Hi, Patricia! I just read that you're in Capitola. I'm in Boulder Creek. Do you work for Hartsell & Olivieri? I'm terrible remembering names! This morning I have a WC in Watsonville for my own tiny firm. It's so nice to drive to Watsonville instead of SJ! Do you work for Santa Cruz court at all? I may have to put my name on the list!
This site is great - I'm learning so much from it!
I sure thought of you as I was driving by this morning. My depo turned out to be a bust! I got there 25 minutes early, like usual, had my Gemini Grand all set up when the deposing attorney called and asked to speak to the attorney who was prepping the witness. I knew then it was all over. A few minutes later the att. came out and told me they had settled the case. Bye! Rats!
Yes, next time I'm heading that way I'll get in touch with you here. I'd love to meet you. I did stop by H & O and spoke with Jackie for a bit. She told me to stop two-hole punching my exhibits and do the three-hole instead. I should have done that 30 years ago! Hope you have a day where you can get outside some. It's beautiful now that the overcast burned off!
A little coincidence. At my depo yesterday, the deponent's previous depo was on the table so I picked it up to see if I could get any info from it. Well, who was the reporter? Yes, you were! It was from 2004. The man's last name was Medeiros, and it was really boring! Poor guy was in a lot of pain. He lives in Indiana part of the time. Ring any bells?
That was with Carla Spencer. She said someone goofed up that morning and they didn't have a reporter. They called around and got someone local. That wasn't you, was it???
Pat, I get my massage at 10:00 today, but I'll be around in the afternoon. I was going to work on an awful job then, but my plans can be changed! If you'll email me your phone number, I'll call you around 1:00. My email is jenlug@pacbell.net. Are you interested in seeing the Gemini Grand or LightSpeed at al???
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
This site is great - I'm learning so much from it!
May 29, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Yes, next time I'm heading that way I'll get in touch with you here. I'd love to meet you. I did stop by H & O and spoke with Jackie for a bit. She told me to stop two-hole punching my exhibits and do the three-hole instead. I should have done that 30 years ago! Hope you have a day where you can get outside some. It's beautiful now that the overcast burned off!
May 29, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
That was with Carla Spencer. She said someone goofed up that morning and they didn't have a reporter. They called around and got someone local. That wasn't you, was it???
Jun 2, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Jun 3, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
A little extra motivation for you tonight!
Jul 2, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Pat, here's what I imagine you looked like as you were about to cross the finish line! I'm so impressed!!!
Jul 27, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Well, I'm hoping it was!
Aug 1, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Pat, you must be so busy!!! I'm home today if you're around!
Aug 12, 2009