Hi, Tim! I just copied and pasted one of your posts on CR-NET as an answer to a question. I sure hope you don't mind. Isn't this a great site? I have learned so much here. if you would like to yell at me, send me a comment back.
Tim, just looked at all your fabulous pics!!! Now I want to go on vacation. Your family seems so nice. Those boys look like they actually get along at times! I love to look at family photos. Especially ones that look so professional!
Tim, I just read your post on Bridge, so I'm going to bug you with a question. I posted on Audrey's page as I know she does realtime. I've copied and pasted it here. If you have an answer off the top of your head, that's great. Otherwise, don't use any brain power. I'll call support tomorrow. I've already called once, but knew the tech didn't know much about Bridge. I'm so encouraged after reading your post in the Eclipse group. If support can't help tomorrow, I'll post there as well, but it seems you're an expert so I'm hoping you know the fix for me. Thanks!
Audrey, I have a question for you regarding Bridge. I've hooked up using StenoCast X7 from my laptop to my Acer Aspire One that has the very latest version of Bridge loaded on it. It works great until I press a RT macro. Like a find and change or find and delete. Then the text on Bridge runs off its margins and off the screen. I can't see it at all. It also duplicates the line. I'll call Eclipse support, but I wondered if this has happened to you as I think you do RT macros. I'm thinking there may be an easy fix - other than stopping my RT macros, which I'll never do now that I'm finally learning them!
Thanks, Tim! That's fascinating. I knew some reporters were doing something inventive, but I never really investigated it. I will let you know what I find out. I don't have any RT clients, and purchasing StenoCast was a pure investment in my future as things are so slow, I need to market myself and wanted the least amount of problems connecting. I never take a vacation and have no credit card debt - yet! I've got just a small firm with my sister and brother so I haven't worked steadily for any other firm - just helping out one Santa Cruz firm nearby rarely. I think I had one job for them last year. I did get a good rush job through this site a few months ago. I'm remaining open to working for others. Whatever it takes to make that mortgage payment! It's so nice to hear about someone getting some good jobs!
Tim, Yesterday, with help from Eclipse support, I got my Bridge deal working properly. We think it was messing with my macros because I had force margins checked. What a relief. Hope you're having a good week. I'm getting ready to go to a probable no-show!
Hey, Tim! Great to hear from you. I hope the Student Free Eclipse program is going well at OCC.
Everything is going well down here in Austin. We really love it here. It's like summer all the time, which is a nice change. I have been busy doing CART through fall and winter and this spring I have been testing. I just took the CRR and I have to retest to get my CSR here in Texas; no reciprocity! It's a good thing because it keeps me on my toes.
Tim, Over on CR-NET, I just seconded your idea for a reminder A/B. Would you do me a favor and add your yea to my request? Only if you think it's a good idea, of course. The new formatting made it hard to read. Here's a paste of it:
Summary: I would like two auto-brief options. Option one would be to have it work the same way it is working now, and option two would be to only give me an auto-brief when I request it with a macro.
I am not doing very well when it comes to writing those small phrases. Good thing I learned so many in school. I realize I could stick a post-it up on my screen or use that post-it program and put a few phrases on it, but I think your idea would really work - and be more fun. I can picture myself when a phrase pops up that I just missed: Rats! I could have written "I saw" in one. Rats! I missed a "she didn't"! Hopefully. I'd still be able to concentrate on the testimony!
Tim, now our ideas are right up there for Jeremy to reply to. Since they changed the website, stuff was getting lost. Only three more months until your cruise! So exciting!
Yes, Brenda and I were chatting(complaining) about the CR-Net format being a bit convoluted. Brenda says it's her fault as she replied to the wrong post or something, but that shouldn't be an option anyway. We don't like it at all.
I just got back home from Mom's. She gave me her last two homemade peanut butter cookies and I'm eating them now. I didn't even tell my husband I had them! I thought about giving him one, but decided against it! I didn't buy any ice cream today, even though it was on sale. These may be my last goodies for a while. Every time I go to Mom's I put on a few pounds. I'm pretending I'm going on a cruise. Maybe that will inspire me to get in shape! That's so wonderful you've got so many family members and friends going with you all. A dream vacation come true!
I stayed with my mom's dad for one month when I was 10. Okay. It was in 1966. My Great Aunt Mayme, who lived with him, took me everywhere. I climbed up the statue with my Cousin Cookie. Quite a hike! Grandpa took me to the top of the Empire State Bldg. Quite an elevator ride! They lived on East 68th Street. I'm so lucky my parents let me go. One month is a long time when you're ten. But I digress ...
Maybe you're done with that loud dealer by now and are just enjoying the evening. Hope so!
Root beer float break! - Now you're talking Jenny-talk! I made my mom and brother Scot banana milkshakes this afternoon. I haven't done that in 20 years!
Yes, it sure would be great if that apartment stayed in the family. My grandpa died at 87 in that apt. That was in 1972. He was 40 when Mom was born. I was so lucky he lived so long so I could enjoy him. He was born in Paris, France, and came to the US when he was in his twenties. I'm glad I never had to report him - he had quite the accent!
One month and 12 days to go! Man, time has been racing by! I was looking for another backup scopist and saw your comment on Linda Troxel's page. Was she able to help you out? Any recommendations for me? I just need a depo scoped now and then. Pretty easy stuff.
I got my StenoCast RED a few days ago, but I've been too busy to even try it out yet. Maybe next week. I took two days last week of a really difficult patent case, and I've been knocking myself out trying to get it done on time - even using a good scopist for one of the days.
You got your Passport! When you get some time and have recovered from your - I'm sure - FANTASTIC trip, I'd like to hear how the PP is doing for you. Looking forward to seeing some new cruise pics as well one day semi-soon!
Tim, I'm avoiding FB!!! You're tempting me, though! If I decide to hop over there, I'll let you know. So glad you had a grand NY time! Hope your work until the weekend is easy. I'm at Mom's as I had a few depos over here. 35 pages only today, and my all day tomorow turned into just a statement as the witness isn't going to show up after all. Oh, well, having fun with Mom and the cats!
Hey Tim,,,,introducing myself, I'm your neighbor (23 & Mound) in Shelby Township,,,,I'm amazed that I ran into you on this website, you're just the person I need at this point in my steno-life (hyphen or not? lol).....I arrived at 160 a year or more ago (Macomb CCC program) which uses a very long style of writing. I see that you are an instructor at OCC, which, unlike Macomb, uses early integration of computer software in the beginning of training averse to Macomb's style, which is at the very end, assuming you make it that far! Anyway, I would really like to meet/speak with you in this regard. What do you think of OCCs method vs. Mark Kislingbury's method? Similar? As adequate?
I loved your Caribbean pics, my daughter working and living on Island of Antigua and having visited there recently, can't wait to get back there!
Anyway, its my pleasure running into you here, please respond amigo!
Thanks and God bless!
Dale Lardie Utica/Rochester, MI
Tim, Yes, I've been extremely overworked as well! Racing off to do another divorce case. Did you know how to import an ASCII into Eclipse? I just learned from Brenda. She posted on it here:
That was my bit of new and very useful info until the next dev version!
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Apr 8, 2009
Elsa Jorgensen
Apr 8, 2009
Brenda Rogers
Thanks for the comments on my page. I love prettying it up.
Apr 8, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Apr 8, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Tim, Have a fantastic birthday/holiday weekend!
Apr 11, 2009
I'm new here, but thought I'd wish you a Happy B'Day.
I just got back from my first cruise. We were on the Carnival Destiny. It was incredible! The food was so good! Have you ever been on a cruise before?
Apr 11, 2009
"Anytime you want to talk about cruising, I'm your guy, cruising and court reporting"
I couldn't help but notice the order you wrote these in. You've got your priorities straight!!!!! Life, then court reporting! Amen.
Apr 11, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Apr 13, 2009
Mark Kislingbury
Apr 22, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Audrey, I have a question for you regarding Bridge. I've hooked up using StenoCast X7 from my laptop to my Acer Aspire One that has the very latest version of Bridge loaded on it. It works great until I press a RT macro. Like a find and change or find and delete. Then the text on Bridge runs off its margins and off the screen. I can't see it at all. It also duplicates the line. I'll call Eclipse support, but I wondered if this has happened to you as I think you do RT macros. I'm thinking there may be an easy fix - other than stopping my RT macros, which I'll never do now that I'm finally learning them!
Apr 29, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Apr 29, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
May 6, 2009
Rebecca Callow
Everything is going well down here in Austin. We really love it here. It's like summer all the time, which is a nice change. I have been busy doing CART through fall and winter and this spring I have been testing. I just took the CRR and I have to retest to get my CSR here in Texas; no reciprocity! It's a good thing because it keeps me on my toes.
Talk to you soon!
May 7, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Summary: I would like two auto-brief options. Option one would be to have it work the same way it is working now, and option two would be to only give me an auto-brief when I request it with a macro.
I am not doing very well when it comes to writing those small phrases. Good thing I learned so many in school. I realize I could stick a post-it up on my screen or use that post-it program and put a few phrases on it, but I think your idea would really work - and be more fun. I can picture myself when a phrase pops up that I just missed: Rats! I could have written "I saw" in one. Rats! I missed a "she didn't"! Hopefully. I'd still be able to concentrate on the testimony!
May 17, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
May 17, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
I just got back home from Mom's. She gave me her last two homemade peanut butter cookies and I'm eating them now. I didn't even tell my husband I had them! I thought about giving him one, but decided against it! I didn't buy any ice cream today, even though it was on sale. These may be my last goodies for a while. Every time I go to Mom's I put on a few pounds. I'm pretending I'm going on a cruise. Maybe that will inspire me to get in shape! That's so wonderful you've got so many family members and friends going with you all. A dream vacation come true!
I stayed with my mom's dad for one month when I was 10. Okay. It was in 1966. My Great Aunt Mayme, who lived with him, took me everywhere. I climbed up the statue with my Cousin Cookie. Quite a hike! Grandpa took me to the top of the Empire State Bldg. Quite an elevator ride! They lived on East 68th Street. I'm so lucky my parents let me go. One month is a long time when you're ten. But I digress ...
Maybe you're done with that loud dealer by now and are just enjoying the evening. Hope so!
May 17, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Yes, it sure would be great if that apartment stayed in the family. My grandpa died at 87 in that apt. That was in 1972. He was 40 when Mom was born. I was so lucky he lived so long so I could enjoy him. He was born in Paris, France, and came to the US when he was in his twenties. I'm glad I never had to report him - he had quite the accent!
Hope your job goes easier than you think!
May 17, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
I got my StenoCast RED a few days ago, but I've been too busy to even try it out yet. Maybe next week. I took two days last week of a really difficult patent case, and I've been knocking myself out trying to get it done on time - even using a good scopist for one of the days.
Have things picked up for you too???
Jul 8, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Well, watch out for your thumbs while working, Mr. DIY-man! I'm impressed!
That cruise sounds so nice ...
Jul 8, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Jul 8, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Aug 15, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
You got your Passport! When you get some time and have recovered from your - I'm sure - FANTASTIC trip, I'd like to hear how the PP is doing for you. Looking forward to seeing some new cruise pics as well one day semi-soon!
Aug 27, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Aug 27, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
That's what I'm AFRAID OF!!!
Aug 27, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Here's a pic of your wife! Take it easy, Tim!
Aug 27, 2009
I loved your Caribbean pics, my daughter working and living on Island of Antigua and having visited there recently, can't wait to get back there!
Anyway, its my pleasure running into you here, please respond amigo!
Thanks and God bless!
Dale Lardie Utica/Rochester, MI
Sep 3, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Ha! I was just thinking the same thing!!!
Sep 29, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
That was my bit of new and very useful info until the next dev version!
Sep 30, 2009