from Debra Maples


Walker, LA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Welcome, Debra! This is such a fun and informative site. I'm just having my tea and chocolate break and read your post.

    Make sure to hop over to the Total Eclipse group and join up. There's lots of good info over there now. Ask any questions and throw out some answers. It's a great way for other Eclipsians to get to know one another = potential clients for you!
  • Kyung

    That blog "Get a Life" was directed to newbie reporters, reporters who have been out a year or so or less. I never recommend that anyone should use a scopist their first year out. There's too much to learn on your software and your writing style your first year out. But that's just me.

    New reporters are overloaded not necessarily bec they have tons of pages, but bec. they're slowing turning the pages around and they're under a lot of stress to get the pages they do have turned around.

    Hope that makes sense.
  • Kyung

    An experienced reporter can teach a newer scopist a lot of things. And a really experienced scopist should teach a new reporter things too. I feel it's a two-way street.
  • Depo Dynamics, LLC

    Thank you, Debra, for the birthday wishes. I have had an awesome day...the best birthday I can truly say ever. I am so blessed and grateful
    for my life, husband, career and furry-kids. :)
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hi Debra,
    Thank you so much for your kind words, it really makes us happy when we see people enjoying it.
    It makes it all worth a while :D

    Thanks so much
  • Suzanne Pulver

    You are sooo sweet... thank you!! I'm glad you like my page.. and Thank you for my birthday greeting!! :)

    On a professional note.. maybe you can help me figure out my Eclipse software.. lol!! :)
  • kathy - iamwrdsmth

    thanks for the birthday wishes! You are the first
    person to EVER wish me happy birthday via these
    internet sites!!

    to get beyond "baby" status here, upload several
    pictures, that should do it!!
    kathy!! :))
  • Stacey Dee Sandoval

    Thank you, Debra! :) That was sweet of you!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Debra, How are you doing with Eclipse by now? Feeling like a pro? I'm sure you're getting there! I haven't had anything to send to you yet, but if the right job comes along, I'll contact you for sure! I haven't forgotten about you. It's great you've been contributing to this site. That should really help get your name out there.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Debra, just read the comment by you on my page. Yes, I'll send you over some editing macros in the next few days. I'm not on the right computer now. I'll make sure to give you the latest info with good directions. I really think you'll like them.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Debra, I've e-mailed you those macros. They may go into spam! If you don't have them, check in there. Hope you've been enjoying your Saturday!