Tami McVey Wilson


Hollister, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Official Court Reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
Through a CCRA convention
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?

Comment Wall:

  • Tami McVey Wilson

    Welcome to CSRnation!

    You have joined the largest social network of court reporters on earth.

    First things first! To receive job offers directly to your email inbox from agencies nationwide, please opt-in to your local "Cover Depo" by doing the following:

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    IF YOU ARE AN AGENCY and you are looking to cover a job, click here. Select the red dot in the city where you want to cover the deposition, join the group, and then send out a job offer by clicking on "send message to group."

    If you have any questions, please email us at info at CSRnation.com
  • Tami

    Another Tami!!

    I'm starting to think we just need to start a "Tami" group.

    Welcome to the MSFC! We're about to transition over to a new site, so it should be better than ever!

    My son's taking the CRR on Saturday too. As nervous as I am, you'd think I was the one taking it! :)

    Good luck!
  • Tami

    Are you a Magnumsteno.com Club member??

    If you're not, it's probably too late for Saturday -- especially with your schedule -- BUT it will help you pass the CRR. I really put a lot of weight into excessive speed making you a better realtime writer.

    I think my son will nail it, BUT it is "the easiest test you'll ever fail," as you know. His dictionary is about 250,000, I believe, compared to my wimpy 85,000, and the boy can write pretty darn clean, AND he's not a FREAK like me when testing.

    I'm not sure when we'll be getting a new look here on CSRnation, so until then, we can just all be happy here, right??

    Here's my two cents about the CRR:

    Just don't try to be perfect to the point that you start correcting every stroke. I'm worried my son will start finger spelling stuff, get too fancy, and then there goes ten words. That's my advice to him: Don't get too fancy. :)

    Oh, and BREATHE!

  • Tami

    Oh, and a Drinking Tamis' Club sounds great!

    Although it takes me about one to lose it. That's a warning. :)
  • Tami

    Well, how did it go for you?? I've been sending you my good "Tami" vibes. :)
  • Tami

    Guess it was tough, huh!! Think I was lucky I took it so long ago. They've obviously stepped it up a notch or two.

    If you didn't get it this time, just keep trying. Kathryn posted such a cute saying in the MSFC group:

    "If you never step out of the boat, you can't walk on water."

    There are many of us who appreciate you stepping out of the boat!! (Hopefully you got it too.)
  • Tami

    No, my son didn't get it. What did he think?? "We" think it was extremely difficult.

    Did you ever hear one of the first CRR tapes with Mark Hill?? That's like the ones I passed. This one wasn't even in the same ballfield.

    Just keep haning in there, and you'll get it.

    As far as hesitation, when you write short, you have more time to hesitate. The problem comes when you're hesitating too much, which is what you're seeing now, it sounds like. When that happens to me, I know it's because I'm trying to learn too many new concepts at once, so I'll back it down, erase some off of my plate, and solidfy the other concepts I've been working on.
  • Tami

    I mean "hanging." Sorry.

    I always like to learn new concepts that would give me the most bang for my buck instead of a word here or there. Of course I did learn random briefs here and there, but I kept them at a minimum and put more stress on writing phrases or new theory concepts such as Mark's -DZ for -ing when the -g is in use. Loved that concept, and it came so easy.
  • Tami

    I'm breaking these up so if I lose it, which happens to me at work, it's smaller sections.

    As far as the back pain, I've experienced every kind of CR-related pain there is, I think, and when I have my worst lower back pain is always when I've been on the thin side. Since Sept. I've lost down to 132 (a good weight for me) from about 146, and guess what's been bugging me for the past month?? Yep, my low back, sciatica.

    Got down to 115 after I had my second child, and on a 5'9'' frame that was beyond thin, and the low back pain was TERRIBLE!!

    So gain some weight, Girl!! :)

    We're starting at 1:15, so gotta run I'll finish later.