Judy DeAlba


San Mateo, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your occupation?
Court reporter
What state do you live in?
How did you find out about CSRnation?
word of mouth
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?
Case Catalyst

Comment Wall:

  • Maria Aliventi

    What's up girlfriend!!!!
  • Suzanne Conte

    Hey, Judy, this site is great! Trisha Goodman all the way in Oklahoma somehow got my email re Pam's desperate need for a Premier Power key. And, lo and behold, Trish has a key and is going to call Pam. The networking with email is incredible!
  • Maria Aliventi

    My pic is from my reunion...why do I look like I had one too many like Sherry's party? How was your trip? I missed ya!!!
  • Doris Burks

    Hi, Judy-

    I am interested. Please contact me at dorburk@sbcglobal.net.


  • La Toya Youngblood

    Hi, Judy. I am interested in your transcription job opportunity. I can be contacted at latoya_youngblood@yahoo.com. Thanks.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hello, Judy

    Unfortunately, the send files was not working very well; could only take 300 megabytes or something. My files at at least 700. There are other send file sites out there for free, though. Maybe just Google it.
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    Hey, Judy

    I live in San Mateo as well. Don't you just love it here?
  • Mary E. Dutra

    Hi Judy,  We met on an elevator the other day at 1388 Sutter St.  It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope we can work together sometime.  Please don't hesitate to e-mail me or to call me if you need jobs covered.  My number is 925-787-3662.

    Thanks!  Mary Dutra

  • Kelli Combs

    Hello, Judy


    Yeah, just go to the proofreader group.  It is a picture of a kitten sleeping on a laptop.  Join the group first and then hit the tab "Send message to the group" and then an email blast will go out to everyone.  Don't forget to leave your contact info such as an email address for everyone to contact you.

  • Kelli Combs

    Judy, you need to send a message to the group and ask those questions.  Most people rely on emails from this site and don't necessarily get online to read what people say.  Also, add your contact info.  You didn't do that in your comment on the group.  Just trying to help you get a proofer.
  • Randy Renier Espinoza

    Hi, Judy. I'm available for proofreading. You can give me your e-mail address so I can send you my info. My e-mail address is: rrie_freelancer@yahoo.com.ph
  • Crusader



    I am a available for proofreading and provide a 15-page free evaluation.  Please visit my website for my experience, rates, and testimonials from many happy clients.





    Palm Springs, CA

    We Never Sleep Proofreading

    (866) 925-8020
