A warm welcome from CSRnation, thanks for joining.
please join the Court Reporters group to your right.
just click "Court Reporters" and "Join Court Reporters"
We are into our 1st month, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.
Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
if you have any questions please let me know.
Not to hurt feelings, but I remember very few people from then. I was in such a world of my own with going through a divorce and focusing on school. If you send me a picture closer to when we were in school that might help. I am in Connecticut now working as a court reporter and have been for 11 years. I am freelance. I am remarried and met my husband on the internet 13 years ago. So send me an older picture if you have it. It's nice that you remember me. I'm sure when I see your picture I will go, ohhhhhhhhhh!! :))
yeah, that does sound familiar now. Lori I definitely knew. Do you still see her or talk to her? Sharyn is my friend and we are still in contact, even though she's in California and I'm in Connecticut. When I go back home we get together.
Wow. I'd LOVE to find a firm that paid in 2 weeks - month! That's great. Work is super slow for me right now. So I'm trying to drum up some work from this site. Doesn't hurt to try!
My name is Julie Geraty, I'm a full-time freelance professional scopist on Case CATalyst 9. I currently have an opening for another reporter. I'm looking to establish a long-lasting reporter/scopist relationship. I am also willing to help out with overflow and expedites, as needed. My schedule is quite flexible. If you'd like more information, please email me at juliegeraty@yahoo.com or call me at 715-966-1568.
Hey, Rosalie! The word you are looking for is "segue" not "segway." "Segue-ing" is not really a word, per se, but I might spell it "segueing." It's one of those instances where it's not in Webster's, so you just have to give it your best shot. Hope this helps! --Chris
I was just about to leave a message like Chris did below about segue. I couldn't find your message on Word Help. Did you send out an email to all the members or did you post a question on the Word Help group? If you sent an email, try doing just a post in the group next time. Some people are sensitive about how much "spam" or emails they get from CSRnation.
Oh, no worries, Rosalie. There aren't any rules posted on how this site works, so there's a definite learning curve. I'm sure others have wondered the same as you about where to post, so they'll learn from this too. :)
Thank you for the email..... here are the answers:
I proofread on paper and on screen.
Turnround time: 48 hours or less
No set rate
I have medical transcription experience.
Corrections sent as requested.
Thanks Again!
Hi Rosalie, I just received your email about looking for a proofreader. I always proofread from hard copy. My normal turnaround is 2-3 days. I don't upcharge for doctors and experts, however occasionally upcharge for wall-to-wall hearings but it would always be negotiated prior to reading the job. I send corrections as an errata sheet. If you would like information on my rates, please contact me at melanie (at) perfectproofing (dot) com or visit my website http://www.perfectproofing.com. Thank you, Melanie Davis
1. I proofread on paper.
2. 2-3 day turnaround. .30 a page.
3. .40 a page for expedited.
4. no different.
5. I send an errata sheet through email with page, line, changed from
and changed to. I can be reached at danelleyoung@cs.com or
danelleyoung@verizon.net. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Hi, Rosalie. I have been scoping and proofreading for over 22 years now. My proofreading rate is 30 cents a page. I rarely charge for expedite because my turnaround time is often a day, unless I am very bogged down. I send corrections using an errata sheet with page and line numbers and partial sentences (or complete sentences), and I put in parentheses what I suggest for the change. I have been proofing from a screen for over 22 years. Proofing from hard copy would not be cost-effective. You can write to me at barndt49 @ yahoo.com. Thank you. Barbara Sherburne
H, Rosalie. I have been proofreading for 14+ years. My rate is 25 cents per page for screen reading and 35 cents per page for hard copy. Normal turnaround time is within 24 hours. I do not charge extra for doctors or expert witnesses. I email an errata sheet with Page/Line corrections. I can be reached at norton_marilyn@yahoo.com. Thanks!
Hi Rosalie,
I am a working freelance reporter part time because of family schedule, so I am doing proofreading on the side. If you'd like me to proofread for you, I charge 35 cents a page normal and 50 cents expedite. Normal turnaround is 48 hours. I do proof on paper as that is the only way I would accept my proofreader doing it, too. I send an errata sheet showing page/line, partial sentence (in case you need to search for it), then correction. All you need to do is send me an ASCII. I am experienced with all areas of reporting and love medical. I do not charge extra for experts. I would negotiate pricing on hearings before proofing. Please email me if you have any questions.
Laura Fowler, CSR 7054, CRR
I have been a deposition scopist (Total Eclipse) and proofreader for five years before which I was a medical transcriptionist for 35 years, most specialities, inpatient and doctor offices. I proofread on paper and email an errata sheet with the page/line corrections ("1/1: frend = friend"). My fees are 35 cents a page for proofreading (expert or not) and 50 cents a page for expedite; turnaround is when you need it. Please email me at chrisw@naturebydesignlearning.com. Thank you!
Got your notice through CSR. I'm an Eclipse scopist with 4 years experience, trained through Best Techniques online scoping program. Transcription/proofreading for over 6 years. I have references if you need them. Answers to your questions:
1. Do you proofread off a screen or on paper?
I proofread on paper. Files received are usually in PDF format, but I can do through RTF as well.
2. What is your normal turnaround time and rate?
Normal turnaround is 5-7 days, with expedite noted ASAP. Regular rate is $.40/page
3. What is your expedite rate?
4. What is your rate for doctors/expert witnesses, and rate for expedite doctor/expert witnesses?
Same rates as above.
6. How do you send corrections back, i.e, in an e-mail with page/line and what the correction is?
The suggested corrections are sent back via e-mail on an errata sheet with page and line number references.
I am a retired reporter of 20 something years experience. During my time reporting I also scoped for other reporters. I read from hard copy unless I'm listening to audio. I have Case Cat. I charge. .40 page w/no audio. .50 with audio and .60 rush. I can make corrections right in the transcript and mark them with a ^. If you need help, please e-mail me at specialcola@aol.com
Hello, Rosalie,
If you are still in need of a proofreader, feel free to contact me at mjusino@ysu.edu or mjusino@zoominternet.net. My rates are higher than those listed. I haven't seen those prices since the early '90s. I've been scoping and proofing for 20+ years. I've come across just about everything. I pride myself in being thorough and quick. If you're interested or have questions, feel free to contact me. And good luck on your search!
Kelli Combs (admin)
please join the Court Reporters group to your right.
just click "Court Reporters" and "Join Court Reporters"
We are into our 1st month, give it some time, it should get very exciting around here.
Just a heads up. if you look at the top of your page to the left, you will see a person icon and a mail icon, click on the little guy and add me to your friends list (assuming you would want to, lol).
also, you can send private messages if ever need be.
you can add pictures, music and videos to your page.
if you have any questions please let me know.
Jan 9, 2008
I'm glad you like the site. I'll email you later!!
Jan 9, 2008
Not to hurt feelings, but I remember very few people from then. I was in such a world of my own with going through a divorce and focusing on school. If you send me a picture closer to when we were in school that might help. I am in Connecticut now working as a court reporter and have been for 11 years. I am freelance. I am remarried and met my husband on the internet 13 years ago. So send me an older picture if you have it. It's nice that you remember me. I'm sure when I see your picture I will go, ohhhhhhhhhh!! :))
Jan 9, 2008
Jan 9, 2008
Christine Bedard
Remember me? Chris Haggmark? Sounds like you're doing well, although not as busy as you'd like, I guess, huh?
Jan 9, 2008
Christine Bedard
Jan 15, 2008
Julie Geraty
Take care and have a great weekend.
Feb 13, 2009
Chris Renegar
Apr 7, 2009
Marla Sharp
Apr 7, 2009
Marla Sharp
Apr 7, 2009
Julie Geraty
May 2, 2009
Angela McPherson
I proofread on paper and on screen.
Turnround time: 48 hours or less
No set rate
I have medical transcription experience.
Corrections sent as requested.
Thanks Again!
May 4, 2009
May 4, 2009
Danelle Young
I got your email about looking for a proofreader.
1. I proofread on paper.
2. 2-3 day turnaround. .30 a page.
3. .40 a page for expedited.
4. no different.
5. I send an errata sheet through email with page, line, changed from
and changed to. I can be reached at danelleyoung@cs.com or
danelleyoung@verizon.net. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
May 4, 2009
Barbara Sherburne
May 4, 2009
Marilyn Norton
May 4, 2009
Laura Fowler
I am a working freelance reporter part time because of family schedule, so I am doing proofreading on the side. If you'd like me to proofread for you, I charge 35 cents a page normal and 50 cents expedite. Normal turnaround is 48 hours. I do proof on paper as that is the only way I would accept my proofreader doing it, too. I send an errata sheet showing page/line, partial sentence (in case you need to search for it), then correction. All you need to do is send me an ASCII. I am experienced with all areas of reporting and love medical. I do not charge extra for experts. I would negotiate pricing on hearings before proofing. Please email me if you have any questions.
Laura Fowler, CSR 7054, CRR
May 4, 2009
Chris Wyrick
May 4, 2009
Sandra Hockenberry
1. Do you proofread off a screen or on paper?
I proofread on paper. Files received are usually in PDF format, but I can do through RTF as well.
2. What is your normal turnaround time and rate?
Normal turnaround is 5-7 days, with expedite noted ASAP. Regular rate is $.40/page
3. What is your expedite rate?
4. What is your rate for doctors/expert witnesses, and rate for expedite doctor/expert witnesses?
Same rates as above.
6. How do you send corrections back, i.e, in an e-mail with page/line and what the correction is?
The suggested corrections are sent back via e-mail on an errata sheet with page and line number references.
May 4, 2009
Kathy Jack
I am a retired reporter of 20 something years experience. During my time reporting I also scoped for other reporters. I read from hard copy unless I'm listening to audio. I have Case Cat. I charge. .40 page w/no audio. .50 with audio and .60 rush. I can make corrections right in the transcript and mark them with a ^. If you need help, please e-mail me at specialcola@aol.com
May 4, 2009
Mari Jusino
If you are still in need of a proofreader, feel free to contact me at mjusino@ysu.edu or mjusino@zoominternet.net. My rates are higher than those listed. I haven't seen those prices since the early '90s. I've been scoping and proofing for 20+ years. I've come across just about everything. I pride myself in being thorough and quick. If you're interested or have questions, feel free to contact me. And good luck on your search!
May 5, 2009
Sandra Hockenberry
May 5, 2009
Angela McPherson
May 7, 2009