2, I know I will be happy with the A3.

    Thank you,
  • Regina Rivera

    Thanks for the advice! I will look into it!
  • Kyung

    Hey, you!!

    You left us hanging on the terrific salsa recipe. Where is it? Cough it up. J/k
  • Susan Crivello

    What is going on with all these issues with the Mira? Is this a problem with the older writers? I want to order a new one, but now I have second thoughts with this stacking issue.

    Please advise,
  • Kyung

    Congarts on the Elite status. Thanks for all your help this past year.

    BTW, I just got paid through my first CJA voucher. Very exciting. I'm just wrapping my head around the public defender form.
  • Kyung

    Thanks. I really love this site.
  • Kyung

    So how are you doing? How's the weather out there? It's pretty cold out in in Ca, but probably nothing compared to NY.

    I'm in court today, but it's supposed to be light.
  • Tami

    click to create your own Happy Holidays, Anthony!!!
  • Nina Colavolpe-Leone

    Thanks, Anthony...I was looking at all the groups, and thinking about joining as I am not in any groups yet...Nina
  • Brenda Rogers

    Thanks, Anthony! Part of a select group, for sure. :)
  • Tami

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  • Kyung

    My daughter has been giving me a rough time today. I feel your pain.
  • Kyung

    You know, I never had terrible twos. The three's were a little bit trying. But the four's. Oy vey!!! Definitely has a personality now.
  • Kyung

    Thanks for joining the group.
  • Kyung


    I'm just writing on the boards. You're out there helping real student reporters. I'm not worthy.
  • Kathleen O'Connor

    Hi Anthony,

    I am a student at Long Island Business Institute and met you at the multi-voice seminar. I will also attending the next one you are having Jan. 24. I really could use a mentor.

    I am in the 200-225 class and am finding myself in a rut. I am motivated and attend class regularly. I just don't seem to be able to get out. I would love to focus on court reporting every waking moment, but I have a 3 year old and a 16 month old. Is there any advice you could give me. Anything would be appreciated. Thanks so much.
  • Kim McCloskey

    Hey Bud... Need any help on the 24th??
  • Kim McCloskey

    Thanks for the Invite... nice job setting up the NYSCRA group. See ya Saturday. If you need me there earlier than 9 give me a call or email me. I'm looking forward to it.
  • Michael Starkman

    Thanks for the invite, Anthony!
  • R. Chayo Ayon


    I have a few questions I'd like to ask about your CaseCatalyst training. Namely, how did you become a trainer? Were you selected or did you take the Case classes for your own improvement and then were selected by Stenograph?
  • R. Chayo Ayon

    Wow, thank you so much for being super thorough! I have been interested for a while, but I think my area has sufficient training coverage. I'd really love to learn my software inside and out though, but there's never enough time to do everything, sadly. I turned on my brief-it function, but it's not turned on... I'm working on that for now. Do you love working in NYC? Would you recommend it, especially these days?
  • R. Chayo Ayon

    Thank you for the info. I will look in from time to time! Thank you.
  • Anne Brownell

    Hi, Anthony. I'm an official in Idaho and we're having some issues regarding uploading notes/transcripts/dictionary to the state's server. I am wondering what your thoughts are on this. The concern a lot of the reporters have is that if the state has our notes, that's one thing. But to have our dictionary means that they could technically produce a rough transcript on their own without our knowledge, etc., maybe farm our transcripts out to outside transcribers, etc. Also, the work/product from 20+ years of building a dictionary should be worth something. Well, I read on your forum that you upload your notes and your dictionary, and I wanted to talk to my judge about some other reporter's views about the issue.

  • Kyung


    Jeanese and I have started a mentoring group, and I would love it if you would join. You're already doing so much to help students and new reporters in your area, it would be great if you would join the group, you've got so much experience and you're such a positive person.
  • Jena Macato

    Thanks for the birthday message. Hope you're day went well.
  • Wendy Moore

    I would love to have the handout and some Xanax to help me with the transition. Here's my email:

    thanks soooooo much.
  • Jennifer

    Hi Anthony:

    I'm just like Wendy and hate to give up my ez keys, too. I'm on CC 7 though. So may I have the handout also? My email is Thanks so much!!!
  • Kyung

    A little early, but have a great birthday!!!
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

  • Jena Macato

    Wishing you a very happy birthday, Anthony!
  • Tami

    Happy Birthday, Anthony!!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Happy Birthday, Anthony!
  • Evergreen Rufino

    No problem, Anthony. Thanks for letting me know.
  • Cynthia Cooper

    Ok, I'll make sure to make it up there!
  • Chuck Coleman

    Thanks, Anthony!
  • Michels Court Reporters

    Thanks very much, Anthony. I may well give ya a call. :-)
  • Christine Kirley

    I am SO EXCITED. Yesterday was amazing. Had a trustee on an embezzlement case, and the numbers looked GREAT!!. My only issue was when they said "and" in the numbers, I was writing "and." I need to drop that. I also just checked "ignore and" in my translate box. Maybe that will resolve it. The numbers were coming up $5,575 and .75.

    Thanks for all your help. I was beaming yesterday when those numbers looked so nice!!
  • Christine Kirley

    I love it when the software does all the hard work for you. As it should be.

    I also learned a couple of macros for time and date. How cool is that? Now I don't have to worry about putting the colon in during time references and slashes in during date references. Also learned one for an untranslate and a way to fix it.

    Do you have any really cool macros? These are my only three, and I'm sure I'm missing out on a whole bunch of macros I could be using.

    Such a newbie to this and have been fixing way too much after the fact.
  • Dawn M.

    Hey Mr. Frislolone, I forgot to ask you this the last time you substituted in my class but right now I'm in 160 - 180 class, and I want to get Case Catalyst for home. Do you think I should get the student version, or would I just be waisting my money, getting it so late.
  • Christine Kirley

    I'll check out that file. Thanks
  • Kyung

    Thanks for the cite format. It's just been too long. Citations just don't come up that often in depos.