I got a new laptop with Vista on it...don't do it! It is taking me a while to figure out all of the quirks. What a pain. Anyways, I'm just working and living. Busy as can be. How are you doing?
I have lived in a few places in Michigan. I grew up in Houghton, home of Michigan Tech. In lower Michigan I have resided in Mendon and Grant, then moved back up to the UP to Norway, now I live near Pittsburgh.
I am not sure who I am pulling for in hockey since the Pens are the Pittsburgh team and the Red Wings are my old hockey team.
Hi Dale, I called your daughter and we spoke for a while. We took each other phone numbers, and promised to keep in touch. She is a very pleasant person. So, how are you doing with your steno classes?
Dale, I was like that in steno classes. I live, breathe, and eat steno. I was always on that machine getting like two or three hours of sleep and then back on it. I used to practice by listening to anything that I hear, even the sports, and that can be real fast. If I hear someone speaking I would be stroking that in my head, even now I'm still doing it. Sometimes my fingers are moving automatically, you know, like I'm in church, listening to the preacher and if he is at a real nice speed I say to myself wish I had my machine.
Another great way to practice is copy work. That is stroking from written material at your pace and look up in your dictionary for briefs and phrases. You need to start incorporating a lot of that, because when you are out there taking a transcript and it is coming real fast, those briefs and phrases come in real handy.
Lastly, remember to practice, practice, practice, practice..... You can start out by doing copy work that helps with accuracy also slow takes, then you get into it with starting your speeds. Speed tapes can be bought at this website "courtreportingdvd.com" and you can find it on the California Court Reporters Association, I'll send that in another post. I wish you all the best. Have a great weekend
Dale, the website is California Court Reporter's Association, click on Resources, scroll down to Free Online Dictation, then click on www.stenospeed.com.
A dad is a mender of toys, a leader of boys.
He's a changer of fuses, a healer of bruises.
He's a mover of couches, a healer of ouches.
He's a hanger of screens, a counselor of teens.
He's a pounder of nails, a teller of tales.
He's a dryer of dishes, a fulfiller of wishes.
Bless him, O Lord.
Dale, I got your comment and I am VERY excited about the stenomaster theory. Very good suggestion. I am grateful! thank you, and drop by any advice you have, because I'm all ears. Have a great day and let me know if you need help, my e-mail is karebear7006@yahoo.com
Thanks I've been hearing great things from RPR's about Eclipse software. I have to start doing some research so I can see the various features it offers. I really think that the software must be all or better than CaseCat or everyone wouldn't say so.
Hi Dale, that would be nice for us to have lunch and I look forward to meeting you and your family. Keep up the good work in steno and remember to practice, practice, practice.........:)
Sorry it took so long to reply, it's been a busy weekend. Congratulations on making it so far in school and on captioning, that should help you with you school. I don't really know how I got into international work, I sort of fell into it, and now a lot of agencies and friends know what I do, so I get calls from all over. I also have a few law firms that request me on all of their work. As far as advice for school; practice, practice, and use all materials at your disposal. Be prepared BEFORE you sit to take a test, that will make you more relaxed and confident DURING the test. As far as advice for international work; remember CR is a profession, and they pay more for you to be away from home, please don't take international work for "reduced rates." You are not going on vacation, you are not sightseeing, you will be working all the time. You also need to have two complete sets of equipment, and you need to be able to get it on the plane WITH YOU. A lot of newbie court reporters accept international work without knowing what is involved or how to bid, so they spoil it for those of us who make our living here. Please do your homework before accepting these gigs: )
Hope you are well!
Hi Dale. Sorry it took so long to reply (March?) ...wow, that's late. Truth is I rarely visited this site until recently. I am a transcriptionist and I guess you are in training to be a scopist. Since you have 10 years of work life to look forward to, I say go for whatever makes you happy, challenges you. I am within one year of my husband retiring so I will probably do less and less work. I have always worked though so it's inconceivable to me that I would wake up one morning and not work. But...it's not like you forget to tie your shoestrings or ride a bike, so I suppose it's something I could always pull out of my many hats and do again...
good luck to you in your endeavors. I bet it's nice and cool in Michigan. I'm in central KY and it is in the muggy 80s today....
Hi Dale. Wow, sorry for the late reply. I've been so busy lately with work. So how are classes? Have you reached 200 wpm yet? Remember to keep on practice, practice, practice.
Take care until...........
Dale, sure I'd like to have lunch when you arrive. Your daugther has my number and I'll also send you a private message with my contact information for you to reach me when you arrive. Looking forward to seeing you!!
Did you watch the Olympics where Antigua came in 3rd in the race? It was exciting. Take care
Hello Dale,
Thank you.
I'm a Certified Legal Videographer through CLVS which is part of the NCRA. Legal Video is not in any way going to take over for Court Reporters due to the fact the written word is still required by law. We need machines to watch a video. To read a transcript we just need paper and ink. lol.
I studied cinematography at The School of Visual Arts in NYC. After graduation and 4 years of working full time jobs and shooting indi films I found Legal Video and a better life style. Indi films, for the most part, payed in food. I would like to do it again though.
As for coast to get started, well, with the cert, equipment, stock, etc. it could range between ten to twenty thousand for just enough to get started as an independent sub contractor.
Hi Dale, the category storm hurricane Omar caused severe flooding here. There were no deaths but people had to be rescued from their homes via boats and helicopters. I will be sending you photos. All services such as electricity, water, phone and internet have returned. I also checked with all my friends and family and everyone is okay.
Oh Dale, lol, I had that machine packed away safely and also had it insured since the start of the hurricane season. She's my best friend.
I'm so glad you're finishing soon. This time to work harder, you'll soon see the light at the end of the tunnel. All the best to you.
Hi, Dale. What a blast! Thanks so much for opting to be my 'friend'. I'm just about to do an hour's freelance work on a financial seminar - which is par for the course, in light of the worldwide financial crisis - with my Mira and Eclipse software. Whatever you're doing today, I wish you the best. I just checked out your profile and notice that you're a captioner, much to my admiration and envy. Good on ya, mate (Australianism). Just checked out your lead-in quote by Martin Luther King; love it. If you ever feel like practising a wonderful, slow but inspiring speech, just google 'I have a dream' and 'Martin Luther King'. The video is in black and white, of course - but I always find tears streaming down my face as I reach the end of it.
That's so cool that you're a court reporting student AND that you provide closed captioning for your church once a week! I'd like to do that for my church as well!
I'm a court reporting student myself (please check out my blog -- www.stenonerd.blogspot.com) and I'm at 160 WPM... 1 more test to pass to get into 180 WPM! I'm trying to finish by next year!
How did you start doing closed captioning for your church? Did your pastor approach you or vice-versa? You said you do "limited" closed captioning for your church. What parts of the service do you cover then? Just the sermon and announcements, I assume?
Do you also provide CART service for hard-of-hearing students? Or anything beyond your church services?
Thanks so much for all that info on using your steno machine for church. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you earlier about this... thought I already had! :P
Yes, I LOVE this website! And I LOVE court reporting! You're so right... we are a rare breed indeed! ;)
I'm on my summer vacation from school for the month of August, but I'll be busy -- studying, meeting up with friends, working part-time (still!), and sitting out with official court reporters for required observation hours for school. It'll be fun! Hope you have a great summer, too! And a great birthday year as well! :)
God bless you, Dale! Thanks for being a CSR Nation friend! :)
Thank you so much for the wonderful greeting to what will most definitely be a terrific Tuesday and a superb week. Sending good thoughts your way as well!
I was really impressed by Mikhail Gorbachev. He had a way of bringing people together from all parts of the world to work for common goals. It was exciting to be a part of something so interesting and challenging.
Hi Dale, I know where you're at. I'm "up north" near Tawas on Lake Huron, been here three years, originally from CA. I'm not a CR, I am a scopist and transcriptionist. I did study CR for two years but that was when I was much younger.
Dale, thanks for writing, and thanks for the kind words!! You definitely should try the Magnum Steno Club. That's the fast track for getting on my theory. Go to www.magnumsteno.com, and in the two blanks for the sign in, put:
The password "crschool" will end sometime this weekend. Write me an e-mail at rtexcellence@aol.com and I'll give you the password that will replace "crschool".
Me? Play? Oh, no! Well, I'm trying to learn the mandolin. My BF got me one for my birthday. He's the musician. He plays just about anything -- blues, rock, country, bluegrass. He was looking at the Martins and Taylors, but ended up getting a really nice Guild flat top, one that was made before Fender bought them out. That thing sounds sweet. He also has a Fender Strat and Gibson 335 copy made by Austin. We also have a keyboard that we tinker around with. I tell ya, he's had some really nice stuff over the years that he ended up either trading or selling. He's really kicking himself right now for not hanging onto them. If only he had known way back then what they'd be worth today.
His son is an awesome guitar player. He plays Christian rock in his church's band. Then his grandson plays drums. So they love to get together and jam.
Actually, he taught me how to play the guitar, but I'm no good at it. I know all the chords and notes, but it seems that I ain't got no rhythm! Ha! I just can't get the hang of strumming and keeping time. I can kinda play if I'm watching and following him, but on my own -- well, let's just say I suck. Same goes with the mandolin. I can play along with him and kinda keep up, but when doing it solo, I just sort of botch it. But we sure have fun makin' some noise. And that's really what it's all about, I guess. Just havin' some fun!
Thanks Dale, I will definately have to check out some of the resources you have on here. I am in the middle of trying to pass my 60 WPM test along with my Theory final as we speak....any advice? I have taken 3 speed tests so far...a little overwhelming, but doesn't feel out of reach. Thanks again!!
from the email: "You need to listen to Mark Speed Method Part 1, through 4, as well as most of the other ones, involving the mental/psychological side." Psychological warfare was one of the videos...not sure which of the others I watched. They're all great motivation and really hit me between the eyes.
Wow, Dale, very nice of you! I appreciate it. I'll be happy to talk with you via telephone should you feel you could use some advice/guidance on your court reporting trek. Drop me an e-mail at rtexcellence@aol.com to let me know. Feel free to write me there whenever you wish.
Hey, Dale, I got me a Deering banjo. Made in USA, of course. My banjo teacher told me he thought it played better than his Gibson, which is saying a lot, I think.
I'm totally into bluegrass due to my family. They're like old-school country who know every verse of every song by Hank Williams, Sr., if you know what I mean. LOL The younger relatives, though, went straight into bluegrass. At family holidays, we jam, even the kids. It's fun. I think my favorite song is Foggy Mountain Breakdown.
I got so excited about this music talk that I forgot to answer your question. I've been playing for about 15 years.
I'm actually a keyboard player since I was a kid, took piano lessons and the whole nine yards, but I always wanted to play a stringed instrument. My brother already conquered the guitar, the bass looked too masculine, and so I went for the banjo. LOL
My dog's name is Sammy. He's almost 10 years old now. He is truly the highlight of my day, each and every day.
I'm in D.C., you know, where there is taxation without representation. LOL
My brother has several very nice guitars, and one of them is a vintage Gibson. He said it's worth a big chunk of cheese.
He started out with a really inexpensive guitar as a youngn', and he always said that cheap ol' guitar had the best tone. I can't remember the name of it now, but, if I said it, you'd recognize it.
Hi Dale,
So sorry I can relate, I've made my first trip to Arizona for the winter, haa haa. Just got in. I did get a chance to see some beutiful fall color before I left. Cold weather came a little early this year. Did you even get much of a summer in your area? It was weird wasn't it? I will be back in April though. Still working while I'm here.
Robyn Barrera
May 25, 2008
I am not sure who I am pulling for in hockey since the Pens are the Pittsburgh team and the Red Wings are my old hockey team.
May 29, 2008
Jean-Marie A. Browne
Jun 4, 2008
Jean-Marie A. Browne
Another great way to practice is copy work. That is stroking from written material at your pace and look up in your dictionary for briefs and phrases. You need to start incorporating a lot of that, because when you are out there taking a transcript and it is coming real fast, those briefs and phrases come in real handy.
Lastly, remember to practice, practice, practice, practice..... You can start out by doing copy work that helps with accuracy also slow takes, then you get into it with starting your speeds. Speed tapes can be bought at this website "courtreportingdvd.com" and you can find it on the California Court Reporters Association, I'll send that in another post. I wish you all the best. Have a great weekend
Jun 6, 2008
Jean-Marie A. Browne
Jun 6, 2008
Jean-Marie A. Browne
Happy Father's Day
A dad is a mender of toys, a leader of boys.
He's a changer of fuses, a healer of bruises.
He's a mover of couches, a healer of ouches.
He's a hanger of screens, a counselor of teens.
He's a pounder of nails, a teller of tales.
He's a dryer of dishes, a fulfiller of wishes.
Bless him, O Lord.
--Jo Ann Heidbreder
Jun 15, 2008
K L King
Jun 22, 2008
K L King
Jun 24, 2008
Jean-Marie A. Browne
Jul 2, 2008
Sorry it took so long to reply, it's been a busy weekend. Congratulations on making it so far in school and on captioning, that should help you with you school. I don't really know how I got into international work, I sort of fell into it, and now a lot of agencies and friends know what I do, so I get calls from all over. I also have a few law firms that request me on all of their work. As far as advice for school; practice, practice, and use all materials at your disposal. Be prepared BEFORE you sit to take a test, that will make you more relaxed and confident DURING the test. As far as advice for international work; remember CR is a profession, and they pay more for you to be away from home, please don't take international work for "reduced rates." You are not going on vacation, you are not sightseeing, you will be working all the time. You also need to have two complete sets of equipment, and you need to be able to get it on the plane WITH YOU. A lot of newbie court reporters accept international work without knowing what is involved or how to bid, so they spoil it for those of us who make our living here. Please do your homework before accepting these gigs: )
Hope you are well!
Jul 6, 2008
Tonja Hunter
good luck to you in your endeavors. I bet it's nice and cool in Michigan. I'm in central KY and it is in the muggy 80s today....
Jul 7, 2008
Jean-Marie A. Browne
Take care until...........
Jul 27, 2008
Sue @ The Brief Zone
Great Drilling Material For Any Steno Theory...
Aug 3, 2008
Jean-Marie A. Browne
Did you watch the Olympics where Antigua came in 3rd in the race? It was exciting. Take care
Sep 7, 2008
Thank you.
I'm a Certified Legal Videographer through CLVS which is part of the NCRA. Legal Video is not in any way going to take over for Court Reporters due to the fact the written word is still required by law. We need machines to watch a video. To read a transcript we just need paper and ink. lol.
I studied cinematography at The School of Visual Arts in NYC. After graduation and 4 years of working full time jobs and shooting indi films I found Legal Video and a better life style. Indi films, for the most part, payed in food. I would like to do it again though.
As for coast to get started, well, with the cert, equipment, stock, etc. it could range between ten to twenty thousand for just enough to get started as an independent sub contractor.
I hope I answered your questions.
Sep 9, 2008
Jean-Marie A. Browne
Take care
Oct 31, 2008
Jean-Marie A. Browne
I'm so glad you're finishing soon. This time to work harder, you'll soon see the light at the end of the tunnel. All the best to you.
Oct 31, 2008
Jean-Marie A. Browne
Take care :)
Nov 9, 2008
Deborah Rogers
Jan 19, 2009
Christine (Steno Nerd)
Jul 22, 2009
Christine (Steno Nerd)
Hope you have a GREAT GREAT BIRTHDAY!!! :D
That's so cool that you're a court reporting student AND that you provide closed captioning for your church once a week! I'd like to do that for my church as well!
I'm a court reporting student myself (please check out my blog -- www.stenonerd.blogspot.com) and I'm at 160 WPM... 1 more test to pass to get into 180 WPM! I'm trying to finish by next year!
How did you start doing closed captioning for your church? Did your pastor approach you or vice-versa? You said you do "limited" closed captioning for your church. What parts of the service do you cover then? Just the sermon and announcements, I assume?
Do you also provide CART service for hard-of-hearing students? Or anything beyond your church services?
Hope to talk to you soon!
I'm a Steno Nerd!
Jul 22, 2009
April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR
Jul 22, 2009
Jul 23, 2009
Christine (Steno Nerd)
Thanks so much for all that info on using your steno machine for church. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you earlier about this... thought I already had! :P
Yes, I LOVE this website! And I LOVE court reporting! You're so right... we are a rare breed indeed! ;)
I'm on my summer vacation from school for the month of August, but I'll be busy -- studying, meeting up with friends, working part-time (still!), and sitting out with official court reporters for required observation hours for school. It'll be fun! Hope you have a great summer, too! And a great birthday year as well! :)
God bless you, Dale! Thanks for being a CSR Nation friend! :)
I'm a Steno Nerd!
Aug 3, 2009
Stephanie Fernandez, RMR
Hope you're doing well :)
Aug 31, 2009
John E. O'Sullivan II
Sep 1, 2009
Alexis McCutchen
Sep 1, 2009
Sep 1, 2009
Kelli Combs (admin)
I hope you can make great contacts on here.
Sep 2, 2009
I was really impressed by Mikhail Gorbachev. He had a way of bringing people together from all parts of the world to work for common goals. It was exciting to be a part of something so interesting and challenging.
Sep 2, 2009
Deb Roberts
Sep 2, 2009
Mark Kislingbury
The password "crschool" will end sometime this weekend. Write me an e-mail at rtexcellence@aol.com and I'll give you the password that will replace "crschool".
Sep 2, 2009
Deb Roberts
Sep 3, 2009
Mark Kislingbury
Sep 3, 2009
Sep 3, 2009
Rita Clapp
Sep 4, 2009
Deborah L. Willoughby
Sep 13, 2009
Deborah L. Willoughby
His son is an awesome guitar player. He plays Christian rock in his church's band. Then his grandson plays drums. So they love to get together and jam.
Actually, he taught me how to play the guitar, but I'm no good at it. I know all the chords and notes, but it seems that I ain't got no rhythm! Ha! I just can't get the hang of strumming and keeping time. I can kinda play if I'm watching and following him, but on my own -- well, let's just say I suck. Same goes with the mandolin. I can play along with him and kinda keep up, but when doing it solo, I just sort of botch it. But we sure have fun makin' some noise. And that's really what it's all about, I guess. Just havin' some fun!
Keep on playin'!
Sep 13, 2009
Brandi Foscalina
Sep 15, 2009
Mike Rowell
Sep 18, 2009
Kathleen O'Connor
Sep 20, 2009
Deborah L. Willoughby
Sep 24, 2009
Mark Kislingbury
Sep 28, 2009
Cathy Schultz
Oct 3, 2009
Oct 4, 2009
Jennie Ann
Oct 11, 2009
Jennie Ann
I'm totally into bluegrass due to my family. They're like old-school country who know every verse of every song by Hank Williams, Sr., if you know what I mean. LOL The younger relatives, though, went straight into bluegrass. At family holidays, we jam, even the kids. It's fun. I think my favorite song is Foggy Mountain Breakdown.
Check this link out. Man, I never tire of it: Earl, Steve, Vince, Marty, et al.
Oct 14, 2009
Jennie Ann
I'm actually a keyboard player since I was a kid, took piano lessons and the whole nine yards, but I always wanted to play a stringed instrument. My brother already conquered the guitar, the bass looked too masculine, and so I went for the banjo. LOL
My dog's name is Sammy. He's almost 10 years old now. He is truly the highlight of my day, each and every day.
Oct 14, 2009
Jennie Ann
My brother has several very nice guitars, and one of them is a vintage Gibson. He said it's worth a big chunk of cheese.
He started out with a really inexpensive guitar as a youngn', and he always said that cheap ol' guitar had the best tone. I can't remember the name of it now, but, if I said it, you'd recognize it.
Oct 14, 2009
Deb Roberts
So sorry I can relate, I've made my first trip to Arizona for the winter, haa haa. Just got in. I did get a chance to see some beutiful fall color before I left. Cold weather came a little early this year. Did you even get much of a summer in your area? It was weird wasn't it? I will be back in April though. Still working while I'm here.
Oct 15, 2009