Hi, Rebecca! You are like the first person I've spoken to in five years who is going after this profession. What a relief. How are you training and how is your training going?
Rebecca, I'm so glad you added to the CRR info. I know at least three reporters taking it for the first time with Eclipse. I have so many more tips to share, but as there seemed to be no interest, I have left that discussion alone for a while. Maybe there will be more interest with your post!
I am sitting here on this beautiful Saturday realtiming so I can add to my dix all my ing endings using the -DZ keys: BAIKDZ = baking. Guess I need to get a life!
Rebecca, glad to hear things are going well there. We have friends who used to live in Austin and said it's the most beautiful place. I'll have to come visit some day. :)
Eclipse at OCC is going well. It's a little different than what we had, of course, but the software is so great and everybody loves it. I went 2 semesters now and haven't needed to give your name and info to anybody for tech support. Pretty cool!
Rebecca, I'm thinking you won't have any problem at all with the TX CSR, although I do hear it ain't easy! You've got the experience, the Eclipse, and now your CRR to help give you the power to pass any exam in your future!!!
My name is Rita Clapp, and I am looking for a court reporter to work with. I use the Total Eclipse NT software.
I have been working with a trial court reporter who uses the Case Catalyst program, so I’ve gotten an education with .rtf files as well as using the FTR recording device.
I am looking for long-term work relationships with court reporters, however am available for short-term and overflow work. I provide both standard and expedited services.
And could one of those reasons be the pretty shiny thing you are perched on in your avatar???
You know, I edit in Eclipse with Dragon Pro 10, and can't be without it. I've found that typing is the worst - aside from trying to do pushups - which I've given up on for a while! I have a RollerMouse Pro which really helps too.
I did so much practicing a few years ago to do the RPR and then CRR. I think that, along with just getting my own work out, did me in! The LS didn't help me either. I'm liking the Grand now. Have you ever tried one?
BTW, my ex-sister-in-law lives in Marble Falls, TX. She's a massage therapist - simply fantastic. If you ever get over there, you should look her up. Her name is Trish Van Halla. I keep threatening to move there one day and work in Austin. I've never been!
It is so, so hard to wait for the results. Our mind will tell us maybe we transposed our ID number or something and we'll be disqualified or something. Make sure you let us know when you get the official results. I'm not worried one bit - I'm betting you aced it!
Rebecca, just had to get back to you briefly. I am an such a rush to get stuff done tonight. I have lots of questions for you regarding your body issues, the type of yoga you are doing, and I would love to share some info with you regarding body realignment.
I have not heard of any other reporter who was editing inside of Eclipse by voice. I would love to speak with someone else who is doing this. I am using Dragon Pro 10 which lets me create my own macros. So all I do is say the word index, and my index gets created. I can say, "Find negative, replace positive, enter" and it will make the change in my transcript.
It is fantastic that you find your body is improving with the yoga. My body has only improved due to the thousands of dollars I have spent on massage which has broken down my entire body. One class that totally changed my life a year and a half ago was given at the Balance Center in Palo Alto. They do have a videotape and a book. When I sit now, my back never touches the back of the chair.
The Gemini Grand is completely different from the previous machine. I had the Piper as well, and I know what you are talking about. This is a super soft touch and completely quiet. I am also hearing good things about the passport. James Trapskin on this site is using one. He is an "experienced" reporter like myself. I almost used a different word there!
I am trying to get ready for two intense days next week. By accepting these two all-day jobs, I have gone way outside my comfort level. It may be too much for my body at this time, but I am thinking positively. More later, Jenny
What a great post you left me. I think you should copy it over onto a discussion on this site - and others! I'm barely functioning after my last two days. I'm at Mom's and really don't know how my arms will feel tomorrow. I've never written so much before! 257 and 233 pages yesterday and today. And driving too. The bad thing was trying to get out a rough draft. What a mess!
I have never captioned - just have been doing depos and I started out with court. I can't spell so captioning hasn't been a big pull for me, but you never know. I'm interested, for sure. Right now RT is my main focus. That's why I wanted to try these two jobs - they were video depos, but they may lead to RT. (If the firm doesn't read the rough drafts, that is!) Its hard when the attorneys say they ordered them but aren't going to do anything with them that night, yet you've got to email them anyway!
I'll yak more when I recover a bit, but I'm a total believer in the trigger point therapy too. I've got Julie Donnolly's book and knobby thing, and I do body rolling as well. Trish - in Marble Falls, is in one of Yamuna's videos!
I've also been bugging Joe Armstrong for years to upgrade to Dragon Pro so he could edit using macros like moi! It's so hard to shell out the extra money nowadays, but it's been well worth it for me.
Rebecca, I've been wanting to talk to you again, and - I'm not kidding - only now that I'm at my Mom's for a few days, have I slowed down a bit. Yesterday afternoon when I got here, all I did was read old People mags and the Enquirers she had piled up around here! It's so nice here weatherwise - Mom's out walking now, but I just got up! Anyway, I'll yak more when I plug in Dragon later today.
I must mention that I jumped the gun bigtime as I got myself two Acer Aspire Ones and now StenoCast RED before I even had a glimmer of possible RT! That's been keeping me additionally busy as I've got them all set up now with Bridge, but when I tried to write to my old Dell I set up with StenoCast yesterday morning, it wouldn't connect! So frustrating! I brought everything with me, though, so I will try later today - even though I'm trying to rest a bit! I warned Mom I'd be taking over her tiny house with my equipment again, but she said she doesn't care. Good thing!
Finally I have finally plugged Dragon in. This morning has gone by so quickly, and part of the reason is after I ate I had to go back to bed and sleep for another hour. I knew I was burned out, but I did not realize, how much. I have just been fiddling around on the forums, waiting for my brain to wake up. I realize now it is not going to. I told my mom I would go grocery shopping with her, but that may be a lie!
I was not happy with my roughs when I finally edited them, but it was mainly because they were quoting so much from exhibits that I did not have. It did take me a while to figure out the expert was saying DNase. I was writing DNA's! The attorney requested me for another one on Thursday. By now he has received the final copy. Let's hope he does not call the firm and change his mind about me!
Have you looked at the RollerMouse discussion I started here? Trina received hers and is loving it so far. She just needs to get a new keyboard to match. I will be getting my new keyboard Tuesday. Check it out:
I think I will like it more than my kinesis maxim, which does tent up yet is connected at the top so it spreads out at the bottom only. I know, one more investment to make when times are slow! I also "invested" in a pair of gloves which are padded at the bottom. I have added a little extra padding to them, and I have just ordered two more appear. One for me and one for my reporter sister April. Here's a link:
I measured my wrist and got them in the size they said, but they are leaving a little mark on my hand so I upped it to the size C. they are perfect for typing on a regular laptop as you can rest your palms down with no cocking up of your wrist. And if I did have a regular mouse, it would help with that as well.
What kind of a business are you helping your friend out with? Are you enjoying it? I hope they don't make you wait too long for your license. There was enough waiting for the test results.
I will know more about troubles with stenocast until I used it on an attorney's computer. It's so nice to know that I have my two Acers already loaded up with bridge and the stenocast drivers so I can connect to them with no problems. I know it is just something simple with my old Dell that I need to do. I will call stenocast support tomorrow. If I did have a real-time job, I would bring all three with me. That Dell is a heavy thing, though.
I know you would like one of the larger balls for body rolling. I have a green one, which is the softest, and a blue one, which is very hard and they do not sell it anymore. The problem with me is I am so hyper mobile, that I need to be careful I don't over extend with the balls. They are perfect for stretching out hamstrings and those ever spreading glutes.
If you get some time, I think you should copy what you wrote on my page regarding pain relief. That was on June 30, the day of my first video depo. Copy it and paste it Into a discussion here. There should be lots of, and sharing of info, which is so helpful.
So now it is three o'clock in the afternoon and I have not started proofing one of my depos! Maybe a cup of tea and a hunk of chocolate will get me going! Yeah, that's the answer. I promised myself sometime today I would do a two-mile tape over here with air-conditioning on. Now that I have told you, I have to do it! I'm dictating this, but I am not printing it! Hope you can figure it out ...
I got hired today - Fantastic! That CRR behind your name really helped, I know it!
looking for realtime writers to cover jobs in other states. - Sure, I'm interested! Did I give you my email? jenlug@pacbell.net
This keyboard separates completely or can be tethered in the back and splayed out. It can tent or not. I have it tenting slightly. I'm loving it so far!!! It's by far the easiest thing to type on, but it isn't silent. It does have a wire with a usb. Plug & play.
I love those shows like Clean House and Clean Sweep and How Clean is Your House? I'm always organizing closets and going through everybody's stuff - if they'll let me. I kind of thought if this reporting thing doesn't work out I may get into something like that. "Haven't used it in 10 years? Out!!!"
I've NEVER done realtime for anyone yet! That's why I am getting my stuff together finally. I keep saying "finally." There's a reason why I use the word so much.
I think you'll be turning the work away soon, you'll be so swamped. Doesn't that sound nice?
Yes, start a body issues thread. My problem is now that I'm home, I'm swamped with stuff too and my head is frayed. I know part of the reason is I have to get out a few jobs - you know I have to do all my production! I've got a divorce depo tomorrow and that big video depo is coming up on Thursday. I need to figure out which job dix is the good one as it's the same case I did two weeks ago. Man, I'm typing this and loving this keyboard. It's the Kinesis Freestyle with the V3 tenting deal. Trina ordered hers today!
I did two miles yesterday, but nothing today. Maybe I can do one mile??? I'm not promising.
It's so great to hear about someone who is passing these tests and has a successful job interview. I was listening to the news as I drove home today, and I shouldn't have!!!
Hi Rebecca...I saw your comment on speed building, and I wanted to ask your opinion about it. If you do super high speeds, do you find it discouraging? Is there a way around that? I just find when I do those speeds, my self esteem goes out the window...lol. But I really want to be a RMR, so any extra advice would be great!
Good morning to youuuuuuuuu! I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you, Rebecca. Do you even realize how much you've grown in the last year?! I hope the character-building times are over for a while and you can just kick back and reap the benefits of your hard work and strong spirit. I really admire all that you've come through with grace and skill, and I'll be your biggest cheerleader when the successes come rolling in one after another! WAY TO GO, SISTA!!!!!!!
Man, Rebecca, you're getting a workout today! Thanks for all the great RT info!
I'm still not accomplishing what I had intended regarding RT, but I'm getting there. I do need to hook up my old Dell with StenoCast RED this week. That's a main goal of mine.
Hope you're enjoying your weekend in between posts!
outputting to LiveNote Stream, Bridge, and LiveNote - I am so impressed!!!
For some reason, my brain really wants to fritz when I hear any other way to connect except through Bridge and StenoCast. I do have cables, though, and really need to understand all my options so I will be prepared no matter who I encounter with whatever system.
I just put a small depo in its priority mail envelope. So that's one down! I have 65 more pages to proof in a divorce depo, but it ain't happening tonight!
IN hindsight, I probably would maybe make the questions macros by writing them the night before and then write realtime and insert the appropriate questions. I thought at the time I could ask the questions and write them at the same time but after about the third question, I just read them. So when I got home I just wrote the questions on my machine and inserted them. :/
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm just trying to get an idea of how to even charge for it, i.e. by the page or hours spent editing the transcript. Thanks again! LBJ
I have been going crazy with depos to get out. Not just mine, but from other reporters who help us keep our clients happy. Our = me and my sister and brother. I need a break bad, but it's going to have to wait! Are you just as busy as ever???
I have not done a single RT job yet with my RED. I did practice with it on an all day depo a few months ago, and it worked perfectly. Of course it was transmitting to Bridge on my own Acer Aspire One, but it did refresh. This RT stuff is still on my list of things to do, but I sure got bogged down with my regular clients' depos.
I will be doing three more days in a big case on the 29th, 4th and 5th as I was requested - yay! - to come back and report some more by the attorney. Those were extremely difficult microbiologist depos that nearly put me over the edge. The next three should be much easier.
Sounds like you have some great jobs coming up soon. Those public hearings ... I just don't know if I can force myself to do another one. I've done two in the last 31 years!
Don't forget to take a nice trip to Marble Falls to get a massage - among other things - by my ex-sister-in-law, Trish Van Halla! I just spoke to her last night. She told me she's been getting up at six and walking four miles just about every morning. I haven't moved in six weeks at least! I am getting another massage tomorrow, and I sure need it. How is your yoga coming along??? I bet great. If your answer is different, let me know when you get a chance!
I do feel kind of bad about not clearing my schedule so I can focus on RT for extra money! But we've got really loyal clients - some over 25 years - and it's hard to send other reporters - or just let them go. April and John don't want to do the RT, so it's all on me. Yet who knows - I may have nothing to do at all in November!
glitter-graphics.com Hope you're having a wonderful birthday today with lots of treats! I've been off the forums for a while - so glad I popped on yesterday and found out about your birthday so I can wish you a great one!
Melinda Miller
Dec 14, 2008
anita t. shemin
Dec 19, 2008
anita t. shemin
Dec 19, 2008
I see you just moved from Michigan. I think I may have met you before. Did you come and speak at ACR in Clawson, Michigan last year?
Jan 1, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
I am sitting here on this beautiful Saturday realtiming so I can add to my dix all my ing endings using the -DZ keys: BAIKDZ = baking. Guess I need to get a life!
Apr 18, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Apr 18, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Getting wiser!
Apr 18, 2009
Tim Floury
Hey, it's Tim from Michigan. I know I talked to you a couple times about getting Eclipse into OCC.
Hope everything is going well for you in Texas, I think it is. Things here are good. Weather's broken and it's getting pretty nice out.
Talk to you soon.
May 6, 2009
Tim Floury
Eclipse at OCC is going well. It's a little different than what we had, of course, but the software is so great and everybody loves it. I went 2 semesters now and haven't needed to give your name and info to anybody for tech support. Pretty cool!
Keep in touch.
May 7, 2009
Jun 7, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Wow, Rebecca! Great news!!!
Certified Realtime Reporters = Rebecca J. Callow, Austin, TX
Jun 12, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Jun 12, 2009
Rita Clapp
I have been working with a trial court reporter who uses the Case Catalyst program, so I’ve gotten an education with .rtf files as well as using the FTR recording device.
I am looking for long-term work relationships with court reporters, however am available for short-term and overflow work. I provide both standard and expedited services.
Rita Clapp
Jun 23, 2009
Rita Clapp
Jun 23, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
So happy for you!!! When my elbows finally heal up so I can practice some more, I'm signing up with MS too!
Jun 24, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
You know, I edit in Eclipse with Dragon Pro 10, and can't be without it. I've found that typing is the worst - aside from trying to do pushups - which I've given up on for a while! I have a RollerMouse Pro which really helps too.
I did so much practicing a few years ago to do the RPR and then CRR. I think that, along with just getting my own work out, did me in! The LS didn't help me either. I'm liking the Grand now. Have you ever tried one?
BTW, my ex-sister-in-law lives in Marble Falls, TX. She's a massage therapist - simply fantastic. If you ever get over there, you should look her up. Her name is Trish Van Halla. I keep threatening to move there one day and work in Austin. I've never been!
It is so, so hard to wait for the results. Our mind will tell us maybe we transposed our ID number or something and we'll be disqualified or something. Make sure you let us know when you get the official results. I'm not worried one bit - I'm betting you aced it!
Jun 24, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Trish is in the back row with curly brown hair above the word market.
Her bio is under Trish Peyton, but she just got divorced and I think she's going back to Van Halla. She's amazing!!!
Jun 24, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
I have not heard of any other reporter who was editing inside of Eclipse by voice. I would love to speak with someone else who is doing this. I am using Dragon Pro 10 which lets me create my own macros. So all I do is say the word index, and my index gets created. I can say, "Find negative, replace positive, enter" and it will make the change in my transcript.
It is fantastic that you find your body is improving with the yoga. My body has only improved due to the thousands of dollars I have spent on massage which has broken down my entire body. One class that totally changed my life a year and a half ago was given at the Balance Center in Palo Alto. They do have a videotape and a book. When I sit now, my back never touches the back of the chair.
The Gemini Grand is completely different from the previous machine. I had the Piper as well, and I know what you are talking about. This is a super soft touch and completely quiet. I am also hearing good things about the passport. James Trapskin on this site is using one. He is an "experienced" reporter like myself. I almost used a different word there!
I am trying to get ready for two intense days next week. By accepting these two all-day jobs, I have gone way outside my comfort level. It may be too much for my body at this time, but I am thinking positively. More later, Jenny
Jun 28, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
I have never captioned - just have been doing depos and I started out with court. I can't spell so captioning hasn't been a big pull for me, but you never know. I'm interested, for sure. Right now RT is my main focus. That's why I wanted to try these two jobs - they were video depos, but they may lead to RT. (If the firm doesn't read the rough drafts, that is!) Its hard when the attorneys say they ordered them but aren't going to do anything with them that night, yet you've got to email them anyway!
I'll yak more when I recover a bit, but I'm a total believer in the trigger point therapy too. I've got Julie Donnolly's book and knobby thing, and I do body rolling as well. Trish - in Marble Falls, is in one of Yamuna's videos!
I've also been bugging Joe Armstrong for years to upgrade to Dragon Pro so he could edit using macros like moi! It's so hard to shell out the extra money nowadays, but it's been well worth it for me.
More later!
Jul 1, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
I must mention that I jumped the gun bigtime as I got myself two Acer Aspire Ones and now StenoCast RED before I even had a glimmer of possible RT! That's been keeping me additionally busy as I've got them all set up now with Bridge, but when I tried to write to my old Dell I set up with StenoCast yesterday morning, it wouldn't connect! So frustrating! I brought everything with me, though, so I will try later today - even though I'm trying to rest a bit! I warned Mom I'd be taking over her tiny house with my equipment again, but she said she doesn't care. Good thing!
More later!
Jul 19, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
More later!
Jul 19, 2009
I really appreciated it, and I'm sure she does, too!!
Jul 19, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Finally I have finally plugged Dragon in. This morning has gone by so quickly, and part of the reason is after I ate I had to go back to bed and sleep for another hour. I knew I was burned out, but I did not realize, how much. I have just been fiddling around on the forums, waiting for my brain to wake up. I realize now it is not going to. I told my mom I would go grocery shopping with her, but that may be a lie!
I was not happy with my roughs when I finally edited them, but it was mainly because they were quoting so much from exhibits that I did not have. It did take me a while to figure out the expert was saying DNase. I was writing DNA's! The attorney requested me for another one on Thursday. By now he has received the final copy. Let's hope he does not call the firm and change his mind about me!
Have you looked at the RollerMouse discussion I started here? Trina received hers and is loving it so far. She just needs to get a new keyboard to match. I will be getting my new keyboard Tuesday. Check it out:
I think I will like it more than my kinesis maxim, which does tent up yet is connected at the top so it spreads out at the bottom only. I know, one more investment to make when times are slow! I also "invested" in a pair of gloves which are padded at the bottom. I have added a little extra padding to them, and I have just ordered two more appear. One for me and one for my reporter sister April. Here's a link:
I measured my wrist and got them in the size they said, but they are leaving a little mark on my hand so I upped it to the size C. they are perfect for typing on a regular laptop as you can rest your palms down with no cocking up of your wrist. And if I did have a regular mouse, it would help with that as well.
What kind of a business are you helping your friend out with? Are you enjoying it? I hope they don't make you wait too long for your license. There was enough waiting for the test results.
I will know more about troubles with stenocast until I used it on an attorney's computer. It's so nice to know that I have my two Acers already loaded up with bridge and the stenocast drivers so I can connect to them with no problems. I know it is just something simple with my old Dell that I need to do. I will call stenocast support tomorrow. If I did have a real-time job, I would bring all three with me. That Dell is a heavy thing, though.
I know you would like one of the larger balls for body rolling. I have a green one, which is the softest, and a blue one, which is very hard and they do not sell it anymore. The problem with me is I am so hyper mobile, that I need to be careful I don't over extend with the balls. They are perfect for stretching out hamstrings and those ever spreading glutes.
If you get some time, I think you should copy what you wrote on my page regarding pain relief. That was on June 30, the day of my first video depo. Copy it and paste it Into a discussion here. There should be lots of, and sharing of info, which is so helpful.
So now it is three o'clock in the afternoon and I have not started proofing one of my depos! Maybe a cup of tea and a hunk of chocolate will get me going! Yeah, that's the answer. I promised myself sometime today I would do a two-mile tape over here with air-conditioning on. Now that I have told you, I have to do it! I'm dictating this, but I am not printing it! Hope you can figure it out ...
Jul 19, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
No more waiting - Lots of great TX jobs will soon be yours!!!
Jul 19, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
looking for realtime writers to cover jobs in other states. - Sure, I'm interested! Did I give you my email? jenlug@pacbell.net
This keyboard separates completely or can be tethered in the back and splayed out. It can tent or not. I have it tenting slightly. I'm loving it so far!!! It's by far the easiest thing to type on, but it isn't silent. It does have a wire with a usb. Plug & play.
I love those shows like Clean House and Clean Sweep and How Clean is Your House? I'm always organizing closets and going through everybody's stuff - if they'll let me. I kind of thought if this reporting thing doesn't work out I may get into something like that. "Haven't used it in 10 years? Out!!!"
I've NEVER done realtime for anyone yet! That's why I am getting my stuff together finally. I keep saying "finally." There's a reason why I use the word so much.
I think you'll be turning the work away soon, you'll be so swamped. Doesn't that sound nice?
Yes, start a body issues thread. My problem is now that I'm home, I'm swamped with stuff too and my head is frayed. I know part of the reason is I have to get out a few jobs - you know I have to do all my production! I've got a divorce depo tomorrow and that big video depo is coming up on Thursday. I need to figure out which job dix is the good one as it's the same case I did two weeks ago. Man, I'm typing this and loving this keyboard. It's the Kinesis Freestyle with the V3 tenting deal. Trina ordered hers today!
I did two miles yesterday, but nothing today. Maybe I can do one mile??? I'm not promising.
It's so great to hear about someone who is passing these tests and has a successful job interview. I was listening to the news as I drove home today, and I shouldn't have!!!
Jul 21, 2009
Julie Samford
Aug 10, 2009
Debbie Gentile
Aug 17, 2009
Debbie Gentile
Aug 17, 2009
Julie Samford
Sep 5, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
I'm still not accomplishing what I had intended regarding RT, but I'm getting there. I do need to hook up my old Dell with StenoCast RED this week. That's a main goal of mine.
Hope you're enjoying your weekend in between posts!
Sep 20, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
For some reason, my brain really wants to fritz when I hear any other way to connect except through Bridge and StenoCast. I do have cables, though, and really need to understand all my options so I will be prepared no matter who I encounter with whatever system.
I just put a small depo in its priority mail envelope. So that's one down! I have 65 more pages to proof in a divorce depo, but it ain't happening tonight!
Sep 20, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Yes, I can't wait to read that one!
Here's a pic of you after all that hard work you're doing:
Sep 20, 2009
Mona Storm
Sep 22, 2009
Mona Storm
Sep 23, 2009
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm just trying to get an idea of how to even charge for it, i.e. by the page or hours spent editing the transcript. Thanks again! LBJ
Oct 1, 2009
Christy Fagan, CRR, RMR, CSR
Oct 16, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
I have been going crazy with depos to get out. Not just mine, but from other reporters who help us keep our clients happy. Our = me and my sister and brother. I need a break bad, but it's going to have to wait! Are you just as busy as ever???
Oct 16, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
I will be doing three more days in a big case on the 29th, 4th and 5th as I was requested - yay! - to come back and report some more by the attorney. Those were extremely difficult microbiologist depos that nearly put me over the edge. The next three should be much easier.
Sounds like you have some great jobs coming up soon. Those public hearings ... I just don't know if I can force myself to do another one. I've done two in the last 31 years!
Don't forget to take a nice trip to Marble Falls to get a massage - among other things - by my ex-sister-in-law, Trish Van Halla! I just spoke to her last night. She told me she's been getting up at six and walking four miles just about every morning. I haven't moved in six weeks at least! I am getting another massage tomorrow, and I sure need it. How is your yoga coming along??? I bet great. If your answer is different, let me know when you get a chance!
I do feel kind of bad about not clearing my schedule so I can focus on RT for extra money! But we've got really loyal clients - some over 25 years - and it's hard to send other reporters - or just let them go. April and John don't want to do the RT, so it's all on me. Yet who knows - I may have nothing to do at all in November!
Oct 16, 2009
Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
Hope you're having a wonderful birthday today with lots of treats! I've been off the forums for a while - so glad I popped on yesterday and found out about your birthday so I can wish you a great one!
Jan 13, 2010
Anastasia Swinkles
Jun 8, 2011